Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pratigya 28th April 2011 Written Update

The Episode Finds Pratigya resting in her Bedroom, Slightly Guilt ridden Krishna comes in looks at stolid Pratigya, states contritely that he,Krishna never meant to hurt her..Pratigya understand his intention's tells him to let go ...Krishna sees a big plaster stuck on to Pratigya's wrist.. Krishna penitently demands to know why Pratigya always refuses to do what his heart wants ..why she puts up a roadblock ,continuing his monologue says that he is quite happy that Amma castigated him for injuring Pratigya and is convinced that Pratigya has won Amma's heart too ..

Tho Krishna has began to say that P refuses him constantly, will this point be used to cause a furor between him n P by Amma, Shakthi ..another sore point..why does P always backtracks and never talks it through with her hubby ...

We are taken to the terrace to witness the glorious spectacle of Shakthi having his oxygen , we get a glimpse of a pair of legs Approaching Shakthi Hurriedly... The feet stops at the cot..and we have our glimpse of Kessmma... Kesmma makes herself comfortable on the cot ** I have never seen Kesar this comfortable with Shakthi ** laughingly informs that she was searching the whole house and Shakthi was on the terrace all the time ** Bechara has come for Shanti, n ur arrival ensures its destruction ** ..Kesmma is like an eager Beaver , She is all agog to know what are Shakthi's future plans, But is more intent on enjoying the present, and does not give any sort of intelligent reply ..Kesmma notices the Bottle of liquor for the first time ** Ithni waqt nazar Shakthi par hi tiki huithi na , aise lagtha hai duniya mein Shakthi alawa kouno ddoja hai hi nahi ** Kesmma delicately enquires regarding the content of the bottle, Shakthi replies that it is ambrosia...It appears that Kesmma too has a penchant for Ambrosia and she also asks for a glass of the ambrosia, Shakthi pours it for her..Kesmma takes the glass, sips it hiding behind her sari's pallu..Shakthi watches amused ..After lapping up a whole Glass of Liquor in one gulp, Kesmma prods her SIL , wanting to know what sort of business will Shakthi do ..Shakthi orders Kesmma not to talk about the business-visness else the high that he has secured after so much difficulty will come crashing down like wall street stocks...kesmma is an understanding woman, understands Shakhti's views, refrains from badgering Shakhti, assures Shakthi that even if he were not having any idea..Kesmma is there to take care of him ...Shakthi appears to be quite intoxicated Kesmma thinks that Shakthi is too far gone to notice that she is sneaking in another peg..and tries to slurp another one, but Shakthi still has enough wits to realize that Kesmma is cheating him, stops her from imbibing the second one, claims ownership rights on the peg.Kesmma is impressed by her vigilant Son-in-Law .. Pretty soon the Two drunk Bugs are singing away the night...while in the Downstairs, Kesar is all ready for the bed ** How come Kesar suddenly sprouts a overtly visible baby bump ** ..there is a knock on her bedroom door,followed by Kesmma's voice urging her daughter to open the door..Kesar waddles to the door and sees the two dignified Kins standing quite at attention..Kesmma tells Kesar to take Shakthi gently inside, An irritated Kesar gets closer to hold Shakthi's hand and getts a whiff of Alchol in Kesamma's breath as well..Kesar is outraged , demands to know whether Kesmma too had the vile stuff..Kessma reproves Kesar for calling it vile and sasy the smell is fragrant..Kesar is not in the mood to pursue the debate ** She is no Pratigya ** takes hold of Shakthi's hand and leads him in, while Kesmma takes her leave ..Shakhti stumbles towards the bed and flops on it while Kesar stands watching ** Deja Vu..Ithihaas phirse daudne lagi **

Quite an interesting scene for the fact that Kesmma has openly hinted that she will be the one controlling Shakthi and his finances in the future and also that even though Shakthi will be far gone, he realizes and pulls back in the nick of time ..saving whatever from being gulped by Kesmma.

