malti's mom is in her room angry with what happened..Malti comes and gives her food and asks her to eat it..she says give me poison if its there..Malti tells that she has saved poison for herself and asks her to have food..MM says that now only this was left for me to hear..she asks what do u think, all this happened because of me??fine then give me poison as when my own daughter thinks of me like this then what's the point of living??she curses that my life is also not leaving me as i keep thinking what will happen to you once i die..she asks Malti if she thinks that she will take all this along with her??malti says that i also wont take this along when i die..
malti's mom says that but to live you need all these and that im concerned only about your future..she says that only cause of what you said im not taking any revenge against them but i will be concerned for you..Malti says forget whatever happened..Malti's mom says that only upon hearing compensation, see how your FIL was screaming at us and you, you were supporting Pashu..she asks Malti not to do that again and not to try to meet him alone..she goes on that you see they will use your words against you in court..Malti flashes back to Pashu saying that he wanted to talk to her alone and also when he was leaving..Malti's mom gets her back, and asks if she's listening..Malti leaves from there..
next morning at breakfast table, Toasty is serving dadaji more and more..he says enough as i cant have so much..toasty says you are saying this who alone foiled the plans of the theives..Tej agrees and asks her to give dadaji more..she serves him more..dadaji says that since ystdy you people are feeding me so much..if i knew earlier about this then i would have let them take things..all are smiling..gyan tells them that ystdy he dreamt of something..toasty asks what??he says that thieves entered our house..Pashu says here i was not able to sleep the whole night and you slept and had dream also..he says ive said a hundred times that the windows have started to function like doors..anyone can enter and exit at any time but no neither does one's thinking change nor do the windows..he says dont change but if the same thing happens again then dont end up making an issue of it..
ved says that that will never happen again as those two got such punishment that they will never dream doing it again..pashu says that those two wont but have the others also given in writing that they wont??tej supports pashu and says that we need to do something about the safety of this house..chedi finally agrees and says that we'll change the windows soon..gyan says that till then we have dadaji who is our superhero and they all cheer for him..
toasty says ok thank you but can we talk of today forgetting what happened ystdy..she says that tonight is nitika's marriage and she has insisted on getting pashu and chedi..tej also joins in and says that they were being missed ystdy and if they came today then it would be nice..chedi says why not, we'll all go but pashu backs out..everyone glares at pashu..he asks what, y is everyone looking at me like this..i dont have any personal differences against her but after what happened ystdy, we cant leave the home empty so ill stay with dadaji and you all go..he asks toasty to convey his wishes to her..dadaji also asks her to give his love and blessing to her and says that she's a very innocent girl..
chedi says fine now we need to leave to open the shop..he asks ved and pashu to leave for the shop and that he and tej will go to the bank and then come..he asks tej to wait as he'll come in a minute and leaves..
ved and pashu are wearing their slippers when tej comes and tells pashu that he spoke to chedi and got to know what happened at the meeting and he also agrees with chedi that they are not worth talking to and that ive also understood about it..he says now whatever will happen in court we shall see..pashu doesnt say anything and is about to leave when tej says im sorry once again for what i said..he says i made a mistake and hurt you for which i believe you didnt forgive me till now..he says that u may say that this is your fight and you'll handle it yourself but we are always there with you and will never let you bow down..he says whenever you feel that you are alone just remember one thing that we were, are and will always be with you..pashu looks at tej and smiles..he tells ved that we should leave or else hitler will scold..pashu leaves from there..tej and ved are standing there smiling..ved says that pashu liked it and probably got more strength and me too..chedi calls tej..ved asks him to go and leaves..tej is still standing there smiling..
chedi comes down from his room..he calls for toasty and asks her to leave all that she's doing..he gives toasty money..tej asks for what is this??chedi gives the money to tej and asks him to free toasty's chain and his watch..tej says its ok and this is not needed..chedi says that the day i feel i need your permission i will ask but right now u go..he tells them that next time before doing anything, ask me the second time and dont make me a villain just to become hero..tej says ok and is about to leave when chedi asks now who will say sorry??tej says sorry..chedi tells toasty that i agree that i was angry at that time but i didnt refuse so next time dont do such mistakes..she says ok..he's about to leave when toasty calls him and takes his blessing and says sorry..he asks her why she's saying sorry and turns to tej..tej says sorry and that it will not happen again..he asks tej to come with him and he leaves..
