Part 1
Khanak . in a blue suit, enters a room (I think it's her bedroom which grew to twice it's size overnight lol) and sees that it is decorated with balloons and candles everywhere! Shaan is standing behind her, In a white shirt and black coat and has a red cloth around his hand which he is rolling over. He looks at Khanak lovingly while Khanak is busy looking at the decorations and getting really happy! (Oh cmno Khanak iss main naya kya hain! Heart shaped ballons and candles toh Shaan has done for you a million times in the past! ) Khanak looks at the floor and sees a "300" made out of candles! (Errr what's this now? 300 days to their wedding? 300 suhaag raats? 300 balloons in the room? 300 candles?) :s there is 300 written on the walls as well!ConfusedLOL
Scene change
Madhvi is on the bed reading a book in her room. Sunil comes in asks what she is reading. She replies it's a Murder Mystery. Just then there is a knock on the door and it's Sasha who goes like "Sunnnyyy" and Sunil gets excited. He applies some perfume, much to Madhvi's displeasure. Sunil opens the door and faces a harassed looking Sasha who is crying! Both ask her what is up with her who says that "She talked to Maya who said that she is going to……." Sunil adds ……"to become a mother?" (LMAO Sunil sudhar jao yaar!) Sasha says "Dieee!!" and that she has 300 minutes of her life left! And her time starts NOW.
Scene Change
Khanak looks at the candles which make the number 300 on the floor (it looks awesome btw) khanak's face reflects in one zero. Shaan's face reflects in the other zero (awww) Khanak asks what this is about. Shaan tells her that 300 days of their love are up! (Aww Shaan is such a cutie pie remembering this!) and he tells her that he thought they should celebrate. Khanak is surprised nnd asks that he counted the days?! Shaan says that he not only counted the days but also the moments they spent together because she is with him in every mometn. He comes close and engulfs her from the back. Their hands envelope each other's hands and hold them tightly (Hmm improvisation?lol) he says that all these moments she has given him so much of happiness (his nose touches her cheek hmmm) that he feels he is the King of the World!! (His face is continuously touching her hair lol. )Khanak gets majorly happy! Shaan turns around Khanak and tells her that In the 300 days she gave him a new life.Big smile So many difficulties came his way but she never left him! She gave him the strength to move forward and and live! In the circumstances they got married everyone thought that they will not be successful but look at today! Big smileThey are living examples, Shaan and Khanak, for other people! Khanak smiles the whole time. Shaan says that she has taught him to fulfill relationships and to Love. He holds her face she automatically holds his wrist and looks at him lovingly! Shaan promises to love her for the next 300 years!! (Wow RBO will be aired for SO long?!! Yippyyy!! LOL) LOLKhanak pouts and says just 300 years? She had thought for 300 lives (Janam) Shaan laughs. Khanak touches his nose and says Burthal LOL. Both hug tightly and feel peaceful in each other's arms. Romantic background music plays!
Part 2
Khushboo has written 300 on a board sort of thing in her room and Akshay is sleeping over his laptop. Khushboo wakes him up vigorously. Akshay thinks it's morning (lol bechara I feel bad for him sometimes) khushboo whines that how can he sleep at a time like this and that she is worried and all he cares about is sleep!!
Shaan and Khanak are sitting on the floor their backs against each other (Yea baby Holi Scene style! I just love this style! It's so freaking romantic!!) Shaan says in 300 days the story of Shaan and Khanak was made!( Awww it's been 300 days to the wedding? That means just 65 days left for the One year anniversary! Partyyy) DancingShaan says that he still remembers the day a small village girl trapped a Mumbai city dude. Khanak says that it was not "Doodh" it was "Mithai Kumar" . shaan reminisces and says that he still remembers how she had made him a Mithai Wala that day! (Aww Nitya we need you to see the episode today that's your fav scene, the Mithai Kumar scene!) He says that he remembers that a small girl was peeping out of her ghoonghat and asking him to give her , whats-its-name? he forgets the name of the mithai. Khanak tells him it was "Gulaab Pak" (OMG nostalgia! LCry) They both smile and go back in time to the time where Khanak is in her Ghoonghat, to when Shaan sees her reflection through the Thaali (Do I LOVE this scene or what!) to the time Khanak greedinly picks up so much mithai and Shaan looks at her in wonder and amusement.
