Friday, April 15, 2011

Geet 15th April 2011 Written Update

Part 1
Lachchi comes to the spot where the broken vase is.. and looks in the direction of the room where Maneet are hiding and asks…..’Who is it?’!! Maneet remain quiet..!! Lachchi comes forward a little ……but seeing the room too dark she gets scared..n decides to call someone! Lachchi starts running and screaming.. ‘Thief..Thief!!’ MSK tells Geet…’I will divert their attention..! U quickly go from here!!’ Geet holds MSKs hands and says…’No Maan.. ! But u??’ MSK says..’Geet..dun be stubborn..! Dont worry about me..! Just go!!’ Geet reluctantly starts to leave after MSK reassuringly nods his head..!! Just as Geet starts to leave.. MSK says..’Ur lie is caught..! U worry for me..just as much as u used to earlier!’ Geet turns and looks at MSK and says…’No..! I dont want..that coz of me u or others get in trouble!’ Geet turns and leaves from there.!! MSK stands there grinning and self thot..’Why do u try to lie Geet? Not just me..u cant even get urself convinced..that u dont love me! Ur thief eyes…are telling me everything..!! Everything!’ Lachchi continues to scream.. and says..’Beeji!’
Tejjy and Lucky … Jugnu.. rush to where Lachchi is screaming! Jugnu asks.. ‘What is the matter?Where is that thief?’ Tejjy says..’Calm down!’ Lachchi says..’I saw him…..!!’ Tejjy says…’U saw whom.. n where?’ Lachchi says….’Over there…vase is broken..!’Pammi comes running and so does Beeji! Beeji says..’Whats the matter… why have u raised an alarm?’ Lachchi points in the direction of the room where Maneet were hiding and says..’Over there ..’ Lucky butts in…saying.. ‘Beeji.. .thief has entered the house! And he is somewhere here only..! And u know.. i was the first to tell to Tejjy…about it!’ Beeji says..’Quiet..! Making a scene for no reason..! First check properly if someone has actually entered or not..!’ Jugnu says..’ I will check sister! No one can escape from Jugnu’s hawk eyes! Jugnu will scan every nook and corner of this house! Don’t be scared! Jugnu has come!’ Jugnu goes off to search for the thief..!! Tejjy asks..Lachchi.. ‘Tell properly.. whom u saw and where u saw?’ Lachchi says…’In that room over at the backside…over there…! When i reached..i think the thief already ran off…! The door to the room was open and it was very dark inside!’ Lucky says..’Very strange kind of thief..! What is he doing sneaking into all the rooms?’ Tejjy shouts on Lucky..! Tejjy says..’U go and check in the room..i will go and check in the backside…so that he cant escape..!!’ Lucky says…’Lets go together..!’ Tejjy says…’Together?’ and glares at Lucky!! Tejjy and Lucky go off to find the thief…!
Geet comes to the place where Beeji and Pammi are standing! She quickly hides her bandaged finger! Pammi says…’Geet what are u doing here outside?’ Geet says..’Well i was hungry i went to the kitchen!’ Beeji says…’Then u could have called Pammi! Nyways no problem.. u go to ur room and lock it from inside!’ Pammi says…’Lock the door properly.. thief has entered the house!’ Geet shocked and says..’Thief?’ Pammi says…’All family members have gone to locate the thief..!’ Beeji says…’Hurry up!’ Geet says..’Ok..!’ She turns to leave..!! Lucky shown coming near the room where Maneet had hidden earlier! He notices the vase outside the room broken and lying on the floor! He looks around and then sees a shadow in the room…! Lucky says..’Thats him!’ Lucky screams..’Found the thief..! Hurry up!! Come here!!’ Geet stops in her tracks and turns..! Tejjy/Jugnu come to where Pammi/Beeji/Lachchi/Geet are standing..! Lachchi says.. ‘Noise is coming from that room only! It must be him!!’ Beeji tells Tejjy.. ‘Come!’ All rush towards the room…and Geet prays..’Oh Babaji.. hope Maan din get caught!!’
