Friday, February 18, 2011

Choti Bahu Season 2 18th February 2011 Written Update

Dev gives the cloths to Mansaram and asks if they will be ready by morning for the samuhik vivah. Mansaram asks servents about Dev seeing so resposible in young age, but before they answer Ashanthi interrupts screeming……Dev gives the turmeric with which the cloths have to be coloured……They leave the house and Radhika is shown entering the house with water pot on her head.
Mansaram sees Radh wet and ask her to change cloths and take rest…. but Ashanthi stops her and asks her grind turmeric and help her father in colouring the cloths. Radhika grinds the turmeric while Mansaram boling the water.
Turmeric is applied on Radhika’s cheeks, forehead and all over her hands(mangalam bhagavan vishnu in BG) Radhika is smiling so sweetly looking at her cute small yellow coloured hands. Radhika gives the paste to her father, he mixes in water. they put all the white cloths in the yellow water and dries them. its already morning, Mansaram tells her to rest but she says its almost morning and she wants to do puja.

At the temple: The pandit taking care of the arrangements, he asks the guys if the speakers are put properly. and when the progamme starts, only the chantings should be heard all over the Rawal…..
RPji asks pandit about the arrangements, pandit says everything is fine but we still didnt get the cloths for the ritual, Maheswari says Virat is taking care of it. just then they hear Virat screaming at the pandits…..

Here Mansaram and Radhika are folding the yellow cloths…Ashanthi comes and scolds her that why didnt she sweep the house till now…..Radhika goes inside and Dev comes with a servant to take the cloths. Mansaram gives the cloths to the servant, He gives one of the yellow cloth to Dev as it is still wet, tumeric is applied on both his hands when he holds the yellow cloth(mangalam bhagavan vishnu in BG)…

RPji is asking Virat where are the cloths, Virat is quite…….

Ashanthi is shouting Mansaram that he didnt bargain enough much with the purohits. Mansaram says they have given the correct price…………………..Mansaram asks Radhika to take rest before going outside. Ashanthi scolds her and asks her to deliver the blankets to munimji.

everybody questioning Virat about the cloths while Dev comes with the cloths. RPji surprised asks him about it, Dev replies that Virat baiyya have given me the work….RPji scolds Virat to learn something from Dev, RPji blesses him and awards him and tells him to enjoy the fair…..
RPji has to leave, as Maharaj from Kasi had to return back urgently and before leaving he gives the responsibilty of the Marriage rituals to Gopaldas and he gives him a bag of gold coins which are to be distributed among the couples after marriage.

Radhika gives the cloths to Munimji, while returning Barkha takes her to the fair, Barkha runs seeing something leaving Radhika alone ………. Radhika finds Dev enjoying the bioscope, she calls him from a distance “kishn kaniyya”, but Dev is busy, she goes near and calls him…….They have a cute conversation, and starts fighting…..Radhika too wanted to see the bioscope but Dev doesnot let her. she pulls his aside and takes a look at it and again Dev pulls her and does not let her to watch, she requests him but he doesnt, then she starts tickling him…….Dev keeps moving backwards and falls into muddy water…..everybody around starts laughing at him…….but Radhika shouts them saying poor guy has fallen down and ur laughing at him???……..she helps him get out of it and takes him to the yamuna ghat.

A pandit tells the ritual about the marriage and they start the haldi function. Gllimpses of DevRadhika appyling the Haldi is shown(mangalam bhagavan vishnu in BG)… Now pandit tells, now the couples will bathe in the Pavitra ghat. DevRadhika are shown running to the Radha ghat(another place), Dev starts washing the mud, naughty Radhika starts splashing water over Dev, having a small Nok-Jhok inbetween, Dev too splashs water over Radhika and they start enjoying to play in the water….(Swasti Na IndroVridhashravaah Swasti Nah Poosha… the BG )

Dev takes Radhika chunni is running in the front and rahika running behind……..Radhika finally hols the one end on the chunari and Dev holding the other end. they reach the Temple where the pandit has already announced the ritual of the Pheres(Vows)…..DevRadhika still running holding the chuunari and start takes Pheres, Another Pandit sees this( who is standing insdie the temple) and shouts to stop, but the speakers are too loud…:):)


OMG loved today episode and i am so happy that the childhood marrige of DevRadhika is not arranged……

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