Epi Starts with malini talking to champaklal saying i garuntee that u will get married to asha. Champaklal's sister says how can we trust ur garuntee as u are here alone and ur whole family is against u. And malini says give me some time and i will get everything undercontrol at my house. Champaklal says i gave u tons of money then u didnt know u had to control things at home. and malini says u have no choice u have to wait. and champakalal says fine we will wait but not for long or else i will committ suicide and write a letter that u r responsible for my death. then cops will come and arrest u. Malini assures him that the marriage wll take place and she will see who stops her.
Geeta is pacing and malini comes in front of her. Malini asks her why are u looking at me like this? Geeta says i know what u have been up tp and what u r up too?? and malini says talk clearly. And geeta says well u left house without telling everyone means u r up to something. MAlini taunts her. Malini says act like a DIL not my MIL. take care of ur hubby. and then malini leaves.
Kamya is painting her toe nail. The laundry man says kamya didnt give any money to me...and she goes to ask kamya to go and get money...and rahul comes and she tells rahul kamya didnt give money to laundry man...and rahul tells her to go get the money...and kamya syas i dont have the money...and rahul says where is the money...and kamya says i went out and i really loved the nail polish so i bought it. and rahul tells her off. then rahul goes and gives the money to laundry man. and he goes. Kamya says i will ask my mom to give the money if u can take care of things i need. Rahul says no need to ask ur mom. and tells her off again. and he leaves. and kamya yells back at him and her MIL says is this how u talk to ur husband...go to ur room.
Asha is thinking of how champaklal wants to marry her...and he drops the rolling pin..and malini comes and taunts her. Asha says to malini i want to ask u something?? I was born black so i m not ur daughter?? Malini says shut up. U r not married yet as u r black. U think a fair and lovely boy will come to get married to u??? Asha says i do not want to get married...and then malini burns her....and neelam sees this but is quiet. And then malini sees neelam and asks her why r u here...go to office. And neelam leaves. and then goes to asha go put ontiment on ur hand.
Prince comes and hugs Geeta from behind and is all being romantic..and geeta says what if someone sees us...and he says then they will say what a lovely couple. and then prince kisses Geeta on her forehead...and asha comes there crying. and Geeta and prince go to her and see the burn on her hand...and prince puts ontiment on her hand...and prince asks how did this happen...and asha lies that she burned her self...and prince says are u hiding something? and asha doesnt reply. And prince says be careful and work. And asha says i dont care...as my life means nothing anymore. Anyone can come and buy me like champaklal. Whats the use of this life? n geeta says we care. and we promise that we will let nothing happen to u. Prince says u dont worry...we will give back the money to champaklal. And Geeta says u dont know u r beautiful You will go to a nice sasural...u trust us???
Geeta cellphone rings. IT is her mom. and asks her how she is and her mom says nothing is right here. and she says i think i must have done a lot of paap last janam...as we got kamya as DIL. She does all this new natak everyday. Geeta says i will come there and find solution. And prince says any problem..and she says kamya bhabhi and she changes and says karuna bhabhi pregnancy complication...and prince asks geeta to go and take asha with her.
Rahul is telling her mom that he is tinking of divorcing kamya and his mom advises him against it. She tells him everything will be ok. and geeta syas i will help u with all this. and geeta and asha come in..and asha takes blessing. Geeta says have patience and we will win. geeta says dont lose hope. and kamya is on mummy...but if u make her understand..she will. She is younger then me i will explain to her. And kamya says so asha will help...no way..i will never let this happen.
Pre-cap -- Karuna says look kamya forget the past and become one of the family members...and kamya kinda pushes her..and karuna falls down...and kamya says OH GOD!!!
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