Lucky says..’Son ..u got ur chance today..! Show it today.. beforeTejjy gets here catch the thief!’ Lucky comes near the door and before he can speak anything.. a hand covers his face and pulls him inside and locks the door of the room from inside! Sounds of ‘Wham Wham. .Boom Boom’ comes from the room! Tejjy / Beeji and all reach outside the room and Tejjy says..’Lucky where are u?’ Beeji points towards the room and everyone listens to the noise coming..! Tejjy knocks on the door and says…’Lucky.. open the door!’ Jugnu says..’Be careful Tejjy.. the thief could be armed..!’ Geet self thot…’God.. Lucky veerji has caught him…! What do i do Babaji? In my opinion ..i should tell the entire truth to Maasi..that Balwant is Maan and that he has come here just to appease me..!!’ Tejjy starts to push open the door..! Before Tejjy can break the door.. Lucky tumbles out of the room..!! Tejjy picks up Lucky and screams..’Who is it?’ MSK steps out.. raising the shoulders of his shirt..n says..’Praaji.. got the thief..!!’ He sees Lucky and says..’Lucky Praaji ..u???’ MSK rushes towards Lucky.. and says..’Are u ok??’ Lucky says…’Stay off!!’ MSK says…’Made a huge mistake.. ! Everyone was shouting ..Thief. Thief.. ..n u were screaming.. Thief too.. so i thot i caught hold of Thief..and i thrashed u..!!’ (Geet grins..) Lucky says…’Shut up!! U culdn see me? U just broke me totally!!’ MSK says..’I couldnt see ur face in the darkness..! And in the darkness u looked like a i raised my hand..!!’ Tejjy says…’How did u get inside?? U were staying in the outhouse!’ MSK says…’Mamaji…! He had called me.. saying.. Balwant..hurry up n come.. thief has entered the house! Tell them the truth Mamaji..!!’ Lucky says…’Shakuni Mama….u called him…!!’ Jugnu is totally blank and says..’Let me think!!’ Jugnu self thot..’I cant recollect..when did i call him..!! But if i tell this before everyone that i have forgotten…then everyone will strangle me..!!’ Jugnu says…’Yes yes..i only had called him..! I thot..its a matter of thief so the more the person i culd gather…the better!!’ MSK looks at Geet and grins..!!
Jugnu self thot…’I cant seriously recollect when did i call him!!’ Lucky says..’U thrashed every part of my body…!! Broke all the bones..! U have hands or hammers?! Remember..u hit me ..i will return the favor!!’ MSK looks sideways and grins triumphantly! MSK self thot…’Today finally got my hands on Lucky..!! Since the day i got here..he has pestered me..! And after today.. he will think twice before coming near me and messing with me!!!’ Lucky says…’May u rot..! May u get ruined!!’ Tejjy defends MSK and says…’Why are u cursing him? If u would have been in his place..u would have done the same thing! No one would ask name and address before bashing up in the dark..!!’ Lucky says…’What?’ MSK says… ‘Dont scold him.. its my mistake..that i thrashed him!Sorry Lucky Praaji!’ Lucky says..’Shut up!!’ Beeji says…’Ok…nyways… Lachchi..go get the turmeric paste ready…!!’ Jugnu says..’No need sister.. i will give him my special.. hot tadkewala milk!’ Lachchi leaves.. Jugnu.. takes Lucky with him..!! Pammi follows them! Beeji says..’Everyone go and sleep in ur rooms..!! Geet… i m going to my room to sleep..i cant sleep in others bed..!!’ Geet says..’No no..i will sleep in my room.. and as such ..i m feeling very sleepy!!’ Beeji says..’Ok’ and leaves while talking to Tejjy! As Geet starts to leave..MSK holds Geet…n pulls closer n says..’Told u i will handle it all?? Now do u believe??’ Maneet eyelock..!! MSK says..’Good nite Geet..!!’ Maneet separate.. looking at each other..! MSK keeps a grin on his face!
Next morning.. Lucky is shown lying on a cot and a servant is giving him massage….!! Lucky is grumbling..!! He says…’He broke all my bones! At nite whichever side i turned…there would be a noise of..’Aaai’! I wont spare him..! It was dark at nite..n i culdn see…or i wuldn have let him off!’ Lachchi comes carryin a bowl of lape (Turmeric paste) and gives to the servant to apply on Lucky and says..’Beeji has give this..! Apply it on Lucky !!’ Lucky says to the servant..’Apply it softly..!!’ As the servant starts to apply.. Lucky screams… and Lachchi starts to lauf!! Lucky says…’U r laufing?? U r making fun of me..!! I have gotten so badly thrashed..and u are continuously laufing..!! Go out and work!!’ Lachchi smilingly goes off!! Lucky says..’Balwant..i wont spare u! U have hands or what! Seems like he used to work in some factory…!!’ Lucky says..’I m worried…do i have dents in my back??’ Tej comes talking on phone about some delivery at a clients place and assures the client of timely delivery..!! He instructs the workers to load all the packets in the truck and to ensure that there are no mistakes..!! He hears Lucky’s grumbles and hits him playfully and says…’Hows u Lucky praaji?’ Lucky screams…’Beeji..!!’ He says..’Just a little bit is left…u too finish ur quota!’ He screams..’Beeji’ again..!! Beeji comes….and says..’If its paining so much..cant u sit still at one place? Do u have to keep lifting these useless dumbells??’ Beeji asks..Tejjy.. ‘Tejjy u going to the bus stop now?’ Tejjy says…’Yes’! MSK comes right then and looks around as if searching for Geet..!! Tejjy sees MSK and says…’Come Balwant..!’ MSK greets Tejjy and then looks at Lucky lying on the cot and says…’Lucky praaji… hows ur health??’ Lucky fakes confidence and says…’What happened to my health?? I m perfectly alright!!’
