Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pratigya 3rd may 2011 written update

Krishna is sitting on the stone bench,looking at Adarsh , confusion and puzzlement in equal proportion ,residing complacently on his face .. A confounded Krishna wonders as to why an educated, decent, God fearing Honest Man has come to visit the bigger house .. and that too being a brother of A law Knowing, principled Pratigya Krishna wildly and Idly speculates on Adarsh’s crime, wondering perhaps whether Adarsh forgot to remove his footwear and went with his shoes on into the temple ** I am not putting u on, This was really there in the dialogue ** or whether Adarsh parked his gaadi on the wrong side … Adarsh is walking to and fro like an caged Lion ..while Komal has taken over the guarding of the lil chick [Adarsh] …Komal tells Krishna to put the lid on , Looks at Adarsh and warbles that she has brought a Special Tea for him, which is churlishly refused by Adarsh, An Irrepressible Krishna pips out and tells Komal to get Adarsh Breakfast too..An exasperated Komal ticks off Krishna again [Quite an amusing Segment}..

Just Then Amma walks in to the police Station,Krishna is surprised by Amma’s presence in the Jail , stands by the prison Bars…Amma makes a bee line for Adarsh, Komal narrows her kohl lined eyes , opens the war painted Lips and sarcastically demands to know what brought Amma to the prison , was it her Son or the Son In Law..deducing correctly that Amma was pulled in by her maternal instincts quips bitterly that today it is proved that there is differentiation between Son and Son In Law ** Ofc, there is and there will be ** …Amma turns to look at Adarsh, commiserates with him , informs him that she tried her best to get Bail for him too but was unable to do so ..Komal is seething and takes Amma to task, says that nobody loves her, only bauji loves her and only Bauji can help her ..the Lawyer intervenes and tries to explain to Komal the gravity of Adarsh’s crime which is shrugged off by Komal Who hotly demands to know whether beating a Guy nearly sensless is worse or accepting gifts and that too one which comes to their house is worse ..Coldly informs the lawyer to stop practicing law , since he cant differentiate between a beating and receiving gifts and is unable t get her darling Hubby ..Krishna who had been raptly following this conversation finally realizes the purpose of Adarsh’s incarceration and mutters to his friends that this vehicle has been towed to the station for this crime …

Komal is in full flow and an annoyed Woman Police official seriously informs Amma To take Komal with her and else she may get herself arrested …An embarrassed Amma tells komal to shut up …Gets Krishna released..Krishna comes out saying that Amma has become Bauji now …A seething Amma just glowers at him


Shakthi strolls out of his room after his nap, rolling his sleeves complaining bitterly at the lack of care regarding his intake of Protein, carbohydrates ,Extra large amount of Cholesterol, fats ,Vitamins etc etc…In short he wants his Breakfast !! ..Shakhti is royally cheesed off that Breakfast is not yet ready and none to go and prepare it..all are immersed in their own life…Blah Blah…A heavily Pregnant Kesar gets up slowly and is waddling towards the Kitchen…but is stopped by Ghanti Dadi who seeks Kesar’s help to remove a non existent dirt which had fallen inside her eyes, Kesar goes to help her ** I thought a heavily Pregnant woman cannot bend **..Pratigya slowly shuffles out of the Bedroom and stands on the threshold of Kitchen, waiting for the barbs to come flying at her..Sure enough Shakhti lets enough fusillade to bury her ** Since u know , Shakhti and kesmma will rip u to shred, why stand there invitingly instead of hurrying into Kitchen **

Whilst all of them are at their respective station, Our Hero makes his grand entry with Amma pulling his ears..and berating him for his foolish acts , Krishna looks at Pratigya, Pratigya ignores him and just walks into the kitchen , giving him a undisturbed view of her Back ..Krishna realizes he is in a pickle ..and is looking at her , turns his pleading Puppy eyes at Amma who curtly tells him to seek Pratigya’s forgiveness and Goddess’s Forgiveness ** In that Order**

All this by-play makes Shakthi one sore bear, Shakthi complains bitterly that when he went to prison, noone were least bothered by his plight, it was either we can try and Shakthi out or Shakthi can rot in hell… Shakthi demands to know how much bail money was offered to get Krishna out …Krishna is oblivious of Shakthi’s aggrieved complaints and is keenly and guiltily watching Pratigya’s action’s…Amma tells him to go and seek Pratigya’s forgiveness…Krishna walks hesitatingly towards the kitchen, Pratigya studiously ignores him …

It’s night time…

Krishna has changed into his nightwear … Pratigya comes in and rushes to the closet ** It is still there, don’t worry it has not vanished ** ..She opens the door , brushes Krishna’s shirt ..opens a drawer , closes it and stands there…Krishna adopts a conciliatory tone, approaches her warily , wants to know why she did not eat properly ** She is dieting** ..complete silence from Pratigya , Krishna moves a tad closer , says that something is on Pratigya’s cheeks ..But Pratigya is not bothered, Krishna fumblingly explains that Radhe was out to destroy him by planting cockroach stories and driving out customers, leading to loss and all and that he Krishna could not stand by and watch him destroy his dreams, Krishna says that he knows he has done wrong promises not to do it again , reiterates that he will follow the path of non-violence even If Radhe were to attack him …But Pratigya will not be mollified..she shrugs of his hands and dashes to the bed and sits on it, again showing her back to him ** yeh back main kya hai, Koi treasure Map **… A tired Krishna walks and sits next to her but a little further from her…Krishna again tries to give his point of view..Krishna says that Radhe was being persistent, and was intent on destroying the Dhaba , The dhaba of their dreams and he could not stand by helplessly watching it crumble , Krishna admits that hitting was not correct but that he was not spoilt for choices either, Krishna promises never to beat up anybody again , he swears it on the sacred River Ganga…Pratigya bitingly tells him not to invoke Sacred names for lost causes …retorts that it is Night ** As if we did not know ** orders him to sleep and walks to her side and proceeds to sleep…leaving a frustrated Krishna..

Meanwhile, in the Jail, Komal is still with Adarsh ** why is she guarding him so zealously, is she worried that the police lady might do something to him **… when the Police Station is honored by the esteemed presence of Aarushi..Aarushi comes in and informs her brother that everybody are worried about Adarsh at home, demands to know whether Adarsh is aware of the enormity of his deeds, and says that to err is Human ** of all the people, she would be knowing that very well **… Assures Adarsh that she will get him out somehow ** how dig a tunnel underneath his cell ** …says his case is complicated ** Are all Sax Kids born with an instant knowledge of Law ** Tells Adarsh needs a Lawyer and one will be found and he will be rescued.. Aarushi tells Komal to come with her ..and Komal walks away obediently..


Krishna wakes up and comes out , calling out for Pratigya…but Pratigya is nowhere to be found ..Amma who comes and serves Tea to Ghanti Dadi sarcastically demands to know why Krishna is searching for Pratigya especially after hurting her and playing with her emotions ..Even Ghanti dadi wants to know the reason why Krishna hurt Pratigya ** Bec he is a human and he was provoked ** ..A defensive Krishna retorts that he did not commit any heinous crime and that Pratigya’s own brother is serving prison term, Krishna is taken aback by such a strong backlash , replies that people have committed even worse crimes and his crime is puny …Ghanti Dadi rejoins by saying that it is not about other people, it is about Krishna , It is about Pratigya and her shattered feelings …Amma finally takes pity on Krishna and reveals that Pratigya has gone for a flying visit…to Mumfordganj..Krishna is processing this !!


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