Monday, February 28, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 28th February 2011 Written Update

Manav’s house
Manav gives Sachu to his mother and tells her to leave .When Savita goes out of the house , Archana tries to go after her but Manav stops Archu .

Savita is walking back home with Sachu ..
What Archana said about saving Sachu and what Manav said about not being her son any more is all repeating in her mind ….

Outside a stall.
Manav ,Ajit and Shibu are collecting money .Their customer says that Manav is doing rather well these days ….He starts laughing and says that Manav is making so much money that everyone in the market is talking about it and not just money , Manav is having a great time otherwise as well( he starts laughing ) .
Manav gets very angry with this man and he wants to know what thsi guy is talking about .
Ajit immediately figures out that this guy is talking about Manav and Vaishali having an affair ..He tells this guy to go away …
Manav wants to know what was it that he was saying but Ajit somehow gets Manav distracted from the topic ..
Manav is in a very off mood and he tells Shibu to go home and tell Archu that he is going to come home late ….After Manav leaves Shibu too wants to know what everyone is talking about but Ajit ignores him . Ajit is looking worried about Manav .
Shibu says to Ajit that he will find out what everyone is talking about , one way or another ..Ajit tells him everything ..He tells Shibu to be very careful otherwise if the word goes out then Manab and vaishali’s reputation will go down the drains …

Karanjkar House
Archana is crying in front of her mother .She has todl her mother the whole episode of savita forgetting the child and then slapping her ..
Sulochna is also worried that how can someone forget a child liek this .Archu says she has no idea how all this happened …She is very worried and doesn’t know what to do .
Sulochna is also upset that instead of thanking her daughter , Savita slapped her …
Archana says that she doesn’t care about getting slapped at all and all she cares for is Manav .She is worried about him because he is missing his mother so much but his mother and him are going away from each other and the reason is her .
Sulochna tells her daughter that mnav isa very sensible boy and he would never ever take her side if she was wrong .He needs Archana now and she has to be there for him now .
Sulochna says that she has to stop blaming herself .She tells Archana that savita is just not trying to coem around and she is being unreasonable and stubborn .She also calls Saviat a very unlucky mother because despite of having a great son like Manav she is still all alone and cannot enjoy a great life as she should have ….
Archu cries that she is scared if every thing will eb back to normal one day ….
Sulochna tells her daughter to let time take care of everything and she has to show some patience .

In a park
Manav is sitting in a park .He is looking very depressed .He sees a small boy playing and his grandmother helping him.The the boy falls down .The parents of that boy come and the father tells his mother off .He even says that if she cannot take care of the kid he will get a maid instead of her .
Manav goes up to them and talks to them …
Manav : I am sorry Sir , I know this is your personal matter but I could not stop myself .Look at how yo u are talking to her .You say that she doesn’t know how to take care of a child ….if she didn’t then you would not be here ….
If today yo udon’t take care of your children then in your old age , your children will do the same to you .She is giving so much love to this child .No maid can ever do this ….
One more thing ….the biggest blessing of God in this earth is a mother ….Think about those who are so unlucky that they cannot be with their mother ..You are lucky you have her with you …Don’t make this mistake , don’t loose her ( he says sadly ) .

Deshmukh house .
It is night .The house is dirty ….dishes have not been washed .No food was cooked .Damodar comes in the room and sees a quiet and depressed Savita sitting all alone .
Damodar asks savita why she didn’t cook or clean .
savita answers him in a low and depressed tone that she is not a maid and if he wants he can get a maid to do house work ..
damodar softens his tone and asks her if he should get something for her to eat but Savita says she is not hungry and goes to lie down on the bed ….

Manav’s house
It is late at night and Manav is sitting alone on the roof top .
Archana goes to look for him , she takes a leaf and touches Manav’s ear with it to tease him …Manav looks at her and asks her why she is here ..
She tells him that she has come up to get him for dinner …
Manav is not hungry ..
Archu : It is Aie , yo uare missing her …What happened today should not have happened .There was no reason still more distances came between you and your mother ….But if you don;’t eat then that is no solution to these problems .
Mnav : Still I don’t feel like eating ..You and vaishu eat ..Archana calls vaishu to bring the food up and both sisters start eating ..Archu gets chocked eating something ….Manav quickly gets her water .Archana complains that the food is too hot .Manav tstes the food and says that it is all right .Archana now starts laughing that he has tasted the food now so might as well eat it ..
Vaishu is happy to see her sister do this little drama to make her husband have his dinner …
Archu tells her that as she is the bahu of an actor , she too is now good in acting …she laughs and Manav too laughs at what she is saying …..

Deshmukh house
Savita wakes up in the middle of the night .She goes out of the room in the kitchen .Damodar is sleeping and there is nothing to eat .
She goes in the kitchen and thinks about making something for herself to eat as she is terribly hungry .But she decides not to as she has no energy right now …
She sees all the dinner that she made for Manav .all of that has gone bad .She is so hungry that she decides to have some of that only .While eating she remebers Manav’s words that you don’t love me ….
She is crying and saying that she loves him very much and doesn’t know how to tell him that …

Precap :
Manav is satnding near the chawl .Vaishu comes and feeds him something from her hand ….
They suddenly realize that some women from the chawl are watching them do this …
The woman says : Chee Chee , you guys have no shame whatsoever .
Before you were both doing all this behind walls but now doing it all out in the open …Have some shame , will you ? she screams loudly at Manav and Vaishali ..The rest of the ladies are looking at them with disgust .Manav looks terribly embarassed and Vaishu lookes at him with a worried face ….

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