Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bhaagon Waali 3rd May 2011 Written Update

Amma asks Guddu to accompany her to take blessings from Hanuman so that everything will go well. Guddu says she is right but he doesn't believe in all that, and tells her she is welcome to go but he doesn't want to. He walks away, and Amma looks upset. Runjhun goes to Guddu and requests to come. She tells him that coming won't hurt him and it is Amma's well wish for him. Guddu tells Runjhun not to force him. He said they can go, but he doesn't want to come.

Runjhun walks back to Amma and tells her that they will go, and not to worry about Guddu, he's like that only. Vishnu asks for more samosa, and Mahadevi meets Jabbo in the back. She asks if he has a special reason for inviting her and he says nothing is more special than her to him. He tells her that whenever he sees her his heart starts beating fast. He gifts her a SIM card and tells her this way they can talk every night, and his heart can be at ease.

Amma and Runjhun are praying, and Guddu watches from far as Runjhun prays. Kukkan interrupts his thoughts and gives Guddu the gift that was meant for Runjhun, a new cellphone. Guddu tells Kukkan to keep it safe. He will give it to her later. Kukkan takes the gift and is about to walk away but stops when a few other thugs drive in.

The leader of the group tells Guddu that he hears that nowadays Guddu is walking around giving gifts to the ladies. He asks Guddu if he's changing. He says that for Guddu his usual antics suit him not this of a responsible man. The other men tell him that females take the strength out of men. They also asks him why he's bent on breaking his image. The leader says that another name for ill-earned money is Guddu Shukla. Kukkan looks on angrily, and Guddu doesn't say anything.

Another one adds that Guddu is more well suited to beating up people and robbing, and not this. The men laugh. Guddu asks the leader if he has anything to say because he's got nothing to say and he starts beating up the guy. All of Guddu's men attack the other's men, and the mamas and mamis clear out of the area, to the safety of their house compound. Amma turns on hearing the commotion and Runjhun also looks shocked as Guddu continues to beat up the man. The other men pull out the decoration of the shop and the fighting continues. Guddu finally is about to break the chair on the leader when the rest of his men stop him. Guddu drops the chair and the men run away.

Runjhun and Amma look on. The nearby people say that who would buy anything from a hot headed thug like Guddu Shukla. The mamis add more fire by saying that if anyone came with a complaint to the shop they would change the structure of their face in their anger. Kalsanwali says that the only clients Guddu would have is people like her father, and people like those do not stay in Kannauj (Kalsan seems like a scary scary place) They all leave and go back in. Guddu doesn't say anything. Runjhun tells Amma to go inside. Guddu looks at Runjhun then looks away, as Amma walks back into the house, disappointed by Guddu's actions.

Runjhun thinks that she thought that Guddu was changing but he's back to fighting and beating up people. She asks God for help, in helping Guddu realize the error of his ways.

The mamas and mamis gather inside and Vishnu laughs. He says that they were hell bent on taking Guddu down, but Guddu did all of that on his own. Guddu has an enemy bigger than them, and that is his anger. Kalsanwali says that Guddu isn't getting angry for the first time. Billo says that Guddu changes moods constantly. She says he's like both sides of the coin. Vishnu says that Guddu's anger will act against him this time. He says that Guddu won't get any business due to his actions. Rajju says but Runjhun's fortune is there for Guddu, and Mittho agrees that they have to consider that too. Vishnu says that they will know for sure by the evening, whther Runjhun's fortune works for Guddu or his anger works against him.

Mahadevi walks in and sees the mamas and mamis and hides the SIM card. Mittho asks Devi where she's been all this while. Devi says she was here only, and walks away. Mittho is confused and tries to figure out what is she missing.

On the other hand Jabbo walks in and sees the tables and chairs being wrapped up and asks Kukkan what happened. He asks Kukkan if he missed the program. Kukkan tells him that there was a big fight. He says that some of the men came and during the fight caused the mess. Kukkan asks who it was and says they will go and take care of them. Kukkan tells him not to worry and then asks him where he's been. Jabbo tells Kukkan if he's keeping tabs on him, and Kukkan says it must be because of a girl because Jabbo is smiling like a shy newly wed. He asks Jabbo which girl but Jabbo tells him to wait as all will be revealed soon. Kukkan says they should get back to work and clear all of this.

Runjhun looks as everything is collected and taken away. Guddu looks at Runjhun then looks away, he tells her that it wasn't his fault. He didn't want to fight. Runjhun looks away. Guddu tells her he's talking to her, why is she looking away. He tells her to say whatever she wants to. Guddu says if she doesn't want to talk to him then he's leaving. Guddu is tries to walk away and Runjhun says that he shouldn't have done what he did. She tells him that Amma was happy today. Guddu tells Runjhun that she is only worried about her Amma's happiness and she doesn't care about whether he's happy or not. Kukkan and Jabbo watch the exchange of words between Runjhun and Guddu. Runjhun says it's not like that. Guddu tells Runjhun that he's not a machine that can make Amma happy. He's human. He says that he's always doen what he's wanted and he's not going to change for her Amma if he didn't change for his own father.

Runjhun tells him that she doesn't want him to change who he is but just control his anger. She says that the people he beat up today didn't suffer any loss, he did. She tells him that he earned nothing by beating those people up. She points out that no one will come to the shop because of the actions and all his hard work has been put to waste. Guddu says he doesn't care who comes who doesn't come. He's not going to go around pleading people to come to his shop. He says she gave him a punishment, he set up shop, their deal is over. He says he's leaving and drives off. All his men look at him. (Rani here's the yelling he was talking about)

Runjhun is upset and thinks to herself, why every time Guddu takes a step in the right direction then gets steered in the wrong. She say every time something good goes to happen, things take a bad turn.

Precap: Kukkan gives Runjhun the gift that Guddu wanted to give her. Runjhun smiles as she opens the gift box.

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