Friday, February 18, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 18th February 2011 Written Update

Outside the factory .
Satish asks a peon if Dharmesh is in his cabin .He is told that Dharmesh has not come to the office .Satish calls Dharmesh .Dharmesh is in a park with Varun and Madhuri .
Satish asks him where he is .Dharmesh lies and says that he is in the office .
After putting the phone down Satish is in deep thoughts .He is now suspicious because he knows that Dharmesh is lying to him …
He calls Dharmesh again and tells him that he wants to talk to him in person about Vaishali .
Dharmesh is very worried as he doesn’t know why Satish wants to talk to him about her …

Ajit’s house .
Ajit Vandita and Rasika are talking about the inaugration …
Vandita is very happy that Manav and Archana were looking so happy together .Ajit says that when Savita was asked to do the inaugration he got worried for a second as he didn’t want anything wrong to happen but he was so glad to see everything go well…
Rasika says that everything was good except Vaishali ..She says that something is definitely wrong as Dharmesh was not present at the inaugration and Vaishali looked very down .She also says that she has heard that Vaishu is staying at Manav and Archana’s and that can be a potentialy dangerous situation ..
Vandita gets worried and wants to know how it can get dangerous ?
Rasika says that soon people will start spreading rumours about Manav and Vaishali because this relation of brother in law and sister in law is a delicate one and people will talk ….
Vandita gets angry and she says that her brother is not the type to do something like this .Rasika taunts her that her brother is no angel and today she is talking tomorrow others will too ..

Outside on the road .
Dharmesh is very worried about what Satish wants to talk about ..Manav and Archana approach him and ask him if he knows where Vaishali is .He has no knowledge bu the immediately starts suspecting that Vaishu must have gone to Satish and that is why now Satish wants to talk …
He tells Manav to look for Vaishu and call him if he knows anything .

Manav’s house
Manav and Archana both come home .They are both very worried as they could not find Vaishali .Archu is worried that her sister might have taken some drastic step out of frustration but Manav assures her that Vaishu is not that stupid ..
Vandita comes to see them .Looking at her worried face both Manav and Archana know that she is worried about something serious ..
Manav questions her and tells her to be honest .
Vandita : What is Vaishali doing in this house , whatever the reason , just send her back ..I cannot take it if anyone says anything bad about my brother .
Manav : What happened ..what did anyone say ….
Archana : What did Ajit’s Aie say ?
Vandu : She said that Vaishali is staying here because there is something going on between dada and her .
Archana : Vandu !!!!! she is shocked ….what on earth are you saying ?
vandita : I am not saying this , I cannot even think something like this but you cannot stop people and this rumour will be started by Ajit’s mother .Please dada , send Vaishali back .She has a home and a husband , why is she living in this house ..??
Manav : There is a problem in Vaishali ‘s life and until that problem gets solved she cannot go anywhere …
Archana : I will tell you what is wrong .
Manav tries to stop his wife but she still goes on .
Archana : No Manav , now yo uwill not say anything because if anyone ponts fingers at your character then that is something I just cannot tolerate …
She tells Vandita everything about Vaishali and Dharmesh …..
Archana : Vandu , I told yo uthis because I trust yo u.Vaishali never wanted this to be told to anyone so please just keep all this to yourself ..

Dharmesh’s room .
Satish is calling Dharmesh again .Dharmesh disconnects his call but he is terribly worried abotu satish being after him and has no idea what to say to him .While he sits on his bed with all this going in his head , his mother also coems and starts questioning him .She tells him that she is disgusted with his behaviour .
Vaishali comes in the room shocking the life out of Dharmesh .
Dharmesh’s mother tells him off for neglecting his wife and being too much of a workoholic .She tells him to drop her to her mother’s place .

Outside on the road
Dharmesh tells vaishali that they must find a solution to this whole problem .Vaishali says that she has found a solution and she wants divorce .Dharmesh thinks that she is taking all this too far .
Vaishali tells him that she is now fed up and doesn’t even wants to question him anymore that she is angry at herself for ever loving someone like him …
She is disgusted that he shared their bedroom with ‘ that woman ‘ .
Dharmesh : That is not true , it is not like yo uthink .
Vaishu : Another lie now , don’t yo uever get tired ..did yo unot bring her to the house ? did she not stay in our bedroom ? did she not ask yo u for another child ? Come on Dharmesh , this is going no where , we will have to finish our relationship …
Dharmesh : Please don’t say that .I will be ruined .What will I tell satish , my mother , your mother .If there is anyone I have truly loved then that girl is you …
Vaishali : You lied , one after another …now you go and tell everyone .Yo uwill be telling satish and your mother the truth …I wil ltake care of my mother , I just want a divorce .
Dharmesh : You cannot have a divorce .
You see vaishali , in legal terms I am already married and our marriage has no legal status .In the eyes of the law , yo uare not even my wife so what divorce are yo utalking about ..He tells Vaishali with a straight face and a slight smile . Let things be the way they are .What divorce are you talking about …
Vaishali is grief striken to hear this …She starts crying ….
Vaishali: You knew this ..You knew what yo uwere doing , she grabs his collar .You knwingly did this to me …
She leaves crying and feeling shattered ..
Dharmesh thinking to himself .
Maybe now that there is no other option for her , Vaishu will come back to me …

Manav’s hosue .
Manav thinks that enough is enough and they have to inform the police .Archu is worried about police’s involvement as eevrything will be out in the open and thinsg will get out of control .
Manv doesn’t care anymore as he is too worried about vaishali’s safety ..As they are about to go out Vaishu comes in ….
Manav yells at her for disappearing the way she did but she tells him how she landed at Dharmesh’s house .She comes in and Archana sees her crying .Archu asks her why she is crying and vaishu tells her that Madhuri and Dharmesh have even shared their bed room together .Shecannot believe how Dharmesh could do this to her and that he did not even respect the special moments between them ….She is crying a lot and her sister is trying to cosole her …

Dharmesh’s house
Dharmesh is sitting very worried, deep in his thoughts suddenly he gets shocked to see satish in the room staring at him .
Dharmesh is looking as if he had seen some ghost .
Satish : Yo uleave me no choice but to come and see what is it that is keeping yo uso busy that yo ucannot even pick up my phone calls .
Now tell me the truth .What is the problem between you and Vaishali .You have been lying to me .I called you from office only when you lied to me that yo uwerein the office..
Dharmesh : I was in tension , but everything is looking good between me and vaishali .Go ask my mother , she was here .He calls his mother and tells her that vaishu will come soon …and that he has dropped her at her mother’s place .
satish tells Dharmesh that he wants him to come to Sulochna’s house right now as he wants to hear this from Vaishali as well .As long as he doesn’t hear vaishali also say that everything is fine , he will not believe anything .
A terribly scared Dharmesh tells Satish that he needs to go to the wash room ……

Precap :
Sulochna is calling Dharmesh’s mother . She wants to talk to vaishali .Her surprised mother in law tells her that how come she is asking this question as vaishal is supposed to be in her house only ….

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