RP Haveli:
The episode begins with Rpji telling the lawyers that he announces his youngest grandson as the future Raj Purohit and bequeaths all his wealth to his future wife, meaning his Choti Bahu. M is listening at the door and she is shocked. But RPji puts a condition to this: that his grandson must marry before he reaches 23 years old only then will he become the Raj Purohit…or else all the wealth will go to the ‘Jan Kalyan’ Trust. RPji gives the lawyers a letter in which he has written everything and tells them to change the will quickly. The lawyers tell him that there’s nothing to worry about, they will do it asap. He replies that his worries will only cease when the ‘Raj Purohit’ title is handed to the person who is capable in every way. He tells them that as soon as he signs the new will he’ll announce his grandson as the future Raj Purohit publicly. They leave the room while M hides behind the door. She is not happy at all! She says this can’t happen! If Babuji signs the new will then neither her husband nor her son will get anything. All the doors will be closed for her. She says she won’t let this happen.
Yamuna Ghat:
Dev is looking for Radhika at the top of the steps. He’s sad that she’s not there. He thinks maybe she’s looking for him at the bottom and goes to see.
Radhika’s House:
Radhika is talking to the Kanha Murti that Dev found. She tells her Kanha that she was supposed to tell Dev they are now married but she didn’t get the chance to tell him. And now Dev has left.
Dev is still looking for Radhs. He is at the tree where they tied that red cloth. He sits down sadly. He says that only he is waiting for her, she didn’t even come to meet him. Or maybe she had come to meet him when he went home. He thinks what to do and decides to go looking for her.
Radhika’s House:
She says to Kanha that she know he has left. Mansaram comes and brings her food. He sweetly recites a little poem for her to eat, it goes something like this: “rookhi sookhi khana thanda paani pi…” She joins in with: “dugna ashram, chaugni hasi, baras sawaso jee!” He tells her to eat now but she is sad. She cries and hugs him, they are both crying.
Dev reached there searching for Radhs. The pandit gives him prasad. He takes it and goes to leave but the panditji tells him to eat it right there. He says one should eat prasad right in the mandir for keeping God’s honor (or something like that).
Radhika’s House:
Mansaram tells her to eat. She says she will eat later as she doesn’t feel like eating now. He tells he that she should eat now; if she doesn’t eat she will become weak.
Dev eats the prasad…Kanha’s murti is shown in the bg.
Radhika’s house:
Mansaram feeds Radhika.
Both Dev and Radhika are eating at the same time.
RP Haveli:
Gopaldas is explaining Raag Bhopali to Viraat. Viraat is not interested, he wants to leave. M comes here. He tells her she has come at the right time, he is beginning her son’s musical training (he says all this in his shayari style! ) She tells Viraat to leave and he thanks her. He says if he had to listen to another raag he’d go crazy! Gopaldas ask M why she is so angry. She smiles fakely and says (looks like her signature line is “Bhagvan udhaar kare!” ) if he knows what his father thinks of him; that he is a fool, not at all trustworthy and incapable of doing anything right. She hits his harmonium really hard and says that’s why Babuji will make Rohan the heir.
He tells her that if Babuji has taken this decision then there must be some reason to it. She says Padma’s place is at her feet and Rohan’s place is at Viraat’s feet and if the will changes then she will have to suck up to that widow! Gopaldas says they’re all a family. She tells him to please use his brains for once; if he doesn’t want to be the Raj Purohit then it’s fine but to at least think of their son. What kind of father he is. He says that let the one who is getting the opportunity get it. M is furious! She tells him to shut up. He looks scared of her now. She tells him that if he even thinks about uttering his nonsense poetry in front of her anymore then she’ll strangle him! He says he’s feeling thirsty in his shayari style and leaves this makes her more angry!
She says that all these years she has tolerated this madman only for the Raj Purohitain title! She won’t let this happen to herself. She won’t let Rohan be the Raj Purohit and she certainly won’t let his future wife meaning Choti Bahu get all the property and wealth.
Radhika’s House:
Mansaram is feeding Radhika sweetly. He tells her to eat the last bite when Bharka comes shouting that they’re getting late for Gurukul(school). Shanti comes to the door and says Radhika is not at home. She says Radhika has gone out of the village with her father. Barkha says that after a three day holiday the school has resumed and she is gone? Shanti says why can’t she go? He father had a lot of work that’s why he took her. Radhika and Mansaram are listening to all this. He assures her and they hug. He comes out to talk to his wife. He asks her why she lied to Barkha, why she didn’t let Radhika go to the Gurukul. She replies that the other day if she had stayed at home then nothing would have happened and it’s good that the boy Radhika married has left.
