Monday, May 30, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 30th May 2011 Written Update

Outside Karanjkar House
Vinod is shocked to find out about Satish from Vaishali .. Manohar calms him down and tells him that Manav is at the custom office and he will take care of everything.Varsha is furious to hear this as she blames Manav for what has happened .In fact she tells her father that in the past 3 years whatever her family has suffered is because of Manav only and she doesn't wish to even hear his name .
Sulochna tells her that she has to calm down and stop blaming Manav .Sulochna says that Manav is very unlucky because he gets caught in circumstances where it is not his fault at all...
Vinod goes to the custom office to be any help to Manav ...
Custom Office .
Manav comes in with Shibu .He throws Shibu in front of the officer and tells him that this is the boy who is responsible for putting drugs in his boxes .His other workers too are a witness to this ...Shibu was running away fro mthe town but Manav caught him and bought him here ...With Shibu arrested , Mnav wants to know if Satish can be released .
The Custom Officer tells him that they have to interogate Shibu first and only when they are fully sure of who the criminal is , they will not release satish ...
Manav also asks about his boxes if he could send then but to his disappointment , Satish's export lisence has been cancelled and his boxes too cannot be shipped ...
The Custom Officer grants Manav the permission to go and see Satish ..
In a dark small room
Satish is sitting down quietly .Manav goes and sits with him ...
Manav apologises to him for causing him so much trouble as he trusted a wrong person...Shibu and it is because of this that Satish is in this position ..
Satish tells him not to blame himself as only humans make mistakes and this could have been anyone's mistake ...
Satish is very worried about how Varsha is taking all this .Manav assures him that he will take care of everyone while he is away ...
Manav also tells him that his export lisence has been cancelled ...Satish tells him that he will get that sorted out again and this little problem will not disillusion them as they both will fight against it and come out winners in the end ...
He tells Manav to go home and take care of everyone there ...
Deshmukh House
Archna is playing with baby Sachu ...
Savita coems and sees them together and she is so happy to see them that she gets tears in her eyes ..She tells Archan that she used to worry if she could ever give Sachu a mother's love but now she is relieved to see that Sachu has indeed found a mother ...
In fact she is telling Sachu to call Archana his mommy ...
Outside ..
Rasika wants to buy a lottery ticket .Ajit discourages her but she doesn't care and tells Ajit to buy her one ...
Ajit gives her money to keep her quiet ...
Rasika buys a ticket of a maha lottery ...
Ajit tells her to dream on as he is not really interested ...
Deshmukh House .
Archana cannot believe that Shibu could do soemthign like this ..manav too regrets not listening to Ajit .Today satish and Manav are suffering because of this mistake ..Archu tells him not to blame himself and to go and apologise to Ajit .
Manav too says that he will apologise to Ajit for not trusting him ...
Outside a mandir .
Sulochna and manohar are going to the mandir , they meet Savita and Damodar there .Damodar is seeign an astrologer and he wanst to know when he will become a Star LOL..
Savita taunts him to be a fool that he still wants to be a Star ...
Sulochna and Manohar are also amused ...
The astrologer tells Damodar that there is a big problem coming his way and his family's way and it could effect them very badly ...
Savita is worried to hear this and wanst to know how this could be avoided ..
The astrologer tells him that he has to go to ratnam with his wife and visist a special mandir there and should leave today only ...
Sulochna and Manohar too want to go with them .All four of them decide that they will go and pray for Archana's baby ...
Deshmukh House
Manav drags Archana out of the kitchen ..He strictly tells her to just sit in one place and not to work .Archu wants to know why she cannot work as she loves doing little things for him ...Manav is so very fed up and is trying to tell her that she has to just lie down but Archu is arguing back ..
Savita and damodar come and tehy tell Manav that they are going out of town to a special mandir to pray for his baby ...
Manav is ver yhappy to hear that .First he too wants to go with Archan but Savita tells him that Archan should not walk so much .She too strictly tells Archana that she has to take it easy and let Manav do all the house work ...
The doctor calls Manav and she wants to see him ...
Doctor's Clinic
The doctor tells Mnav that there is a problem in Archana's pregnancy and she needs to have a noperation very quickly .She says that at this moment Archna and the baby are doing well but if they don't get this surgery done in 2 or 3 days then both Archu's and the baby's life is in serious danger ...
Shwe tells Manav that this surgery will cost 2 or 3 Lakh ruppees and this amount has to be arranged by him in 2 days only ...
Manav is in total shock as he just doesn't know where to get this much money from ...
Outside Deshmukh House
It is raining and Archana and Sukriti are standing enjoying the rain ..Archana is telling Sukriti that rain is ver yspecial to her because the first time she ever saw manav was i n the rain and Maanv had offered her an Umbrella ...
She is talking about Manav a lot and is looking bery happy ..
Sukriti asks her if Sachu is their child or if he is Manav's brother's son ...
Hearing this Archana goes quiet and says that sachu is her child ..
Sukriti can feel her discomfort about this issue and she tells Archan that it doesn't matetr to her if sachu is her babay or not his baby ...all she wants is to see Archana happy ...
Archu gets happy to hear this ...
Outside on the roads .
Manav is walking in the rain ...
he just doesn't know how he will get so much money for Archna's operation .The doctor's words keep coming to his mind .He is very scared as the doctor clearly told him that Archu 's life is in danger ...
Precap :
Archana is coming out of the kitchen ,she gets a very serious pain in her abdomen and she falls down screaming .Manav rushed to her and is tryign to pick her up ..She is beside herself with pain and is screaming that she is going to die as the pain is very severe ...

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