Next Morning looms bright and clear at the Haveli , Pratigya is busy in the kitchen..Krishna comes looking for her, sees her in the kitchen and says that he is leaving for the Dhaba ** His new love** cos there are plenty of work to be done, but Pratigya refuses to grant her permission , conveys that Krishna has to taste her Dhai wada [ A slightly sour and savory dish ] ..Krishna is all excited , comes closer to her , says that he has never refused anything she said or wanted him to do. but Alas !1 Today he truly has some mighty important work and has to leave soon ...**Ek vada khaane mein kithne ghante lagenge, Beta , Usski Thasali ke liye tho Khao ** ..Amma walks into the kitchen and Pratigya seeks her support in getting Krishna to eat ..Amma upbraids Krishna for teasing Pratigya so much, commands Krishna to eat whet Pratigya has so lovingly prepared.Krishna bows down before Amma's loving orders and begins to chow down..Krishna takes a bite, is thunderstruck by the delicious taste, exclaims that he has never tasted such a tasty Dahi Vada his entire life , resolves to add this in the menu for Dhaba..Krishna gets thirsty, and asks his Amma to give him a glass of water..Amma moves to get the water, the moment Amma's Back is turned , Krishna hurriedly pulls in Pratigya and lands a firm smooch on her cheeks ...** ofc we being the lesser privileged , we get a clear and uninterrupted view of her glistening hair **..Pratigya is all smiles and pushes him indicating Amma is there , K is as usual bindaas.. Amma turns and both become the innocent, simple babes.. Krishna takes his leave.. turns at the door of the kitchen says quite meaningfully that it was quite yummy and sweet, Amma is puzzled as to how a sour dish can be sweet..Krishna hastily recoups and says that the dish was both sweet and sour , smiles and leaves .

Pratigya has set another plate and offers it to Amma, Amma takes a bite, praises Pratigya's culinary habits, A happy Pratigya asks Amma to continue her eating , while she finishes her pending work and come..Pratigya leaves , while going her Sari gets caught on the nail of the door.. Pratigya turns to remove the sari's pallu caught on the nail and encounters a strange and disturbing sight of Amma disposing of the Dahi Vada , which Amma had just praised into the DUSTBIN !!!ShockedShocked ...Pratigya watches this action bewildered ..

Again a hint that Krishna who has never refused Pratigya before will refuse or my turn his back but will listen to Amma ..The Control key slowly but surely shifting to Amma...

WE Now turn our reluctant attention on the Saxena Family

The Honest and God fearing saxena's are having a impromptu conference in the bedroom... Nainaji as usual jumps to the conclusion that her darling, innocent son has come under the evil influence of the Thakurs and is besmirching Papa Saxena's fair name...says that adasrh insulted his father today, there was not even a hint of affection in his eyes..Dadi as is her won't pours the oil in to the flame by agreeing to Nainaji's conviction's and adding that Adarsh insulted his father's values , discarded all the principles with which he was inculcated..Aarushi comes in from where she was leaning on, asks her Papa as to why Saxena did not scold Adarsh, after all Adarsh is his child and when a errant child is committing a mistake, parents have the right to bring the child in line ** Look who is talking **..But Nainaji negates this assertion by saying that Adarsh has gone too far for them to ever catch up, he does not need them and determines to cut off all relationships with Adarsh and his wife..An agitated Saxena just ups and walks away ...

A few mins later, Nainaji comes up to the terrace and sees the professor huddled in deep distress, Nainaji goes up to him and tries to console him..Shyamu gets up and begins to speak ** why cant he sit and talk , are the ants biting him ** ..Shyamu says that all this years he had been guarding his values and principles zealously, he, Shyamu saxena has lived his life on this principles and today he is called a defeated man bec of his principles ** Not only defeated, I would also add whiner to that list ** ..Shyamu apologizes to nainaji for not providing her with materialistic pleasure..Nainaji opens her eyes to the fullest degree ** Yeh Kaali Kaali Aankhen ,tururu,tururu ** and impales us with a startled look , hastily reassures the professor that she has never desired for material wealth and she is quite content with the love and affection's present in their relationship ..

Morning dawns and with it Adarsh's demand for juice and salad to be packed...The polite, refined, sophisticated saxena's listen to Adarsh's strictures with a vinegar expression..Komal replies that she has paked [packed] them all..Adarsh comes to the Kitchen to take the lunch box..when Komal puts in her request .. Komal wants an AC in the bedroom..Adarsh promises to get her one tomorrow and begins to hurry towards the exit followed by Komal who shouts out to Adarsh to come early in the evening , so that they both could go for an evening ride..Adarsh turns to reply that he will come and dashes his head against the door...Nainaji is stunned , whispers Adarsh and rushes but stops herself and stands by Komal..Komal just stands there watching ...Adarsh rrecovers composes himself , says Bye to Komal and leaves ..Dadi starts her morning rituals by predicting that pretty Soon Adarsh will set up his own separate establishment...

The saxena's resume their gloomy vigil...

Their constant harping on adarsh being dumped only suggests that Adarsh will be accepted back with open arm..The directorial touch of Adarsh banging his head was good indicating that trouble has already approached ..What was unacceptable was the contradictory statement of Saxena and Nainaji ...Both said that they value relationship more but were sold out on the idea of marrying a school going Aarushi to a stranger without bothering to know about his background only knowing that he earns well and swallowing their avowed principles by burying the JM case when they realize that Mathur's are a wealthy catch...


Radhe comes back to the Dhaba and stirs more trouble by stirring a dead cockroach into the stew and claiming that the food cooked in the Dhaba is unhygienic...

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