Friday, February 18, 2011

Geet 18th February 2011 Written Update

Part 1
MSK on stretcher and is being rushed inside the hospital… !! Geet by his side n is in tears..!! A Doc comes and checks MSK and says… ‘Take him to the OT immediately…and Sister u inform Doc. Sadhna and Doc. Joseph!’ MSK rushed inside the room and his hand which was holding on to Geet is shown separating! Nurse closes the door to the hospital room and Geet peeks in thru the glass door…!! Inside the room.. Docs are checking Maan and a doc says… ‘Sister prepare for Adrenalin Shot.. patients heartbeat and pulse is sinking! And sister prepare the OT ..we have to go for immediate operation!’ Geet shocked…! OT light on…and Docs are operating on MSK! A sister comes out from the OT and Geet asks ….’Sister ..’ and Sister replys..’We are trying our best… and we cant do anything more than this!’ and the sister leaves.. Geet worried! Docs continue operating on Maan…. n Geet keeps peeking in…! Geet crying and walks outside the OT.. lost in flashbacks of how she was stubborn and forced Maan to teach her how to drive.. n how Maan tried to dissuade her saying.. he culdn risk baby or her life..!! Geet self thot..’He had told also.. but i din listen to him! Due to my foolishness this accident happened!’ Geet says..’I m sorry Maan.. i m really sorry! Please forgive me! i m sorry!’ Geet breaks down n gets flashbacks of how Maneet met with the accident! Geet gets up with a start and turns n looks at Docs operating Maan!
Part 1
MSK on stretcher and is being rushed inside the hospital… !! Geet by his side n is in tears..!! A Doc comes and checks MSK and says… ‘Take him to the OT immediately…and Sister u inform Doc. Sadhna and Doc. Joseph!’ MSK rushed inside the room and his hand which was holding on to Geet is shown separating! Nurse closes the door to the hospital room and Geet peeks in thru the glass door…!! Inside the room.. Docs are checking Maan and a doc says… ‘Sister prepare for Adrenalin Shot.. patients heartbeat and pulse is sinking! And sister prepare the OT ..we have to go for immediate operation!’ Geet shocked…! OT light on…and Docs are operating on MSK! A sister comes out from the OT and Geet asks ….’Sister ..’ and Sister replys..’We are trying our best… and we cant do anything more than this!’ and the sister leaves.. Geet worried! Docs continue operating on Maan…. n Geet keeps peeking in…! Geet crying and walks outside the OT.. lost in flashbacks of how she was stubborn and forced Maan to teach her how to drive.. n how Maan tried to dissuade her saying.. he culdn risk baby or her life..!! Geet self thot..’He had told also.. but i din listen to him! Due to my foolishness this accident happened!’ Geet says..’I m sorry Maan.. i m really sorry! Please forgive me! i m sorry!’ Geet breaks down n gets flashbacks of how Maneet met with the accident! Geet gets up with a start and turns n looks at Docs operating Maan!

Female Doc comes out n tells Geet..’Listen…dun lose hope.. i wuld suggest u call someone from ur house! There is a phone at the reception…u better call up ur family members !’ Geet asks…’Maan will be alright right?’ and Doc says..’Yes…have faith!’ Geet comes to the reception and calls up at the mansion..! The phone rings for a while before Dadi comes and picks up the phone! Dadi says..’Hello’ … Geet says..’Dadi ma..’ n is teary voiced! Dadi startled and asks..’Geet why are u crying?’ Geet says ‘Dadima ….Maan’ and Dadi says…’Maan .. where is Maan..n what happened to him?’ Geet says ‘Maan has met with an accident..’ Dadi shocked and says ‘Yes.. yes..tell me..’ and Geet says ‘Dadima… Dadima’ and the line gets disconnected! Dadi keeps saying..’Hello’ on the phone! Geet keeps the phone down! The door to the OT opens and the doctor comes out….!Geet rushes to speak to him n asks him..’ is Maan now? He is out of danger?’..! Doc says.. ‘Madam..its not possible to say anything right now! The injuries are very deep and he has lost a lot of blood! U pray to Almighty … we are trying our level best to ensure that nothing happens to him!’ Geet says..’But’ and a nurse comes out to tell the Doc that.. the patient is sinking! Doc rushes back in! Geet watches on..!!