MSK says….’Actually yesterday nite…i hit u a bit too strongly..! If u say…shall i repeat??’ Lucky startled … MSK says…’I mean.. for Massaging!! After that ur body will be perfectly fine!’ Lucky says..’No .. no need of Massage! I m perfectly fine!’ Lucky whispers..’What if while doing Massage.. he breaks a few more bones!’ MSK asks..did u say something?? Lucky says….’Nope…i din say anything..!!’ Tejjy gives MSK car keys and says…’Start the car!’ MSK asks..’Are we going somewhere?’ Tejjy says..’Yes to the bus stop..! Some guests are coming..!!’ MSK says…’Ok’ and leaves..!! Lucky asks… ‘Beeji… guests?? Who is coming??’ Tejjy says…’Ask me..i will give u all the details..!!’ Lucky says…’No.. u let it be.. ! Beeji ..?’ Beeji says…’Daarji is coming….from HP!’ Lucky is confused and asks.. ‘Daarji?? From HP?’ Beeji says..’Geet’s Daarji is coming..!!’ Lucky says..’That fat Daarji?’ Beeji chides him and says. ‘Shut up..!!’ Lucky apologises! He says…’Its good Daarji is coming… he must be coming to meet Geet!’ Geet will be delighted to meet him!!’ Tejjy says..’Beeji i m leaving..!!’ Tejjy hits Lucky again and says…’See u!!’ Lucky yelps in pain..n says..’Beeji..!!’
Part 2
Dev enroute to Amritsar.. ! His car breaks down….! Driver is trying to fix it..!! Dev asks..’How much time will it take?’ Driver says.. ’2 hrs..! ‘ Dev self thot…’In this manner..i will reach Amritsar only by tomorrow..!! What to do!!’ Right then a truck passes by… n stops near Dev!! Dev asks..’Are u going towards Amritsar?’ The driver says…’No.. but u want to go towards Amritsar?’ Dev says..’No theres a small village near Amritsar.. i need to reach there..!!’ The driver says…’Do one thing..just 2-3 kms from here..theres a local bus stop..u will get a bus from there!!’ Dev thanks the guy..!! As Dev gets ready to go towards the bus stop.. he tells the driver to get the car repaired ..and that in the meantime he will reach Amritsar by bus! The Driver asks…’Going by bus? n u??’ Dev says..’Why? I cant go by bus? U stop worrying about me…and get the car fixed!’ Dev starts to walk towards the bus stop!
Lucky is doing dumbells n Geet walks in his direction.. lost in thots..!! She ends up ramming into him…and Lucky drops the dumbell on his feet..!! He starts to jump in pain and Geet apologises..!! Lucky says…’No problem..!! Its not ur mistake..!! I m going thru a rough patch! Early morning..u din see and last nite that Balwant.. din see! All my bones are smashed into powder!!’ Geet asks..’Is it paining a lot??’ Lucky says….’Yes…its paining a lot! That heartless thrashed me so gruelly! He took full advantage of the darkness!’ Geet is smiling..! Lucky says…’Even i wont spare him! But this is still ok..i can bear this pain….! But after two days i have my wrestling match..! If i lose reputation will bite dust..!’ Geet says..’Why are u thinking like this? Nothing will happen…all will be well!! And u will win the competition as well!!’ Lucky says…’No ..these are false sympathies..!! I m will i show my face before Daarji… ! If he found out that i got thrashed by a mere Driver.. what reputation will i have before him!!’ Geet says..’Daarji?’ Lucky says…’Yes.. Balwant and Tejjy have gone to receive him only!!’ Geet says..’Daarji is coming?? Why is Daarji coming?? If Daarji saw MSK driving…then what will he think? I need to tell Maan!’
Part 3
Dev reaches bus stop n comes to buy the ticket..! He stands in the queue n tries to recollect the name of the village where Maneet are which Adi had told him about..! Right then some new girl in full punju salwar suit….rotating an umbrella is shown coming..n stands in the same line as Dev..! Geet tries to contact MSK on moby but his moby is switched off!! Geet says..’Maan’s moby is switched off.. how will i inform him that Daarji is coming..!! If Daarji recognises Maan then dunno what will happen!’
Precap – Dev says to the ticket window clerk n points to a lady who just took her ticket saying…’Gimme the ticket to the place where she is going..!’ He takes the ticket and hurries behind that lady…! The girl who was standing in the same queue as Dev rotating her umbrella notices this and says…’What kind of a guy is he..!!’ She decides to teach Dev a lesson and as he walks forward…she extends her leg and makes him trip and fall on the road…!!

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