Just puttng d update in point form.
1. Ammaji tels yashpal to put off main fuse but al ppl lights candles n decides to protest against amma.
2.dia views janvi frm window wid candle.in hall avtar has calld al to ask tn take janvi as it wil harm them only.but jogendar gets irritatd n reminds avpar of al dat happend in past dat he killd his dad.
4. In d room chanda warns avtar not to go against ammaji as she dose al fr good.avtar tells her dat he s upset dat she nevr undrstood hr.
5.ragini in her room watchs janvis news on tv n tels aditya dat his fly is dramatic n she likes drama.
6.amaji is calld by agent who took hr in rajaneeti n tels to take janvi as more ppl support janvi
precap-amaji cums out of gate wid talwar upto janvi n al ppl look al dis n dia is lieng on floor wipng , janvi is al terrified at sight of talwar ammaji is shwd puttng talwar on janvi n al r like to cum to help her.
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