Female Doc comes out n tells Geet..’Listen…dun lose hope.. i wuld suggest u call someone from ur house! There is a phone at the reception…u better call up ur family members !’ Geet asks…’Maan will be alright right?’ and Doc says..’Yes…have faith!’ Geet comes to the reception and calls up at the mansion..! The phone rings for a while before Dadi comes and picks up the phone! Dadi says..’Hello’ … Geet says..’Dadi ma..’ n is teary voiced! Dadi startled and asks..’Geet why are u crying?’ Geet says ‘Dadima ….Maan’ and Dadi says…’Maan .. where is Maan..n what happened to him?’ Geet says ‘Maan has met with an accident..’ Dadi shocked and says ‘Yes.. yes..tell me..’ and Geet says ‘Dadima… Dadima’ and the line gets disconnected! Dadi keeps saying..’Hello’ on the phone! Geet keeps the phone down! The door to the OT opens and the doctor comes out….!Geet rushes to speak to him n asks him..’ is Maan now? He is out of danger?’..! Doc says.. ‘Madam..its not possible to say anything right now! The injuries are very deep and he has lost a lot of blood! U pray to Almighty … we are trying our level best to ensure that nothing happens to him!’ Geet says..’But’ and a nurse comes out to tell the Doc that.. the patient is sinking! Doc rushes back in! Geet watches on..!!

Anne walking around in her cabin n flashbacks of Arjun telling her.. ‘I dont love u..!’ Anne self thot ….’Maybe this is the test of my love…! How muchever Arjun becomes rude to me..irrespective of how he behaves with me.. i will change him!! Coz he has love for me.. that i know! In order to get that love..if i have to suffer..then ok..i will tolerate!’ Anne’s cell rings … and its Dadima! Dadi says..’Anne where are u?’ Anne says..’At office..but why do u sound so tensed?’ Dadi says.. ‘Maan has met with an accident..! (Anne shocked) Geet had say that Maan has met with an accident..!! But after that.. the phone got disconnected! I have no idea.. what is happening!’ Anne says…’Dadi please take care of urself.. i m coming rightaway!’ Anne turns to leave and Arjun comes and sees her in tears and asks…’What happened Anwesha?’ Anne says..’Maan bhai has met with an accident!’ Anne runs from there..!
Anne walking around in her cabin n flashbacks of Arjun telling her.. ‘I dont love u..!’ Anne self thot ….’Maybe this is the test of my love…! How muchever Arjun becomes rude to me..irrespective of how he behaves with me.. i will change him!! Coz he has love for me.. that i know! In order to get that love..if i have to suffer..then ok..i will tolerate!’ Anne’s cell rings … and its Dadima! Dadi says..’Anne where are u?’ Anne says..’At office..but why do u sound so tensed?’ Dadi says.. ‘Maan has met with an accident..! (Anne shocked) Geet had say that Maan has met with an accident..!! But after that.. the phone got disconnected! I have no idea.. what is happening!’ Anne says…’Dadi please take care of urself.. i m coming rightaway!’ Anne turns to leave and Arjun comes and sees her in tears and asks…’What happened Anwesha?’ Anne says..’Maan bhai has met with an accident!’ Anne runs from there..!

Geet standing outside the OT …sees a pic of ‘Guru Nanak ji’ and prays with folded hands! She says..’Babaji..please forgive me.. !Dun punish Maan for my mistakes..! I promise to u …that after today..i wont ever be stubborn!! Would never repeat my foolishness..!! But..please save Maan!I m completely alone here…! There is no body to help me! U r my only hope! Babaji!’ At Khurana Mansion..Anne Pinky .. Adi.. Romeo Manisha. are with Dadi..!! Anne asks Dadi..’U din ask Geet in which hospital she is?’ Dadi says..’That is what i m saying..that before i culd ask Geet.. the phone got disconnected.! I tried several times to reach but the phone is still disconnected!’ Anne says..’Right now ..none of my friends are there in we could call them and ask their help!’ Dadi says…’Thats the problem.. we dont even know if they are in Shimla or somewhere else! I dunno what is happening..i m unable to understand a thing!’.

Geet standing outside the OT …sees a pic of ‘Guru Nanak ji’ and prays with folded hands! She says..’Babaji..please forgive me.. !Dun punish Maan for my mistakes..! I promise to u …that after today..i wont ever be stubborn!! Would never repeat my foolishness..!! But..please save Maan!I m completely alone here…! There is no body to help me! U r my only hope! Babaji!’ At Khurana Mansion..Anne Pinky .. Adi.. Romeo Manisha. are with Dadi..!! Anne asks Dadi..’U din ask Geet in which hospital she is?’ Dadi says..’That is what i m saying..that before i culd ask Geet.. the phone got disconnected.! I tried several times to reach but the phone is still disconnected!’ Anne says..’Right now ..none of my friends are there in we could call them and ask their help!’ Dadi says…’Thats the problem.. we dont even know if they are in Shimla or somewhere else! I dunno what is happening..i m unable to understand a thing!’.

