Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 3rd may 2011 written update

Karanjkar House
Vaishali is thinking about Dharmesh .She saw him giving food and money to needy people in the mandir and those images keep coming in her mind .First she tells herself that all this is a lie , that Dharmesh is not capable of giving anyone any happiness, he can only give pain ..
All this is creating havoc in Vaishu’s mind and she is sitting looking terribly disturbed .
her parents notice her disturbed face and they question her .
She tells them the truth that she has been thinking about Dharmesh even though she doesn’t wants to .
Manohar is surprised why she is doing this .
Sulochna tells Manohar the reason .She tells him that both Vaishu and she met Dharmesh in the mandir and the Dharmesh they saw was a totally differnt person .
Sulochna feels that maybe guilt has changed Dahrmesh into a better human being …
Manohar tells vaishali that she should be careful about makign a decision about Dharmesh as she is not alone anymore. She has to consider her baby as well .
He tells her that she must not think from her mind but she should think from her heart .Vaisahli is really shocked to hear her dad say this to her .
Manohar tells her that he would like it if she goes back to Dharmesh and gives him another chance but to assess how much he has changed as a person is somethign only Vaishali can do …
Sulochna also tells her that she has two options in fron of her ..either go back to Dharmesh or get married to someone else …
If she goes back to Dahrmesh then Dharmesh will atke care of her and their baby but if she decides to get married again then what is the surity that her second husband will accpet her child as well…
Plus Sulochan feels that vaishu is still in love with Dharmesh ..She leaves the choice to Vaishali and tells her that no matter what she decides , her parents will support her .
Manjusha comes in the room .
She gets worried when she hears Sulochan telling Vaishu to make a decision .She now wants to talk to Sulochna about Dharmesh .

Otside Manav’s chawl .
Manav comes out of his house .He has told Archana that he will get something to eat .
He has no money whatsoever and decides to go to shops and asks for work for just a few hours , make some money that way ..he goes to many many shops ..One place even offers him work of a salesman but he wants to work for only one day .Obviously they tell him that they cannot help him ..
One shop after another , Manav is just asking and getting rejected fro mevery place .
Archu calls him , she wants to know when he will coem home .He tells her that he wil lbe back soon …
He goes back to find work again but it is of no use .
The day goes by, it is dark now …Manav stil hasn’t found work and has no money .He is really worried about Archana goign without eating .He cannot even call her to tell about him as his mobile is not charged …
Manav finds work as a labour who has to fill up a truck with heavy bags .He gets paid only 100 rupees for it but he takes the work so he can buy food for Archana …
It’s a very hard labour job and Manav is trying to do all this as quick as he can .
He gets 100 rupees for this work and is told to come next day again .

Manav’s house
Archana is extremely worried as it is really late and manav still has not come home.
There is a knock on the door .It is Madhuri .Madhuri comes in and apologises to Archana because the other day she left the party with Dharmesh .She tells the real reason for her leaving that she did not wish to create any more problems between vaishu and Archana .
Archu tells her not to apologise and tha t she knows that madhuri is not wrong …
Madhuri tells Archu that she has made up her mind .She is going to leave Dharmesh .She doesn’t wants to live with a cheat and a liar like him and wants to spend the rest of her life with her two children .
Archana smiles bu tshe is still very worried about manav .

On a food stall .
Manav gets a palte of vegtable fried rice packed for Archan , he only gets food for Archu because of lack of money .
Suddenly he sees manohar o nthis stall .Manohar is wearing the uniform of a railway guard .He too is shocked to see Manav .
Manohar tries to make excuses but Manav wants to know the truth .
Manohar starts crying : I cannot hide anything from you .I had taken a loan for my daughters weddings . I have mortgaged my house to get that loan and I am in big trouble .
Manav : So much happened but yo unever told me anything .
Manohar : I didn’t want anyone to worry about me . I have taken the loan , I will pay it back .
Manav : by workign at night and spoiling your health .No way .I will do soemthig , I wil lpay your loan .
manohar : No , I cannot put any burden on you . You are already in financial troubles and yo uhave responsibility of Archu and your baby … I don’t even trust Bappa as much as I trust you but please don’t tell anyone about this .He is crying a lot and he folds his hands in front of Manav .

Manav’s house
Manav comes home with the dinner .Archu is waiting for him .She sees him and she really starts telling him off .She goes on and on about how he doesn’t care that he has a wife at home who is worried sick about him and he didn’t even care that she was calling him …then she notices that he is looking extremely tired and is so sweaty …
He makes her sit down to have her dinner .
Archana : oNly one plate ?
Manav : I was hungry , so I have eaten …this is all for you ..
Archana : You didn’t have any money did you ? Now tell me the truth .
Manav tells her the tuth ..
Archana : If I had gone without food for one day then so what ?
Manav : No , that will never happen .In this hosue you will never go without food .
Archana : I am sorry , you think so much for me and I was yelling at you …
Manav : Don’t cry , yo uknwo I cannot see yo ucry like this …
Archana takes the spoon from hsi hand and she gives him the first spoon of rice .
Archana : If yo ucannot see me hungry then do yo uthink I can see yo ugo hungry ..We have shared so much together , all our problems , our pain …we wil lshare this food also together . We both will eat together or else we both will stay hungry …
they both feed each other and manav tells her that this problem is there for just a couple of days .As soon as the order is clear , things will look up .
Archu hugs Manav and he too is smiling …

Outside Deshmukh Chawl .
savita has coem to fill water .she sees a huge line in front of the water tap first she looks a little lost then she decides to skip the line and goes i nfront .The lady who was next gets very angry and tells saviat off .Bu tsavita refuses to leave and says the she will fill the bucket and the chawl doesn’t belongs to anyone …
A couple of other ladies also come and say that they will not let Savita have her way all the time .
A lady coems with a box of sweets .She offers saviat some sweets and telsl her to stop fighting ..
This lady is about to become a grandmother and she is so happy about it and distributing sweets . …
Anothr chawl lady speaks up .
The Chawl lady : Give us the mithai , share it with us ..Why are you giving this to her … she doesn’t understands the meaning of being a grandmother …
Savita is now loking down , looking ashamed ..

Precap .
Sulochna is asking Varsha if this is her last deciison about breaking ties with Archana .varsha says yes .
Sulochan tells varsha that in that case she should know that anyone who breaks ties with Archu will have to break ties with her as well…Varsha is looking shocked to hear her mother say this .Even Vaishal iand Archana are standing there …

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