Thursday, April 28, 2011

Navya 28th April 2011 Written Update

The episode starts in Anant's house. Dadaji looks at the invitation card and is impressed. He then passes the card to everyone else to see. Anant's mom says that they should send a box of sweets with the card but Om refuses and says that they will send a gold coin with the cards. Dadaji smiles at this. Om is then about to show the coins to Dadaji when Nimisha's mom knocks the box over. Everyone is shocked. She quickly starts to gather the coins from the floor when a coin rolls over and goes to Sanjay's (Nimisha's dad's) foot. He comes there and says why spend so much money. Dadaji sarcastically asks him if he should get Nimisha married in a simple way and tell the grooms parents that they didn't have anything to give her since her dad didn't save anything.

Navya reaches home and she is humming the tune of "Hum Jo Chalne Lage" and is all excited. Both Dadi and Meeta notice this but Navya keeps singing and smiling. Dadi asks what was the matter. Navya hugs her mom and says that her computer test went really went. And she tells what Anant had told her: "Chakka nahi to chowka to mardiya maine" Her mom asks if she is talking about her test or about cricket and calls her she is going crazy. And Navya smiles and replies "haan pagaal hai" (yes I'm crazy). Meeta says "again" and Navya changes the topic by volunteering to cook the dinner. Dadi and Meeta are both shocked but Navya says its so simple to cook dinner. All she has to do is cut the vegetables and put it in a frying pan. Meeta smiles and says that she is indeed crazy.

Dadaji looks through the coins and picks one. He tells Om that he like that one. He then tells Sanjay to come and look at it. Everyone is quiet and tensed when Anant comes home. He takes Dadaji's blessing and sits next to him. Dadaji asks why he is so happy and Anant replies saying he did great on his computer exams and that when the results come out, he is going to make them all proud. Dadji is impressed and tells Om to give Anant Rs. 5001. Anant is all excited but Om says that he is spoiling Anant by giving him so much money. Dadibua interrupts and says that he has done good job and he should be rewarded. Anant thanks his dad and grandfather and says that he needs to give a party for his friends. Dadaji tells him to call his friends to Nimisha's engagement too since he want the everyone to see how grand the engagement is going to be.

Here Navya thanks her dad taking money from him. Harsh complains that she made dinner one night and got money and says it is unfair. Navya's dad says that she deserves the money for making such good food. Harsh however snatches the money from Navya's hand and runs away saying her money is his money. Navya chases him around the room saying that everything that belongs to him should be hers too. Just then the phone rings and Navya receives it. Her face expression changes to serious and she is all shocked. Everyone is scared and look at her.

Anant is in his room laying on his bed with a smile. Nimisha nervously knocks on his door and Anant tells her to come in. She apologizes to Anant for the burning the CD. Anant tells her that he has already forgotten about it. He also apologizes to her for being rude. She asks him about his exams and he tells her that he did great on it. He then tells her that he got mad at her because the girl who was helping him with his project had to face problems because of the CD. He then changes the topic and shows her the money he got. Nimisha tries to grab it but is unsuccessful. Anant then tells her that he'll get a gift for her too from that amount and Nimisha smiles. Anant then tells her to leave since he has to work on sth. but Nimi says that she wants to talk to him. She shyly tells him how Nikhil had called yesterday and that they talked for long time for hours. She wanted to talk to him more after the call got disconnected and he did call her again. Anant teases her saying his sister is now lost. Nimisha hits him and says when he experiences the same feeling then she will come and talk to him. She further adds that she hopes the day comes real soon and then runs away from there. Anant thinks about what Nimi said and then grabs his cell phone and calls Navya. Navya is running through the hospital corridor and so ignores the call.

Anant is talking to Ranvir on the phone. He asks Ranvir if he talked to Ritz to which he says yes. Anant then indirectly asks him if Appy and Navya were with her too. Ranvir then teasingly says that he didn't ask earlier but he can call her back and ask about Navya's whereabouts. Anant says that he was just asking and then questions Ranvir if he is coming to the engagement. Ranvir says that they will all come; Ritz, Appy and Navya too. Anant refuses saying that his family will never understand friendship between girls and boys. Ranvir further teases Anant by asking if he took Navya on a date yet. Anant gets a call from Navya and hangs up on Ranvir.

Navya asks Anant if he had called her. He says no first but then slowly says yes. Navya explains that she couldn't recieve his call earlier because her sister was admitted to the hospital for delivery. Anant is confused at first but then understands. Navya then asks why he had called but Anant ignores the question and asks if her sister is doing well now. Navya says yes and she again asks for the reason of his call. Anant nervously says that he called her to invite her to his sister's engagement. He nervously tells her that Appy and Ritz would be there too. Anant is tensed and nervous while waiting for Navya's reply. Meeta comes from behind and calls her. Navya then tells him that she needs to go and quickly replies saying she will come to the engagement. Anant ends the call, put his hand on his forehead and questions himself about what he has done.

Precap: Dadibua tells Anant to go to the airport at 4 to pick up Shagun.
Seeing Anant and Navya get into the car, his friend asks where he is going. Appy replies saying he is going to drop Navya at the hospital. His friend says that he has to reach the airport in half-an-hour.
Anant is talking to his sister-in-law in the phone and she is asking him if he has met Shagun yet.

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