Geet asks a stranger for his cell to call her family to inform that her hubby has met with an accident! The stranger gives his cell..! Geet thanks him n calls Dadi ..! Dadi receives the phone .. Geet says..’Dadima ‘ n Geet says..’First tell me where are u..n how did the accident happen?’ Geet says…’We were returning from Shimla.. when the accident happened on the highway!’ Dadi says..’Dun worry..we are coming to Shimla rightaway! First tell us where are u?’ Geet says..’At LifeCare Medical Centre and its near Shimla!’ Dadi says..’Ok.. dun worry …we are rushing there..!’ Dadi keeps the call and tells Anne that they need to go to Shimla..! Anne says..’I will do the packing..!’ Adi says ‘This place looks like near to Chandigadh..I will get the booking for the next flight done!’

Geet asks a stranger for his cell to call her family to inform that her hubby has met with an accident! The stranger gives his cell..! Geet thanks him n calls Dadi ..! Dadi receives the phone .. Geet says..’Dadima ‘ n Geet says..’First tell me where are u..n how did the accident happen?’ Geet says…’We were returning from Shimla.. when the accident happened on the highway!’ Dadi says..’Dun worry..we are coming to Shimla rightaway! First tell us where are u?’ Geet says..’At LifeCare Medical Centre and its near Shimla!’ Dadi says..’Ok.. dun worry …we are rushing there..!’ Dadi keeps the call and tells Anne that they need to go to Shimla..! Anne says..’I will do the packing..!’ Adi says ‘This place looks like near to Chandigadh..I will get the booking for the next flight done!’

Doc comes out of the OT and tells Geet that..’There is a complication..!’ Geet asks..’What is it Doc?’ Doc says…’Well ..patient has lost a lot of blood n his injuries are very deep! We need to operate him immediately! For the operation we need to transfuse blood! For that we need blood urgently!’ Geet says..’But doc..there must be blood banks in ur hospital?’ Doc says..’Yes..but his blood group is very rare..We do not have a single unit of that blood group! His blood group is AB-ve ! Donors with such blood groups are difficult to locate! So u have to arrange for the blood!’ Geet says..’But from where will i get so much of blood? Who will help me? Whom should i go to?’ Doc says…’Talk to ur relatives and friends! And if still nothing works out.. then ask the people near u! We are short on time! So please..make quick arrangements!’ At the mansion Dadi says..’What has my son done..that ur giving him such a big punishment?’ Adi comes running to Dadi and says…’For Chandigarh there are only two flights but there are no seats available!’ Dadi says..’What will we do now? How will we reach there?’ Adi says…’Dun worry.. we will drive n reach!’ Arjun comes.. Everyone startled to see him! Arjun says…’Dun worry Dadi.. i have arranged for a Chartered Plane! But Dadi we need to leave within 15 mins!’ Dadi gets up and Thanks Arjun..!! Anne too follows suite! Dadi says..’Let me call up and inform Geet..that we are reaching there..! Poor girl..must be very scared…!’
Doc comes out of the OT and tells Geet that..’There is a complication..!’ Geet asks..’What is it Doc?’ Doc says…’Well ..patient has lost a lot of blood n his injuries are very deep! We need to operate him immediately! For the operation we need to transfuse blood! For that we need blood urgently!’ Geet says..’But doc..there must be blood banks in ur hospital?’ Doc says..’Yes..but his blood group is very rare..We do not have a single unit of that blood group! His blood group is AB-ve ! Donors with such blood groups are difficult to locate! So u have to arrange for the blood!’ Geet says..’But from where will i get so much of blood? Who will help me? Whom should i go to?’ Doc says…’Talk to ur relatives and friends! And if still nothing works out.. then ask the people near u! We are short on time! So please..make quick arrangements!’ At the mansion Dadi says..’What has my son done..that ur giving him such a big punishment?’ Adi comes running to Dadi and says…’For Chandigarh there are only two flights but there are no seats available!’ Dadi says..’What will we do now? How will we reach there?’ Adi says…’Dun worry.. we will drive n reach!’ Arjun comes.. Everyone startled to see him! Arjun says…’Dun worry Dadi.. i have arranged for a Chartered Plane! But Dadi we need to leave within 15 mins!’ Dadi gets up and Thanks Arjun..!! Anne too follows suite! Dadi says..’Let me call up and inform Geet..that we are reaching there..! Poor girl..must be very scared…!’

