ANU COMES IN AMBAji room and see mona putting wet clothes on ambaji head,anu sits in the sofa and sleeps,mona is awake the whole night doing seva of ambaji,the next day when ambaji wakes she calls anukalp(asleep),mona comes near her but ambaji shoos her off,anukalp gets up and goes to her,anu tells ambaji that she scared them,he checks her temperature and t is normal so he is happy.mona goes to temple and thanks sreenathji for making ambaji alright. ambaji and anu comes there,and anu tell ambaji to break her fast,ambaji says she wont and is about to trip mona tries to help but anu helps her out and he tells mona its all cause of her,and she intentionally hurted him and his family,and if somthing happens to ambaji he will never forgive her and break all the ties with her,and the thing she did for ambaji whole night will not make things alright for them,and he leaves with ambaji.
mona starts crying and says was only this was your love,and she calls her mayka(she is missing her mom a lot)but discoonects it telling herself the choice she made,and she decide she will win back every1 trust and love again.
bedis house:vimmy tells karan mom that she thought mona had called and the phone got discconect and why will she call here her sasural people wont allow her to speak to them.
(NEXT MORNING,AT GANDHI HOUSE)hetal and fui are in kitchen very excited as ambaji n is goinfg to break the fast today,and are cooking all the stuff which ambaji likes.mona comes in with carrot and mosambi and tells fui that we should make juice for ambaji,hetal and fui ignore her,but mona still makes it.
AMBAJI ROOM:Anu,baa are in her room with her,ambaji ask anu why dint he went to office,he says he couldnt leave without her amabji being good.hetal and fui comes in the room with the food,baa tell them that they she have got juice instead,mona enters with juice,bharti she wont have anything from mona hand but mona says she just got it but is made by hetal and does ishsra to her and hetal agrees she made.anu gives water to ambaji to break the fast but ambaji tells anu to make a promise that he will find a good boy for hetal soon,anu tells and look at hetal ambaji tells now even she has understood,hetal agrees(upset) anu tells he will find a guy in a week for her.ambaji smiles and break the fast.all are happy.
part 2
hetal goes in her room (very upset,have tears in her eyes),sejal is studying,mona comes to her and tell her sorry on behalf of his brother,sejal says is she defending her brother,mona says no even she dont understnd why he did that when she knows he loves hetal.hetal says cause he is your brother,even you had done the same thing flirting with my brother and got engaged to goldie.mona(tears) says i know you dont mean this,you doing thid to hurt me,hetal says every1 know who is hurting whom,i am trying to forget that day and your brother and you are continuously reminding me that,now i will be getting hooked up in 7 days,mona says are you happy?hetal replies very(sacartiscally),mona leaves,hetal(on her mind,i will never foget my insult bhabi and you will ahve to pay for your brothers deed).
AT BEDIS HOUSE(AMRIT.GURNAM ROOM)GURnam tell amrit he finds dimpy and pam fishy,amrit says not to think like this as she is our would be daughter in law and we should get pam and karan married soon as it doesnt look good her to stay over here like this,gurnam says nobaody understand him in this house except mona but now i cant talk to her.amrit tells tomorrow dadaji will come we will fix karan and pam marriage date.
AT GANDHI HOUSE,NEXT MORNING,MONA-ANU ROOM:MONA GETS A PLATE OF APPLE for her to bbreak her fast and thanks god for making amabji alright,she is sbout tp eat it when anu enters the room shouting and tell her what you told hetal yesterday that she is crying so much,mona looks shocked and says i told her sorry on behalf of karan,anu tells why dont you stop doing this,i have stop hetal to say anythingto ambaji ortherwise she would ahve thrown you out but now onwards i dont want you to talk to any1 from your family. mona looks shocked
precap:dadaji comes at gandhi house happily with many things and start calling mona(he isnt aware about the fight),mona is about to meet him but when she sees ambaji she stops herself and tells him crying to leave from here or else he will see her death face.dadaji looks shocked.
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