Monday, March 21, 2011

Chaand Chhupa Baadal Mein 21st March 2011 Written Update

VD says "what have you done CC. How bad have they must've felt. CC says "you're still concerned for them? Don't you care about Viren's pain? When Viren doesn't want Nivi in her life then why are you all forcing him?" VD says "we are too worried for Viren, We just wanted the matter to be sorted out." YD says "we just want to kids to be back together once again, and so do they." CC says "why dont' you understand, Viren hates Nivi. I will not tolerate anything wrong for my son, no matter what."

HL is taunting Nivi, "ever since you've got married in that family everything wrong has been happening, in that family as well as this family. Couldn't you think before you took this decision? (Can someone shoot HL right now for me? why the hell is she so confused? First when Nivi was in that house she taunted her as he daughter didn't get importance, now that Nivi has left that house she's still complaining about it? one confusing woman she is!) Nivi says "enough chachi ji, I know why I took this decision." Nivi leaves, HL is angry. HL sees the trio stand there and leaves, Pt excuses himself. (OoOoOo...I think they've heard HL taunt Nivi.) Upset Ks sits on the couch and looks at the papers, NT takes them and puts it under a box on her stitching table.

Viren is sitting on the couch all lost in thoughts, CC arrives and says "Viren, why are you all gloom? And you hadn't even had your coffee yet? What happened? You're thinking about something?" Viren gets up saying "it's nothing." CC says "nothing? You should celebrate your Victory Viren." Viren looks surprisingly at CC. (Ha i'm sure he must be thinking that what kind of a mother is she ) "It's nothing; it's just that Nivi's grandmother cam along with KS and PT. I told them that we have taken a decision and it's not going to change. I showed them the divorce papers and told them that we'll meet them in court." Angry Viren says "WHY? Why did you do this?" CC says "this is the least i can do for my son's happiness." Viren says "for my happiness? Please ma, just..." Viren leaves, CC's confused.

Nivi calls NT for lunch and asks if there is something else to do. NT tells Nivi to rest, Nivi says "I won't be able to sleep; you know i don't sleep in the afternoons. You take some rest while i'll clean the house." Nivi begins to clean; NT is upset seeing Nivi like this. Nivi picks up the divorce papers without realising what papers they are and says "are these papers important? Should i keep them safely." NT is surprised to see them in her hand and says "Nivi leave them..." Nivi opens the papers and sees the Divorce papers. Nivi says 'how did you get them?" Nt looks down. "Did you go there? Why? I've left that hosue myself then why?" Nt says "why does this happen to you always? Why is god doing this with you?" Nivi says "no one's doing bad with me. I want to live a new life, just have faith in me and give me your support. I am right in what I am doing." KS says "how can we accept that? Do you want this? Just ask yourself what you want. If you want what you're saying then i'll support you. No one will ask you henceforth." Nivi says "yes, I want to start a new life. I don't want anything else." KS says "okay, live the life as you want. We will support you. Let me have these papers filed in court today." Niiv looks upset.

Yash was headed home just when his so called friends stop him. Yash says "I was just going home." One of the friends says "are you some small kid that you're going home?" yash says "why? Can't I go home?" Gaurav says "it's okay, go home if you have some work but remember tonight we're all meeting up for studying..." Yash refuses to come with them and leaves, Gaurav is in thoughts.

@ The sood house

Everyone is sitting at the dining table, Viren is in thoughts. JAAL look all normal while the others look concerned for Viren. VD arrives and tells divya to sit down while she serves. CC says "Viren, what are you thinking? Have your food." Viren's eyes search for Nivi when he doesn't find her he says "I'm not hungry." Upset Viren leaves without eating anything.

Next morning, Nivi comes out having a shower and sits in front of the dressing table to get ready. He hands instantly comes to a stop, when it came to applying sindoor. Nivi gets a little upset. NT calls out to yash and asks him to go to the market. Nivi says "I'll go." Nt says "you'll go?" Nivi says "yash is studying, and i have nothing to do so i'll go. Why?" (Nivi is always up to doing something, best way to keep things of mind.) NT says "No it's just that people would question you and all." Nivi says "why would people ask me? I can't stay in this house fearing people out there. If I don't face the people today then I will never be able to. Give it to me." NT gives her the list and the bag, Nivi leaves. Yash feels proud of Nivi.

Nivi is walking down the road with a smile. (More like trying to looks happy.) Viren is driving on the same road and spots Nivi through the mirror. He stops the car and come out immediately; Nivi's smile fades off as soon as she sees Viren. Viren walks up to her both look at each other. Nivi was about to leave just when Viren calls out to her, "I have something to say to you." Viren is hesitant in saying anything. Nivi says "leave it Viren, you won't be able to sya anything even if you want to. There is nothing to say about our relationship. Our marriage was fake, but our friendship was real but that too died a few days back. I;ve got to go, I'm getting late." Nivi leaves upset Viren.

Its night time, Viren is sitting in the lawn, he's trying to play the flute but is unable to. He looks at Nivi's house and starts speaking to the flute "you've to stopped supporting me." Sid arrives and says 'Viren, play it." Viren says "It's not playing." Sid asks "why?" viren says "I don't know, it feels like as if I've never played a flute before. Why is it happening?" Sid says "you'll get the answer, just once close your eyes and try to search the answer within yourself." Viren closes his eyes and remembers all the bad things of his childhood and then remembers Nivi handing him the papers and the scene where she says she's felt viren's love, because I've seen his goodness" a slight smile appear on his face when he thinks of his moments with Nivi and gives another try at playing the flute. He manages to play it well, Sid smiles. (Another beautiful tune) Viren opens his eyes and looks at Nivi's house with a smile yet tears in his eyes. (He loves her...awwwwwwwwww... )

Precap: Nivi says "dadi ma, I know you're all missing nivi. don't worry i'll bring her back." Both Bs and YD are surprised.

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