Geet running around in the alley of Lifecare and is seeking help from strangers and asking them about their blood group! Everyone says….’Sorry ..our blood group is different..!’ No ones blood group is matching with Maan! Geet keeps begging every passerby…but to no avail! Geet breaks down.. n says amidst tears…’No one is helping me!’ The hosp phone rings…n Geet runs and picks it up.! Its Dadi who says…’Geet..we shall reach there in next 2-3 hours! How is Maan? What are the Doc saying?’ Geet says….’Dadi ma…Maan has lost a lot of blood..n Doc is saying that we have to arrange for more blood..! I have asked everyone around me here..but no ones blood group matches with Maan..!! There is no blood in the hosp. blood bank also! What do.i do….?? I m not able to understand…!’ Dadi says… ‘i know AB-ve.. is a very rare group!But u dun worry.. we will try to make some arrangement here..and u too dun give up and keep trying..! Keep faith in God..! Dun lose courage…..we are coming!’ Geet says..’Come soon Dadi’
Geet running around in the alley of Lifecare and is seeking help from strangers and asking them about their blood group! Everyone says….’Sorry ..our blood group is different..!’ No ones blood group is matching with Maan! Geet keeps begging every passerby…but to no avail! Geet breaks down.. n says amidst tears…’No one is helping me!’ The hosp phone rings…n Geet runs and picks it up.! Its Dadi who says…’Geet..we shall reach there in next 2-3 hours! How is Maan? What are the Doc saying?’ Geet says….’Dadi ma…Maan has lost a lot of blood..n Doc is saying that we have to arrange for more blood..! I have asked everyone around me here..but no ones blood group matches with Maan..!! There is no blood in the hosp. blood bank also! What do.i do….?? I m not able to understand…!’ Dadi says… ‘i know AB-ve.. is a very rare group!But u dun worry.. we will try to make some arrangement here..and u too dun give up and keep trying..! Keep faith in God..! Dun lose courage…..we are coming!’ Geet says..’Come soon Dadi’

Part 2
Dadi tells.. Arjun… Anne.. and all to call up friends …if anyone has AB -ve..n to rush to the MSK needs blood! Everyone on phone n try to search for a donor..but…. no result! Geet rushes someone into the testing lab…but the persons blood group is different..! Nurse asks Geet…if blood is arranged…but Geet lost..! Adi tells … Dadi that no blood bank have AB -ve…. n Adi says..i better arrange for all to reach Shimla! Dadi sad! Dadi takes out old family files n sees one paper with the required blood group…!! Geet in a state of dejection n shock n keeps getting flashbacks of moments with MSK n the accident…!! Doc comes n says… patient is sinking…did u arrange for blood..n Geet says..there is no one n Doc says.. better take him to Chandigadh. ..but dunno if he will be able to survive the journey!

Part 2
Dadi tells.. Arjun… Anne.. and all to call up friends …if anyone has AB -ve..n to rush to the MSK needs blood! Everyone on phone n try to search for a donor..but…. no result! Geet rushes someone into the testing lab…but the persons blood group is different..! Nurse asks Geet…if blood is arranged…but Geet lost..! Adi tells … Dadi that no blood bank have AB -ve…. n Adi says..i better arrange for all to reach Shimla! Dadi sad! Dadi takes out old family files n sees one paper with the required blood group…!! Geet in a state of dejection n shock n keeps getting flashbacks of moments with MSK n the accident…!! Doc comes n says… patient is sinking…did u arrange for blood..n Geet says..there is no one n Doc says.. better take him to Chandigadh. ..but dunno if he will be able to survive the journey!

Part 3
Dadi asks Anne to stay back n keep trying for blood ! Geet tells to Dadi…that please try..n save Maan…n Dadi crying on phone n tells Geet..we searched everywhere..but no ones blood group matches Maans….!! Dadi says.. i thot a lot..but theres one person .whose blood group matches Maans…n Geet is hopeful n… Dadi says.. Dev.. Geet shocked..n Dadi says.. Dev n Maans blood group are same! Geet lost in thots..


Part 3
Dadi asks Anne to stay back n keep trying for blood ! Geet tells to Dadi…that please try..n save Maan…n Dadi crying on phone n tells Geet..we searched everywhere..but no ones blood group matches Maans….!! Dadi says.. i thot a lot..but theres one person .whose blood group matches Maans…n Geet is hopeful n… Dadi says.. Dev.. Geet shocked..n Dadi says.. Dev n Maans blood group are same! Geet lost in thots..


Precap – Geet looks at MSK n says….today coz of me u r here..n only that person can save u.. whom u hate the most…..n Dev shown.. collecting some papers n about to leave!

Precap – Geet looks at MSK n says….today coz of me u r here..n only that person can save u.. whom u hate the most…..n Dev shown.. collecting some papers n about to leave!

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