Friday, April 15, 2011

Pratigya 15th April 2011 Written Update

A Mildly interested Nainaji wants to know Why Adarsh is going to the Haveli ..A Vexed Adarsh bites out that he himself does not know what shenanigans are being cooked up ..Now is the time to Focus on his career and instead of which he is doing a balancing act between his Parents and his wife …Who are stubbornly intent on their own stand and are not bothering to thinks about his feelings … Adarsh leaves off after dutifully knitting his eyebrows .. Aarushi retires to the table after rising Adarsh’s ire successfully
Krishna calls Up Shyamu saxxena and seeks an explanation for this dirty act …Krishna ticks off the professor for his uneducated act of chasing off his DIL ..Krishna expresses his disgust that Shyamu is unable to manage his family and is troubling poor little Komal…Shyamu denies the charges narrates the seismic happening that happened in the vicinity of GH and ends by Saying that he did not throw Komal out ..Krishna cuts the call with a frown on his face .
Adarsh comes in like an unwilling Lamb coming to its slaughter..The grizzly lion notices the Meek Lamb, bares its teeth at the appearance of a luscious meat..Sajjan Singh welcomes Adarsh with great bonhomie, Adarsh nerves himself and goes towards Sajjan Singh, seeks his blessing ..Sajjan Singh smiles and orders the waiting servant to give full Son In Law treatment to Adarsh.The servant nods his head in understanding and leaves ..sajjan Singh whiles the time in small talk..The servant comes and places a wide plate on the floor…Adarsh reluctantly removes the Shoes and the Socks, places his feet inside the plate .The servant begins to wash Adarsh’s legs … Amma comes down , she watches this ritual with a gentle smile playing around her lips ** Yet why is my spine tingling in fear ** Amma steps forward remarking that Adarsh appears to be getting very well treated ..Amma comes and sits By Adarsh ..Pats his legs enquires whether Krishna ever gets such respectful treatment at the Professor’s cos he too is a Son in law of MMGJ just like Adarsh is the Son in Law of the Haveli …** Respect !! He probably would swoon if they even offered a glass of water ** ..Adarsh looks uncomfortable at this question and stays silent …The servant wipes off Adarsh’s feet with a towel..Sajjan Singh commands the servant to sprinkle the water around the four corner’s of the house .. ** They are laying it thick, aren’t they ?? ** ..the Servant leaves ..Amma begins her questioning , Amma gives a wide smile , a smile full of innocence and love and softly enquires as to why Komal had to leave the house …Adarsh retorts the the best person to answer this is Komal ..sajjan Singh does not lose his cheer, Sajjan Singh obligingly calls out to Komal..Komal descends followed by a parade of Haveli Women ..Komal comes and sits on the other side of Sajjan Singh..Sajjan Singh seeks an answer..Adarsh looks at Komal, Komal looks at Adarsh ..then bursts out saying what wrong did she commit by cooking Fish cos she wanted to give a surprise to Adarsh too since he has become a Non veg eater..Adarsh replies that His family are strict vegetarians and hence reacted badly when Komal introduced Fish into the house cos they felt that by introduction of Meat ..The difficultly accrued virtues became nullified ..Sajjan Singh’s Amused veneer cracks slightly, Sajjan Singh retorts that when Adarsh too relishes Non Veg then what is the problem of the Saxena’s .. Sajjan Singh points at Pratigya , then at themselves ,,informs coldly that Thakurs are hard core Meat eaters ..They are constantly cooking and consuming it ..yet they have never forced Pratigya to eat it .. Sajjan Singh reasonably asks whether the Thakur’s are being reasonable or whether The Sax’s are being understanding..
Before Adarsh can react , Krishna comes in ..loudly informs the assembled gathering esp his father to stop reacting to half truths and tells him that the truth of the matter is entirely different ..Krishna points at Pratigya.. This girl has stayed on in this house for long yet she had never spoken about having separate kitchen , but This Komal has done that great deed..Komal has separated the Kitchen ..Krishna pauses for effect and the rest of the cast obligingly fill in with their reaction’s..It is news to Pratigya, While Amma Narrows her eyes and looks questioningly at Komal..Sajjan Singh narrows his eyes and scrutinizes Komal closely while Ghanti dadi and Kesmma hang their jaws in sheer shock …** Alright CUT !!! The Scene is canned , lets move on** Komal guiltily stands up like a recalcitrant student … Komal aggressively demands to know why ther are looking at her ..Komal narrates that Shyamu Saxena was terribly put off by Adarsh’s Promotion .. everyday The saxena’s used to humiliate Adarsh, would refuse to eat anything Adarsh bought and She Komal Singh Saxena had pride too and her pride forbade her from eating on charity , so she decided to separate the cooking arrangement ..Sajjan Singh gives a sardonic smile, looks at Adarsh replies that Sajjan Sngh got this promotion for Adarsh so that