Monday, May 30, 2011

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 30th May 2011 Written Update

Gopi finishes packing the boxes of mangos. Rashi peeks in as Gopi wonders how she'll count all the boxes. She starts counting, very confusedly. Rashi wanders in, pretending to need something. Gopi calls out to her, and asks for help. She gives the instructions she was given and asks for help, saying she can't count above ten. Rashi complains about what Gopi had said, and Gopi apologises. Rashi says she'll help and will only help because Gopi is asking. Rashi confuses Gopi.
Rashi gets a call from Urmi, who complains about her situation at home. Rashi pretends that they're talking about Dhawal's business. Gopi is overhearing, and getting worried. Urmi complains about the name of the shop. Both Rashi and Urmi talk about different things, Urmi gets confused. Rashi's conversation is staged to give Gopi ideas. Urmi is very confused when Rashi hangs up.
Gopi thanks Rashi again, Rashi pretends to be upset that Gopi was listening to her conversation. Gopi suggests putting flyers in the mango boxes. Rashi tells her to do what she wants. Gopi puts in the flyers. Rashi is happy.
>break< Rashi asks Jigar what time the people from the office are coming home. Jigar says they should just be there. The boxes are kept on the table, and the office people enter. Ahem gives instructions to the office people. Jigar tells Gopi the packing is very nice. The office people say the same. Rashi is not happy, but everybody else says the same. Rashi gets a call just as she's waiting for the boxes to be open. She goes to the corner and tells her mother a big scene is going to happen. Urmi complains more about the name of the shop. Rashi explains to Urmi what she had been planning. Urmi gets happy. Rashi says this way only Gopi will get in trouble because she's not in anyway connected to the whole thing. The rest of the office people arrive and Koki tells her to give out the mangoes. Gopi gives them out then Koki tells her to go get the clothes from the roof. Koki, Hetal and Gopi leave to do work. The office people leave, after thanking Ahem. Rashi is not very happy. Ahem gets a call from one of their business people. The business person says that the man reached, the mangoes and the joke also reaches. He explains that there was a flyer in the box. Ahem is shocked, Rashi is happy. >break<
Ahem tells the office people to open the boxes in front of him. They are all shocked to see the flyers in the boxes. Rashi is happy. The office people ask what the flyer is and whether they are opening a new business. Ahem tells the rest of the people there to check their boxes too. Only Rashi is happy that the flyers are there. Ahem says he doesn't know where the flyers came from when Kaka asks. Ahem leaves. Rashi smiles.
Ahem reaches the roof where Gopi is. He glares at her and grabs her. He asks her about the flyers. He scolds her, saying that the flyers have made him lose respect. Gopi covers her head while Ahem scolds her. Ahem says that Gopi doesn't have any brains. Ahem tells her not to talk and continues to say that he won't sit quietly while she does whatever she wants. Gopi says she made a mistake and to forgive her. Rashi comes from behind and tells her not to apologise. Ahem is angry when he turns around, Gopi is stunned.
Rashi comes up to the both of them and says not to scold Gopi. Rashi takes the blame for the flyers, saying that Gopi didn't know. Gopi tries to say not to do it, but Rashi says no, it's her fault and apologises to Ahem. Ahem is stunned. Rashi says she never thought of the fact that putting the flyers would make such a big problem. Ahem crumples up the flyer in his hand and throws it before leaving without saying a word. Gopi asks her why she took the blame. Rashi says that she had to help when she knew that Gopi's intentions were good. Gopi thanks Rashi, and apologises again for what she said earlier to Rashi. It looks like Rashi feels guilty for deceiving Gopi when she innocently apologises and takes back what she said. Rashi then gets happy. Rashi forgives her, they hug. Rashi is smug.
Koki confronts Ahem as he's stalking into the house. Ahem tries to brush it off but Koki doesn't believe him. Ahem asks why she's been giving responsibility to other people for the work she used to do. He tells her about the flyers in the boxes. Ahem talks about him being made a fool of. Koki tells him to calm down and says that she knows he's worried about Kinjal, but to know that Dhawal is the son-in-law of the house and it's their responsibility to help him. Koki leaves to ask Gopi but Ahem says that Rashi did it, not Gopi. Ahem says that the both of them only know how to spoil work. Koki says not to worry and that she'll talk to Rashi. Ahem leaves and Koki wonders how come Rashi admitted to making a mistake.
Rashi tells Gopi not to question her anymore, and to trust her. Gopi says ok. Koki arrives just as Rashi tells Gopi that good, now there's no fight or misunderstanding between them. Koki scolds Rashi. Gopi tries to take the blame but Koki stops her. Koki continues to scold Rashi. She tells her to be careful from then on, and not to forget that she's always watching her. Koki tells Gopi to finish her work fast.
Gopi feels bad that Rashi got in trouble because of her. Rashi says never mind, and that they're sisters, not to worry. Rashi says to go quickly, and she'll finish the rest of the work. She makes a face after Gopi leaves.
Dhawal is packing the singlets when Kinjal enters. He asks for a little help. Kinjal says she has to make the food. Urmi says never mind, she'll make the food and Kinjal should help Dhawal. Urmi makes a face while leaving. Kinjal sits next to Dhawal who explains the business and pricing to her and asks for some suggestions. Kinjal is not happy.
Rashi calls Urmi as she's making food. Rashi complains about Koki. Urmi says she has to learn to live with her. Rashi explains everything to Urmi. Both mother and daughter complain about their plans not working. Urmi gets an idea, and says that from one hand they'll get money from Koki and the other, make Ahem hate Gopi more. She explains something (in mute) to Rashi.
Preview: Rashi and Gopi, and some kalakari/

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