They come back to earth with Khanak laughing and making fun of Shaan falling from Champak (khanak's Bha her camel) and asks if he remembers. He says he doesn't remember these sort of scenes! (yea right!) Khanak goes on to say she had laughed so much that day! Shaan laughs sarcastically (he feels annoyed lol) and says that she is laughing that much even today! They remember that day together (and make Beeni cry now! I thought we were supposed to be happy today!!) CryHe tells Khanak that he is yet to understand the connection she shares with Champak. Khanak says Champak is her Bha (Brother) (Mainay toh pehlay hee kah diya tha!) Shaan replies that half the worls is her Bha! Seriously! (that seriously sounded so genuine from Karan's mouth lol)
Khanak asks Shaan whether he remembers the red bangles (GUYSSS!!! Are you trying to kill me here?! Seriously yaar! )CryTongue Shaan nods in understanding and smiles slowly. He says the bangles that I was buying for Natasha and you were buying for yourself? Khanak agrees. They smile at each other very fondly and are very close to each other (aww cutiesss)
Part 3
Sasha is lying on the bed and very weak and ill ( 300 minutes are UP?!! LMAO) and tells Maddy to fulfil her last wish which should be a Page 3 classy funeral. Sunil asks for his last wish to be fulfilled (LOL) Sunil tells him that he always wanted to go on a romantic date with her since College alone with no third person. Sasha says that she is dying but Sunil is stressing her. And if she gets wrinkles it will be bad.she doesn't even know the people there. Sasha wonders what she will wear after she dies. (well it depends on whether you're going to heaven or hell honey!)LOL Madhvi rolls her eyes and goes into thinking mode. So does Sunil. Sunil says that he will handle everything. Sasha places the timer in Sunil's hands and Sunil says the counter begins. Sasha freaks out! 10, 9, 8, 7645, 3, 2, 1 and zeee----zeee and just then Sasha falls on the bed and faints (or pretends to die lol) Sunil yells Sashaaa!!! And Madvhi covers her ears (okay I did not get the point of this scene but it was hilarious lmao)LOL
Scene change
Khushboo asks for 300 crores which freaks Akshay out! She says that these are not "chiller" Khushboo tells him that she is launching a Fashion Mag as well as a range of beauty products named Khusboo Beauty Secrets! Akshay says no. Khusboo piches his cheeks and keeps repeating 300! Akshay says NO! (Woww aj toh 300 kee barsaat hogaee! LOL the number never got so much importance EVER!)
Scene Change
Sasha opens her eyes and yells that she is not dead! (Duh you're not! Maya was just stupid!) She goes crazy that she is not dead. She runs to tell everyone.Sunil wipes off his tears
Scene Change
Shaan says to Khanak that it is so weird that when they both met they had someone in their lives. She had Suraj and …Khanak says that he had Natasha. Shaan sits next to Khanak and says that Suraj was killed because of (me). He looks dejected. Khanak stops him and says that it was God's wish and that they were destined to be together for that time only. Shaan says just like him and Natasha.
Shaan engulfs Khanak again and tells her from then onwards started their beautiful love story and Khanak agrees. (Flashback of Loongi scene and Jadi Booti scene ) He says to Khanak that the day he realized that he loves Khanak and not Natasha that day he was shocked. He knew his feelings. Khanak blushes. He cold not say it to her. He used to think that if she went away what would he do. He could see her everywhere and he was going mad. (Flashback of Chori chori song, Tum jo Ayay) (aur kuch bacha hain kay?)
He says that id had not said I Love you to her he would have died. He holds her hand and flashback of "I love you". Shaan says that when she left the house for the first time (LOLL he knows she left 3 times!) he had never worked so hard to bring her back home! Khanak laughs and talks about his Dhaba job, his earning money and says that she had decided that day only that she would never leave him. Shaan smiles and says disbelievingly that she showed him a replay! Khanak says she did that "ainvieee" at which Shaan grabs her by the waist and I think they kiss laikin manhoos kiss dikhatay kub hain!
Khanak asks Shaan if her remembers that Khushboo and Madhvi used to hate her and now she is their favourite DIL. Shaan agrees saying that it his her love. She made him play again his guitar (Flashback of Concert.) Shanak now sit near the window sil Khanak in Shaan's lap and arms around her. Shaan tells her that she did so much for him. Khanak says he did too, as a friend, as a partner, as a husband, this house, family people. She became comfortable in Mumbai. She can't place a number to the moments that she spent with Shaan, you can count days but not love (Hmm you cannot place a number on love! I've heard a certain someone say it in an interview hmmm lol) Shaan hugs her tight and says that now he knows that they are made for each other. Khanak asks Soulmates? Shaan agrees Soulmates! He says there is another surprise for her and lifts her(which number lift are we on now?just wondering lol)!
Part 4
Shaan has lifted Khanak and taking her down the stairs. Khanak protests that someone will see them. Shaan says no one will (lol naughty naughty Shaan) Just then Sunil comes and calls everyone to the living room. Shaan lets go of Khanak in a rush (LMAO) He calls everyone (Odhani song plays in the background) sunil tells them that he doesn't know what was going on this late in te night in the living room and doesn't want to know too. Shaanak look embarrassed. (Dudeee are you serious!? You guys were seriously going to make out in the living room?! Ahhh why not done it before haven't you!" ) sunil shares the news that Sasha did not die according to plan in 300 minutes! Akshay gets surprised that his story also had a 300 in it! Shaan goes on to say that HIS story's 300 was much more exciting! He brings in a huge cake and tells everyone his celebration story saying that he wished to cut the cake alone with his wife (Ohhh so THAT is what you were going to do in the living room lol silly me!) but then decided to cut it with Khandelwal family. They have some family talk. Sasha says that the family is so sweet and "Killl meee" (Aray kill toh main karddooon but you toh don't die only according to plan! LMAO) Shanak cut the cake together and feed each other. Everyone feeds cake and "Maari Odhani" song plays in background! (Beeni wipes tearsss *sob*)
Shaan tells Rahul (urrghhh kill meee!!!) Shockedthat he knows everything about his company and Rahul just shoves him off saying he's fine! Blehh
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