he and Komal can be happy , Sajjan Singh did not force this promotion on Adarsh, when Sajjan Singh offered , Adasrh accepted ..Sajjan Singh wonders what Shyamu’s problem is why si Shyamu blaming it on Komal when it is not her fault and why is he being taunted ..Sajjan Singh then Hammers few home truths reflecting the contemporary society ..Says that in today’s world Money is everything ..even for education Money is required …Nowadays many educated youths are giving bribes and getting work and in this circumstances Sajjan Singh inveigled a Promotion for Adarsh and the bookish professor who never takes his nose out his books to get acquainted with reality is displeased !! ..Adarsh remains quiet,But Father’s daughter Pratigya cannot bear this slur on her father..Pratigya breaks her silence , Pratigya demands to know why Adarsh is not saying anything,How could Adarsh allow for the division of the kitchen, Why is Adarsh not supporting papa.Why is Adarsh not saying that Papa knows the difference between right and wrong, Papa lives a principled life , that is why he chose the name Adarsh for him so that Adarsh could continue the lineage , that Papa has never approved of recommendation , Adarsh gets up , stands in front of Pratigya tells her to mind her own house and he Adarsh is more than capable of taking care of his House matters ..Adarsh adds that Prof is Bookish and is so lost in the book world that he has forgotten that there is a real life out there which does not follow the principles quoted in the book..Pratigya retorts that yes ..her father does not know anything beyond books, he is a simple man who has lived his life according to the books..Pratigya reminds that Books can be researched and edited for mistakes and errors whereas teh mistakes committed in life cannot be erased and she reminds Adarsh that Life is a BOOK !!
An impatient Krishna has had enough , loudly informs Pratigya that Such profound thoughts will not penetrate Adarsh’s brain, entreats her to let go , demands that she come with him to scout the Site for Dhaba , tells her to leave this matter to be sorted out between the Husband – wife pair , Literally drags the stony Pratigya out leaving the rest fo the family gathered in the hall** an augury of the future perhaps**
Sajjan Singh walks to the confused, tense Adarsh, envelopes him by the shoulder, tells Adarsh that Pratigya is a Scholar , has the habit of talking a lot, cannot stay quiet for long, tells Adarsh to forget everything , reminds Adarsh that Sajjan Singh is there for Adarsh..Bids Adarsh to apologize to Komal. Adarsh dutifully seeks Komal’s apology , tells her to get her things so that he may take her home ..Komal truculently replies that she is not coming……. Continues her paused conversation by saying that she will come after couple of days ..Sajjan Singh gets Livid..while Amma Snaps at Komal..Amma orders Komal to seek Adarsh’s permission and also commands Komal that henceforth Komal should always get permission from her Husband Adarsh before taking any steps.. Amma puts on her affectionate smile requests Adarsh to grant Komal’s wish..After such a huge massage to his Ego, what else can Adarsh do..He agrees and leaves.. There is a general smile and happiness after Adarsh leaves with Komal expressing her appreciation of Sajjan Singh’s cleverness..Father and Daughter share a hug..
Krishna is driving his bike , Pratigya as usual has put on her long face and is fully immersed in her maika’s matters..Krishna parks his bike near a chaat centre ..Tells Pratigya that he knows that Pratigya is upset and is still thinking about what has occured ..and as he does not want Pratigya to see the site with unhappiness,He , Krishna is going to treat Pratigya to Golgappas ..Pratigya declines this offer says that we were going on a Mission, lets continue that..Krishna is adamant, Pratigya is equally stubborn and refuses to eat…In a bid to brow beat Pratigya’s stubbornness, Krishna threatens to stand on one leg and will continue to be so until Pratigya agrees .. Krishna suits the action to the words..Passersby start laughing at Krishna’s antics..Krishna remarks on this says that people are laughing and yet his wife is unconcerned , Pratigya begins to smile, agrees to eat Golgappas..A Happy Krishna orders Golgappa , takes a second look at the grinning vendor rebukes the vendor by saying that Krishna is doing so much hard work to get business for the vendor and the vendor is grinning !! ..The vendor passes the golgappas nad Krishna feeds it to pratigya ..Pratigya is all smiles now and her mood is restored..Krishna is happy that his Pratigya is happy.
Nainaji calls up Adarsh at his Bank, enquires as to the Situation , wonders why Komal has not made it to home yet ..Adarsh quietly replies that When Komal is at home, You people continuously taunt and quarrel with her and now when she is not here you offer fake concern..Adarsh adds that he will take care of himself and Komal..No need for Nainaji to worry her pretty head over it .. Tears begin to gather in nainaji’s eyes…

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