Thursday, April 28, 2011

Gulaal 28th April 2011 Written Update

Jamna Kaki brings a woman inside her room and shuts the door. The woman says that all she wants to do is get Dushyant married, why is Jamna Kaki so scared. Jamna says that she doesn't trust anyone in the house and Dushyant doesn't want to get married. She shows Jamna photos of a few women and says good things about them. Jamna keeps two photos and asks the woman to leave. The woman runs into Talli when she leaves the room. The photos fall on the floor and Talli picks them up and asks the woman who she wants to meet. Jamna snatches the photos from her hand and tells Talli that she is fond of spying on Jamna and rudely asks her to stay away from Jamna's room. Talli tries to defend herself but Jamna doesn't listen and pulls her ear asking her to stay away from Jamna's things. Talli has tears in her eyes. (Jamna looks so wicked).

Talli walks away sad and Gulaal comes there and asks her what happened. Talli doesn't tell her. Talli asks Gulaal to accompany her to get her exam forms from the city. She asks Talli to tell Dushyant to take them. Paan Baa tells Talli that Dushyant will come late, Talli hears Kesar's bike and asks him to take her to pick up the form. Talli tells Gulaal that Kesar will take them, Kesar refuses but Paan Baa and Talli insist. He says that he is tired from working since morning. Mota Bha comes there and asks what the matter is. Talli tells him that she needs to pick up the form, Mota Bha asks her to take Kesar and Kesar agrees. Talli takes Gulaal with her.

Kesar is driving the jeep and Talli sits between Kesar and Gulaal. The place is 80 kms away. Talli asks Kesar to speed up like his bike. Kesar says he knows, Talli has said this 10 times in the last half hour. Talli says that nobody else is saying anything, he asks her to keep quiet. Talli asks Gulaal to talk. Gulaal says that they should finish the work and go home soon, she needs to cook. Talli asks her to stop thinking about the house and that there is a life outside as well. Talli yells for Kesar to stop, he stops, she says that she knows a shortcut to go to the city. Kesar uses the shortcut. After some time Talli asks Kesar to stop again, and they come to a dead end. Kesar says that they should get down and find the city hiding in the nearby trees. Talli asks Gulaal to get down and tells Kesar that if he wants to come he can.

Talli says that there is a lot of time for them to reach her college, and asks Gulaal to open her eyes and look outside since she likes greenery so much. Gulaal says she can't remember when she last came out. Talli pulls Gulaal and they both run and come to mango trees. Gulaal feels happy and walks around. Kesar comes there and watches her from afar. Gulaal remembers herself running around carefree with her friends. Talli asks Gulaal to experience the place, Gulaal says that she is experiencing, Talli uncovers Gulaal's head and opens her hair and asks her to live like she used to, free. Kesar removes his sunglasses and looks at Gulaal with a lot of longing and love, like his heart has stopped or something. (I love the way he looks at her, very romantic, I could literally feel the chemistry oozing on the screen). Gulaal tries to tie her hair and Talli makes her promise not to do so, and says that Gulaal looks very pretty with open hair. Gulaal tells Talli that she and Gulaal have no comparison, Talli asks why, Gulaal is not a girl, doesn't she have desires? Gulaal says that they should leave, Talli says that if Gulaal catches her then they will do whatever Gulaal wants. Kesar looks on with the same loving expression, and keeps walking and looking at Gulaal. Gulaal falls down running and starts laughing and calls out to Talli. She says that she is coming after Talli and laughing gets up and sees Kesar. Kesar looks away, Gulaal stops laughing, then their eyes meet.

Precap: Talli and Gulaal are on a boat and Kesar is sitting on the riverbank. Talli jumps in the river, Gulaal yells for help. Kesar says that Talli is kidding and knows how to swim. Gulaal jumps in and starts drowning. Talli comes up and looks for Gulaal and sees her drowning and yells for Kesar to do something.

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