The episode starts with seema asking bhuvan that why he is not ready yet bauji is waiting for him. He say you get happy in other happieniess its surbhi son function and you are getting happy you have to do my work prathima will b busy today in function so when you get chance you have to bring her daughter to me. As soon as you bring the baby i will take her and there will b so much crowd no one will get to know about it. Seema say we dont want child like this we cant sacrifice a child i cant do this how can GOD bless us with child when we will take child from a motherClapClap Bhuvan say dont tell me whats wrong and right just do what i am sayingAngry She say you do what ever you want i will never bring prathima's childThumbs Up
Scean shifted to function everyone is there pooja is going on RV also comes. Pandit tell you can choose name from A,R and P. Nidhi say i am bua so thats my right so i will give him name but then he say you all tell me name maybe you all have better them me. Vishnu say how about akshey kumarLOL Pushpa say i think name should b rahul.
Abhey say what about Aanch Prathima gets happy Nidhi say that really nice name and then final the name AanchEmbarrassed Everyone is happy Surbhi say why now we give name to prathima daughter also as Aanch and she born same day.
Abhey gets happy(DimpleBlushing) and say surbhi is right we should give her name also Mai say ok. Prathima give the baby girl to surbhi then surbhi ask did you think any name she say you give her some good name surbhi say we will call her Prachi bhuvan is confusedLOL(bachi b busy hogai) Surbhi give baby to prathima and is shocked to see prathima one earing is brokenShocked and remember that broken part was in Aanch hand then she remember all the hospital sceans.
Episode Ends
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