Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 4th May 2011 Written Update

Recap – Koki & Gopi have reached Switzerland & Ahem is shocked to see Gopi (who is looking like a tutti-frutti sundae)
Sorry missed the 1st minute
Koki: (to an upset Ahem) if Gopi will like it if she sightsees. Right Gopi vau? Gopi (poor thing) can only nod her head. BTW, howz your work? Ahem: Very well, as I have your aashirwaad. Koki: Don’t worry, everything will go right, & god will help you, besides my blessings are always with you. They leave for the hotel.

MM – Urmila comes in as the doors w-i-d-e o-p-e-n (thinking): I have to inform Rashi, but how to as I don’t have her number. Poor thing. I have to tell her that that kagdi had flown after her. Poor girl, she must be prancing about in jeans over there. And this rahu (Koki) will eclipse my chanda (Rashi). I have to inform her before a kaand (scam) happens, but how to contact her. Hetal comes there & is surprised. Urmila: Since morning, I kept thinking of Rashi & how much I wish to hear her voice. That’s why I came so early in the morning. Hetal frowns hoping Ahem is not is a meeting. (to Urmila): I’ll try. She dials the number & Ahem answers while they’re still walking to the hotel.

Ahem: Mom, It’s call from home. Koki: I’ll speak, give it to me. Hello? Hetal: Wow! You’ve reached Koki? Urmila: What she’s already reached! (what happened to her voice? She was screeching) Hetal is shocked by Urmila’s response. Koki: Whose voice is that there in the background? Urmilaben is there? Hetal: Yes, she wanted to talk to Rashi as she’s remembering her a lot. Koki: Really? But tell her that we’ve not reached the hotel so how will I get Rashi to talk to her? And if it’s an urgent message, tell me & I’ll inform Rashi. Hetal: Ok? You speak with her directly. She turns to Urmila & hands her the phone (she has to literally force her to take the handset as Urmila was refusing & backing away ) Urmila: (hesitantly) Hello? Koki: Arre Urmilaben, talk fast as this is foreign place & the calls are expensive. Urmila: No, actually I was worried about Rashi. Koki: Don’t worry, now I’m her I’ll take care of her. Urmila: (mumbling) That what I’m worried about? Koki: What? Urmila: Nothing nothing. Koki: THen I’ll say bye. She cuts the call. Urmila: Wait, hello, hello. (To Hetal) Looks like the call got cut. Hetal: What? Give, I’ll redial. Urmila: (hurriedly) No, no, it’s ok. I’ll leave. Hetal: Wait Urmilaji, you’re coming tomorrow morning with Kinjal for breakfast, right? Urmila: Yes yes. Ok bye. She leaves worried.

Rashi: Don’t know where Jigarji has gone? He went to get the van long back & Ahem jiju don’t know where he went. But good, till he comes, I’ll finish a lot of my shopping. She turns & sees ahem with Gopi’s stolley & Gopi trying to get down & looking worried. Rashi: Gopi? No,I’m dreaming. Then she sees Koki & is shocked! Rashi: Kagdi?! If she sees me like this! She runs to the bushes & hides.

Jigar comes there. Jigar: What are ytou doing here, Rashi? Rashi: Jigarji, woh Kaki.. Jigar: You’re remembering her. Rashi: No, look over there. Jigar sees KoGoHem & is delighted: Wow! Rashi, kaki has given a surprise. Rashi: It may be a surprise for you but it’s a shock forme. If she sees me in these clothes. Jigar (worried): Go & change Rashi. Rashi: But what do I change into? I thought I’ll wear jeans here & so didn’t get any sarees. Now what? Jigar: Rashi, wear the sari you wore while coming. Run, go. Rashi runs away & Koki comes. Koki: Jigar? Jigar greets her & Gopi. Koki: How are you & where’s Rashi? Jigar: She’s just coming, she went to get ready. Koki (shocked): What?! She’s not ready yet? Jigar: No, she forgot her purse & went to get it. Till she comes, I’ll take your bags to your room. Koki says ok & calls Gopi to come along (why is she always saying come Gopi vau? Is Gopi so dumb that she doesn’t even know when to walk?)

Rashi comes stumbling (she’s draped her sari on top of the jeans ): Gopi? Kakiji? How come you’re here? Gopi greets her. Rashi: Now that you’ve come, we’ll have loads of fun. She bends to take Koki’s blessings. After blessing her, Koki spots the jeans under the sari. Koki: Rashi, your old habits are still there. Rashi: (confused): Meanig? Koki: You’ve again started draping your sari on top of your jeans? Rashi is shocked, Jigar is OMG, Gopi is dumbfounded & Ahem, he only stares Koki: Just like when I’d come to your house the first time, then also this drama was on. I’m right, am I not? Rashi: No, actually, it’s very cold her. Koki: This habit has not changed too, neither yours nor mine. Rashi is silenced. Koki: I always catch your lies & you? You can’t even lie to me properly. If you want to do anything, do after asking. Why do it secretly? Listen to me attentively, it may happen everywhere in the world, but it doesn’t happenin our home. Our women don’t dress in jeans, did you ever see my daughter in jeans. Now you are a part of us, not different. You are a Modi bahu, you’re a Modi. that’s why get back into your old garb & you’ll remain in it while we’re here.

