Tots to Teens & in beTween - A Book of Sleep by Il Sung Na |An ...
The story begins with a starry night and everyone has gone to sleep "except for the watchful owl." The owl travels through the quiet evening watching animals snuggled up for the night. ...
Willies Stories: 60
Her white hair was now Christmas Blue in the desert, and looked like it was a real, blue fire. It was gently waving. But there was no breeze that night. The sparks from her blue fire floated up into the night air and filled in the sky. ... Her blue fire glowed brightly, and the waves and fronds of flame began to stretch off into the starry night sky, a hundred miles long. "Shhhhh..... I am ze captain now." Her lips brushed mine, and this sent off sparks in my head that ...
From Bight Light to Nightlight « Creative Home Life
Starrynight is a combination light and nightlight that recreates the starry night sky while being energy efficient. A transparent light-collecting module (provided by Mechanical and Systems Research Laboratories [MSL]/Industrial ...
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