Krishna comes to the Dhaba sight where everyone are busily working ..The carpenter is making a great show of cutting the plank by brushing the saw gently over the unyielding plank…Another worker is busily hitting the nail into the planks…with the nail stubbornly refusing to glide in..while a painter is engrossed in painting ‘BABA KA DHABA” .. Krishna strolls into the Dhaba with Pratigya ..both of whom are warmly welcomed by Tunna and Chandu …who are acting as the supervisors of th Dhaba…Krishna like a true lord of the manor enquires whether the work is proceeding in order… Chandu replies that everything is almost ready and lists out the accomplished tasks ..Chandu says that the utensils have arrived, ..the chairs will be arranged shortly and proudly says that he has even got menuwa printed and hands it to Krishna saying that if Krishna finalizes the style and content ..then it can go for printing ..Krishna replies that he would hardly know anything about such things and hands it over to Pratigya ..Pratigya proof reads and Ok’s it …Next they discuss about the dishes that will be featured in the menu..Chole bature with chutney will be the main attraction ..the serious discourse then turns to the dessert ….A mini Bheja storming session ensues when Krishna says that since Jalebi is Pratigya’s phwarit dish..The restaurant will offer that on the menu…but the Lil Miss purrfect purrs out that Krishna is not starting the dhaba business to cater to Pratigya’s tastes but to cater to the taste of patron’s * A small matter which escapes the street savvy Baba, Shadi jo kiya dhimag tho dahi bangaya** Pratigya replies that jalebi’s are winter desserts and the evergreen dessert is Gulab Jamoon ..Krishna is awestruck by Pratigya’s superior wisdom, immediately lets it be known to the furthest reach of his kingdom and to all his subjects , in this case the chef that GJ will be on the menu… Krishna introduces the Cook to Pratigya and tells the cook that he has to cook the way Pratigya cooks the bature ..The chef assents .. Having done with counseling , Pratigya now wants to do inventory and oversee the maintenance…Pratigya asks Krishna whether she can get down to business and check every nook and cranny…The obliging Krishna sanction’s this idea ** As if there was any doubt about the outcome ** Pratigya goes into the kitchen with the cook and both are followed by a spell bound Krishna ..Pratigya and the cook are chatting, Pratigya is kneading the atta while Krishna watches entranced and there is the evergreen atta smearing on the cheeks by the leads scene …Pratigya goes out and has a small talk with patrons..while Krishna comes behind her and envelopes her in a hug ** Tanthya being quite a decent girl covers her eyes with 2 fingers strategically placed apart , so that Tanthya does not miss out on the action** ..Pratigya is startled , and gently slides off his hand ..pretty soon the till is full of money , Krishna is counting it , Pratigya comes and places a plate of chole bature in front of him ** Too Oily, Bey…no wonder , ur generous belly never takes a downturn** .. The Love birds then are standing out admiring the DHaba and the hordes going into it ..Into this rosy picture , Intrudes the sensible Pratigya..Krishna wakes up from his day dream. Krishna and Pratigya make a Move towards their nest .
In the Haveli
Amma gets a plateful of Apple to feed Komal, who is sulking in the bedroom..Amma sits on the bed ..tells her that day by day Pratigya’s influence is growing in the house, now even Sajjan Singh is constantly saying Partigwa this, Partigwa that ..Amma wonders what Magic Talc Pratigya uses that she has manged to make everyone dance to her tunes ** Try being genuine , instead of being fake for a change Amma ** ..Amma scolds Komal , tells her to take a leaf out of Pratigya’s book and makes her own In-laws dance to her tunes ** What u want MMGj to collapse and submerge **.. Komal replies that she will take care of her household matters , continues by saying that Amma has to be on guard now… as from the way ..Amma is narrating the recent events, it looks like Amma’s days are numbered and pretty soon Amma too will be relegated to the background like Ghanti Dadi and has to resort to ringing her bell to pass the time…Komal reinforces this by sinisterly mimicking Ting…Ting…Ting….Ting ** Apple ka asar ithni jaldi hogayi** ..Amma sits deep in thought .