Rashi: But, but. Koki: But what? Jigar: Kaki, Rashi didn’t get any sarees. Koki is shocked (her eyes are popping out): How can be Jigar? For one thing, she keeps on making mistakes & you’re encouraging her. This is not good! Anyway, you will wear your sister’s sarees & remain in them. OK? Rashi looks as if she’s about to throw up while Gopi gives a sickening smile (don’t blame Rashi, Gopi’s sarees are yuk )

Ahem: Come mom, rest. Tomorrow I’ll take you sightseeing. Koki: Good, especially Gopi vau will enjoy it. Poor Gopi looks as if she’s stuck between the devil & the deep sea. Ahem glares at her. Jigar: Great! Rashi, we’ll have so much fun, right? Rashi gives a smile. KoGoShi leave. Jigar: Ahembhai, I’m ashamed about yesterday. Please forgive me, I promise I won’t give you another chance to get angry. Ahem merely nods & leaves. Jigar smiles.

CM – Urmila is worried & twirling her phone. Urmila: That kagdi reached there, wonder how my Rashi is? Wonder if she’s able to do any shapping or not (not a spelling mistake, she said shapping, not shopping) What to do? She’s not even calling. Haye Haye. Oh god, pls give her brains to call me up.

Marketplace – Rashi: The Rashi whose styles were talked about in Rajkot, today is walking around dressed like a gaawar in Switzerland. Here, the people will think which villager tourist has come her. Gopi is dressed in bridal red sari. Gopi: How strange it seems, strange people, strange lang, that’s why this is called abroad. Rashi sees Gopi & angrily stalks towards her. Rashi: Where were you? I’ve looking for you & what’s this in your hand? Gopi: This is sweater for cold. Rashi: Are you mad? We’re wearing such a long sari. Take a shawl. Gopi: I was just coming to ask you if I should get you one too. Rashi: I’ve told you before. Have you ever seen any heroines in sweaters? Give it to kaki, she won’t like the cold. Gopi agrees & leaves. Rashi: If she wears sweater, then kaki will force me to wear one too & I’ll look even more gawaar. Besides, if she carries a sweater, then who’ll carry my shopping bags?

Koki & Ahem are standing elsewhere & Jigar comes there. Jigar: Kaki, I got breakfast for everyone. Koki: That’s ok, but where’re Rashi & Gopi? Jigar: They must be coming. Just then GoShi reach there. Koki: Where were you both? She’s about to start her scolding/lecture but Ahem says they’re already late & must leave. Koki agrees. All leave.

MM – Hetal: Urmilaben, we’re delighted that you came to eat. Urmila: Did you get a chance to speak with Rashi? Hetal: The thing is the phone is with Ahem & we don’t know when he’s free & when he’s in a meeting and therefore will get disturbed. But you don’t worry, when the call comes, I’ll tell Rashi to call you. Urmila is relieved & starts looking here & there for Kinjal.

Kinjal is with Chirag. Kin:Kaka, I wanted to ask you something. Dhawalji is looking for a job. Is there a vacancy in our co.? Chirag: Oh definitely. Sometimes people have self-respect which gets affected by working with in-laws. Kin: No, nothing like that. Chirag: Then no problem. Urmila: Kinjal dikra, let’s go now. Anyway, it’s not good to stay in pihar for long. Urmila in thought after seeing Kin with Chirag. They wish each other goodbye. Kin: Kaka, I’ll call you. Urmila (thinking): Kinjal is v. happy with her kaka. Wonder what happened? Kin is smiling.

Swiss – The party has reached a hotel on top of one of the glaciers. Koki: Wow! Such a beautiful restaurant on such a height & with every amenity. Ahem: And Indian food is also available is here. Koki: Wow! That’s even more great news. Now we’ll all have Indian food only. Rashi is upset. Everyone sits, but Koki has to tell Gopi to sit, rather force her to sit (what was Gopi going to do? Keep standing like a guard while the others ate? ) Ahem glares at a timid Gopi. The waitress comes, greets & offers Koki the menu which Koki gestures to give to Ahem. Ahem asks what Koki would like to eat & Koki tells him to order for all. He orders dal, mutter paneer & chapati. Rashi: Ahem jiju, I want to eat a Swiss dish, so can I see what all is there? Ahem hands her the menu while Koki gives her her world-famous glare (since they’re now out of India & in Switzerland) Rashi: Jigarji, I want to eat this. And she spells it out, the waitress says ok & leaves. Koki: Rashi, you know what you’ve ordered right? Rashi: Of course. Koki: You’ll be able to eat it? And Rashi makes a face (like mother like daughter, but she didn’t make the twisting mouth look ) When the order comes, she finds that it consists of raw veggies & tastes it. She makes a grimace & asks what is it. Jigar: It’s the dish you ordered. It’s my favourite, you’ll find it very tasty. Come on eat. (Poor girl, even her husband is giving her a hard time & he doesn’t even know it ) Rashi asks him to share it. Koki immediately taunts: When you didn’t know what it was, then why did you order it? Always you are doing unnecessary expenditure. (And we got to see the world-famous Ahem head shake, mercifully this time it was not directed at Gopi ) Gopi: Rashiben, you eat mine, it’s v. good. And Rashi immediately starts digging in.