Dev is asking people if they know where is Radhika’s house and someone tells him. Radhika is doing her chores and Dev is approaching the house. She senses him and runs to the door but does not see him.
Shanti comes (her signature line is “Kaaj Gire!” ) and says no work is done by anyone else in this house and calls for Chanda. Radhika runs and resumes hanging the clothes. Dev is right in front of their house but the cloth is blocking him from seeing Radhika. He sees Barkha and asks her where is Radhika. She tells him Radhika has gone out of the village for a few days with her father. He leaves.
RP Haveli:
It is now nighttime. M comes and asks RPji if he needs any help. She says she will help him with his papers. He tells her to leave it. She says he is always busy that’s why she wanted to help him. She says now he must be worried about the future Raj Purohit, she asks who he will make the next Raj Purohit. He says she must have gotten to know. He doesn’t know how she got to know but he understands that she knows everything. She stops faking and says yes she knows that he will make his younger granson the Raj Purohit. How could he make that decision? He replies that it is for everyone’s well being. She tells him that it is an injustice! He says that he has taken this decision after consulting with Kaashi Maharaj and that his every word is like an order. He tells her that it is not important who becomes the Raj Purohit but what’s important is that the person be capable to handle the position. They have an angry stare down!
Daima and Dev come walking in right then but they don’t notice M and Rpji. She says he has taken the right decision; she turned selfish for a time, that he can never take a wrong decision. She leaves and Rpji calls Dev. He asks Dev if he likes it here in this city. Dev says yes, he likes it a lot and tells him all about his new friend Radhika. RPji tells him that tomorrow there is a pooja and he wants Dev to accompany him. Dev agrees and they hug.
Dev’s Room:
Daima is telling Dev a story. She asks him what’s the matter. He tells her he didn’t find Radhika.
Radhika’s House:
Radhika is telling Mansaram that she went to meet Dev but he had already left.
Dev’s Room:
Dev is telling Daima that he waited for Radhika but she didn’t come to meet him. He says she must be thinking that he has gone back to Mathura. Daima tells him not to be sad, Kanha will surely make them meet.
Radhika’s House:
Mansaram asks Radhika if she knows the boys name. She tells him its ‘Krishn Kanhaiya’
Dev’s Room:
Dev tells Daima that Rohan had told him if he dressed as Krishna then he will meet Radha. What did he know that Radha would become his best friend.
Radhika’s House:
Radhika says he had become her best friend. What did she know that he would become her husband! Mansaram tells her don’t think about it too much and sends her to sleep. He thinks to himself that the pandit had said they got married at such an auspicious time and for Radhika’s sake he has to find that boy because he knows Radhika will never be able to take that boy out of her heart.
It is morning and M has come to meet Kaashi Maharaj. He blesses her and asks why she is there. She says she felt like meeting him. He tells her that she should say what is in her heart. She asks if he had told RPji to change the will. He says that he only told RPji to do what destiny had already written. She asks if everything is happening only because of his foresight. He asks what is happening? She tells that RPji is changing his will to make his youngest grandson RP and his Choti Bahu the maalkin. She tells him to tell Babuji that he had a wrong foresight and to make her husband or son the RP and the heir to all the wealth. If he does this she will make him the head of 14 matths. He asks her if she will bribe destiny. She says that she is only telling him to stop Babuji from changing the will and she’ll handle everything else. Kaashi Maharaj tells her that in Dwapar Yug Kans had heard the bavishya vaani (heavenly voice/warning) that his sister’s 8th son will be his death and frightened, he imprisoned Devaki & Vasudev and killed all their children. But still he couldn’t change destiny! He says it’ll be good if she could compromise with her destiny. She leaves angrily.
Mansaram is telling the panditji who saw RaDev getting married that he is looking for the boy Radhika married. He asks for the panditji’s help. Panditji tells Mansaram that if God has made RaDev’s jodi then the same God find a way for them to be together and that he should concentrate on his duties only. He should give Radhika the 16 sanskaars of a Bramhim girl and leave everything else to God.
Dev is telling Mansaram that he is looking for his friend. Mansaram tells him if he know where his friend lives he should go there. Dec says he doesn’t know where she lives. Mansaram asks if he knows his friend’s name. Dev says yes and Mansaram asks what is her name!
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