Krishna and Pratigya walk in to the AXN room …. where the rest of the Thakurs plus Kesmma are assembled …Sajjan Singh notices them and hails them ..and there are talks on the progress of Dhaba ..Krishna proudly says that almost everything is ready and even the Menuwa has been readied ..Sajjan Singh beams through his beard , asks for the name of the Dhaba ..Krishna begins to say and the name of the restaurant will be , when like an eager student Shakthi pips up saying..what sort of question’s is this …Everybody knows that Baba will name the Dhaba after Pratigya ..Nothing new in that …Krishna is all admiring at Shakthi’s intellectual abilities ** Sahi Main, Bail Budhi ki Dimag chalne lagi ka …Sabi Kesmma Mayya Ki Krupa hai ** coolly tells him , wow Brother !! You are so clever , Shakhti begins to preen when Krishna cuts of his wings by saying that although that was my original thought is not the name of my Dhaba , My Dhaba is not named Pratigya..Amma wades in simpering deliciously…replies that if Baba has not named it after Pratigya , then of course he has named it ‘ Masterni ka Dhaba’ …Shakthi quickly pitches in with “Saxena Dhaba” .. and the ball rolls to Amma who gleefully replies ‘mmGJ Naina Dhaba” ** Naina , Hain ** .. Shakthi and Amma are having a good time by throwing out various names ..which is watched with a poker face by Pratigya, Sajjan Singh looks on while Krishna looks annoyed by their antics… Krishna calmly asks whether they have had enough and should he continue ..Sajjan Singh acidly retorts to ignore them as he succinctly put’s it Amma’s brains has gone grazing in the pasture while Shakthi’s has descended to his knees ** He really had one!!! **..Krishna quietly replies that My Dhaba is called ** ** “BABA KI DHABA” egg on the face of Shakthi and Amma ** The courteous and well mannered Tanthya gives them a kerchief rolled in coal to wipe their dripping face’s ** while Ghanti Dadi looks on happily …Ghanti Dadi prophecies that the Husband and wife combo will win this race… Krishna then gives an explanation saying that He had originally wanted to name it after Pratigya ..but Pratigya said , gives a look at his Amma ..that since Sajjan Singh and Amma address Krishna As Baba ..It would be better If Krishna were to name it as Baba ki Dhaba . since it will be a way of always having their blessing’s..Amma is speechless …Sajjan Singh taunts Amma saying, learn from Pratigya,adds that Amma must have done some good deed in her previous life that she got someone as nice as Pratigya for a DIL…
Amma slowly goes to Pratigya, starts having a breakdown… words gush out from her ..Amma says that till date she was following the thoughts handed down through the ages that said that A MIL and DIL can never have an amicable relationship, it always taught her that , A DIL never wants to do any good for her MIL..But You today surpassed even my Own daughter ..Folds her hands and seeks forgiveness from Pratigya .. A perturbed Krishna wants to know if everything is alright with Amma, If it is not he will fix it , A sarcastic Sajjan Singh queries sardonically whether Amma really understood all about Pratigya so fast and if she did …with a well meaning look..what was her next step ??..Krishna also wants to know what Amma is upto..while Shakthi is giving a good imitation of gaffed fish ..
Amma replies that you used to call me Amma, Amma, Amma ..But I never thought of you as my daughter ..what you did made my son responsible , brought him to the correct path, made him a man .. takes out the keys , hands it over to Pratigya saying from now you should take care of this household affairs, you are the right person for this …so Saying she places it on Pratigya’s palm…Pratigya’s response had begun with wary disbelief, to stunned, to touched to slack jaw …and speechlessness …Shakhti looks on grimly while Kessma begins her calculation’s..the rest are stunned ..except for Kesar who smiles on lovingly
A tearless Nainji calls up Adarsh at the bank, enquires about Komal , wants to know when Komal will be back, is promptly shut by a cold Adarsh who replies that Komal is in Maika, Thanxx for asking ..Nainaji begins to drizzle..Aarushi offers a supportive hand..
Kesmma congratulates Amma for her brilliant move ..enquires as to the motive behind Amma’s action ..Amma gives a cold and searing glare at Kesmma ..and continues roasting Kesmma , which bounces off the teflon coated Kesmma.
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