The meal comes to an end with Koki saying: Now that we’ve finished, let’s explore. Gopi vau, take an extra shawl & sweater as it has become even more colder outside. Gopi (confused): Maaji, I didn’t know it would be so cold, & Rashiben said it wasn’t necessary as it wouldn’t be too cold. (Koki turns her basilisk stare towards Rashi.) Koki: Why did you say that? Rashi: Y-yes kakiji, it won’t be so cold outside. And didn’t you see DDLJ, Kajol wore only dresses & we are wearing sarees. We won’t feel cold. Koki: How stupidly you’re talking! When we go outside in the snow, won’t we feel cold? What has happened to you? Rashi looks down. Jigar: Kakiji, I’ll give Rashi my jacket as I have worn many warm things underneath. Koki: No Jigar, if she’s done wrong then she should get punishment for it. Rashi, you’ll stay here. Rashi: But kakiji. Koki: CHUP, bilkul chup (hmm where have I heard that before?) Ahem: Mom, leave it. We’ll leave Gopi & Rashi here. Koki: No Ahem dikra, I’ll stay with Rashi, but Gopi vau will definitely go. Ahem & Rashi stunned while Gopi has a constipated look. Koki: Gopi vau, you take my sweater. She starts to take it off. Ahem: No mom, don’t. I’ll give my jacket to Gopi. Rashi’s mouth drops open (a la Urmila) He takes it off & gives it to Gopi who’s got a dazed look on her face. She realises the jacket has to be taken & quickly snaps it.

Koki: Rashi, you’ll stay here & not move an inch. Take care of our things. She gives her purse & makes Gopi do the same. She forces Jigar to go with them. Poor guy. Gopi starts to put on the jacket & notices Ahem looking at her & freezes (wondering to wear or not to wear). Ahem gives his w-f-h-s (pls, it’s the short form for world-famous head shake) & leaves. Jigar gives a pathetic look towards rAshi & leaves with Gopi following.

All except Rashi are outside in the snow. Rashi: (in the restaurant) Oof, the whole trip has been spoilt by this kagdi. At home, she gives me tension, here she’s drinking my blood. What to do? She spots Ahem’s phone & decides to call Urmila.

Urmila: (still worried & bad-mouthing Koki) Poor mari dikri, what she must be going through caught in that kagdi’s claws. What to do? Phone rings & it’s Rashi. Rashi informs her that kagdi is here & she’s seen her in jeans & barred her from shopping. Urmila: I know, she’s there, I’ve been desperately trying to contact you but couldn’t do anything. Rashi: Miserly Jigarji didn’t even get roaming on his phone. Rashi: She’s made me wear Gopi’s sarees & put me in charge of all the bags while she’s gone exploring. Jigarji also left me behind. Urmila: I know she’s only after one thing GoHem milan. I’m not there, so you’ll have to come up with something. Rashi: There’s only one thing she’s doing & that is she’s dancing on my head. I’m sure in this trip that hero & heroine will get their milan & I’ll get thrown out of the house. If this keeps on, then I won’t be able to do any shopping for you. Urmila: Just keep an eye on them. Rashi rings off. Urmila is highly worried.

Outside – Gopi is fascinated by the sleds. Koki: Ahem, can we have a ride on them? Ahem: Sure, come we’ll go for a ride. Koki: No, you go with Gopi while I’ll sit with Jigar. But Gopi, seeing Ahem’s expression, says she’s scared. Therefore ahem & Koki decide to go for a ride.

Gopi is watching them go when there’s a tap on her shoulder. It’s Ahem & the start of the dream sequence They go on a sled, Ahem has his arm around her, Ahem lifting her in his arms, exploring together. It’s the song Tum Bin Bataye from RDB.

Suddenly she sees ahem alone & wakes up to the reality. Koki is watching her expressions. (You can see she’s feeling bad for Gopi).

Gopi: I want to know what do I do if the staion comes. Ahem: (gritting his teeth) Get down there immediately. She does exactly that. The train starts moving & Koki sees Gopi & exclaims Gopi. Others look around & are shocked, Ahem especially. Gopi runs after the departing train. She’s in tears.

My thoughts – What a waste of an international location, especially one as beautiful & romantic as Switzerland. The song for Gopi’s dream was not a good choice. I would’ve loved to see Tum Bin song from Tum Bin″>’s one which is a happy one which comes at the start of the movie, but can’t find it.) I hope at least Jigar’s dream song is a good one. Ahem’s expressions are And I used to think Lendl ‘s face looked carved from stone. Koki was bit too much today. I’m seriously disappointed with this trip. Hoping for something better tomorrow.

Also pls ‘Wish SNS on its first b’day here’

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