Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Baba Aiso Var Dhoondo 30th March 2011 Written Update

Murli advises RA to get lost or the basti wale with hit you so badly that it will take you 3 lifetimes to bandage yourself!Clap(Wah Murli kya line maari hai!) RA looks scared and shocked. Gau is kind of worried because she planned all of this and was hoping to get rid of Sudha. RA tuns to leave but tells Sudha that before going I promise you that your life is finished and that meri moochon (moustache) mein abhi bhi chor baaki hai (huh moochon mein bhi chor hota hai???LOLLOL I swear guys that's what he said not joking!Wink). He says I'm okay I will get married again but look at you the world will downgrade you and say that you have run away from your husband's house and are bachalan (aur tu kya hai be??? Kayar!AngryAngry). Sudha is crying and Murli & Co are shocked to hear RA's words. RA goes on to say that I will see for how long you will depend on your yaar (indicating towards Murli). Murli again tells him to leave and RA leaves. Sudha cries and puts her head on Murlis shoulder and Murli consoles her in return by putting his hand on her shoulder. Bharti is shocked to see this. Gau gets irritated and tells Ram ji that she will not talk to him for 2 days now since you broke my vishwas'.Kamala hears this and is shockedShocked'.Gau then says I mean its very bad whatever happened to Sudha. Murli and family return home and in comes Mridang supported by Gau and Jhumka. He is singing this holi song.

Gau blames Jhumka that as she did not give the thandai to Murli. Because if she had then he would have lost it and would not have been able to confront RA and they would have gotten rid of Sudha. Mridang is still behaving strangely and falls over singing the holi song. Sudha enters all sad and lost in thoughts. Murli goes up to her and asks how come you were left behind and Sudha cries and runs upstairs. Murli calls after her and then goes after her upstairs.

That's part one guys will update the rest shortly am a liitle busy due to exams. Please bear with me.Smile

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