toasty cell rings..its smita..toasty says that i know that we need to take nitika to parlour..she asks smita to get there and that she'll come directly..all others get back to thier own work..
rajan is busy going through the albums when the photographer tells him that there are still some to be developed and in CD with graphics they'll look even more nice..rajan's mom comes there and asks rajan why he's not ready yet and that there's not much time left for them to leave..he pulls her also and asks her to join in in seing the photos..he's very happy to see the photos and says that nitika's parents had done arrangements well which she doesnt like..she says that they did it ok in the last few functions..he shows her a photo of nitika and says that she looks so beautiful like an angel..rajan's mom doesnt like this also and says that to you she always looks like an angel but points at the photo and asks if this is some makeup..she says look at the lipstick and eyeshadow, nothing is proper..
a man comes there saysing you are still seeing the albums and asks when rajan will get ready..he asks rajan when he'll get ready..rajan says just two minutes ill come..they are looking through the album quick when they see a photo where ved is putting on the necklace..they are shocked..rajan's mom says hey ram so this is this girls true colours..cheee this girl doesnt have shame is her marriage and she has destroyed my sons's life..she is going out with someone else..rajan gets angry looking at the photo..rajan's mom asks him to call nitika immediately to their house..he says no need, takes the photo and leaves..
at the parlour, toasty comes late and says sorry..nitika asks if she knows anything else other than that and that she always says the same thing when she's late..toasty says it was difficuilt to get an auto and also that there was so much traffic..nitika says enough stop buttering me..smita says enough of giggling and that we need to ready her..toasty says ofcourse we'll get her ready such that world most beautiful girl will get jealous of her..nitika and toasty get emotional..smita breaks them off and asks them not to start emotional drama..toasty tells nitika that she's looking beautiful..
at the store, chedi gets a call..he tells the client that ved is getting the clothes there and asks him to check for defectives and also to make him the payment as its better to get payment on delivery..they hang up..tej tells chedi that he's counted the sarees and they are proper but he needs to open them up to check for defectives and asks if he'll do them now??chedi says that it'll take a long time and that they need to go for nitika's marriage and so to do it tomorrow as the store needs to be closed earlier..pashu calls tej and and asks him to tell chedi that they need not close the store early as he's not going so he cant check the sarees and then will close them..chedi asks tej to tell pashu that since all are going he said that he' be with dadaji at home so he needs to leave with them..pashu asks tej to thank chedi..
chedi calls tej and tells him to call ved and ask if he reached the shop and to tell him not to come back here and instead to reach home directly..tej calls ved..
here toasty and smita get nitika ready..toasty says didnt i tell you that even the most beautiful girl today would get jealous of her..smita says forget girls and what about rajan..toasty says that rajan would fall flat on seeing her..they start teasing her on what will happen during SR..
toasty says that we need to take a photo of her and asks smita to pass on her cell..she's about to click when tej calls her..he tells her that they are leaving from shop..toasty says fine im also coming..toasty tells nitika that she needs to leave as they all have left and she also needs to get ready..nitika asks toasty not to be late today..toasty agrees and they all hug each other..nitika says god knows if ever we would meet like this..smita says why not..toasty says dont take tensions and that we'll kidnap you..nitika says that butterflies are running around in my stomach..toasty says it happens usually before every girl's marriage..nitika asks toasty to come on time for marriage..smita says that she'll come soon as she needs to buy matching bangles for herself..she also leaves..
nitika is sitting all tensed in the parlour when rajan comes and calls out to her all angry..nitika gets a shock on seeing him and asks how come he's here??he shows the photo and asks what's all this??he says dont you have any shame??he says that all these days i only thought about it but also thought that it cant happen but today after seeing all this, its crossed all limits..nitika says youve got me wrong..
rajan says after seeing the photo, you are saying that im wrong..she tries to speak and says that there's nothing like he thinks..he drags her out of the parlour..
on the other hand rajan's mom ends up and nitika's place and tells them that she doesnt want her son to marry a girl who's having an affair..she asks if this is what you have taught her or if this is your business to rob the rich??nitika's dad says samdhanji..she asks him not to call her that and that she doesnt want any relations with them and that she has never seen such characterless girl in her life..she says i should have understood on lodi when he fought with me for her..
rajan gets nitika out of the parlour..she asks him to listen to her once..he asks now what is there to speak..nitika looks around and asks him to go home as people are watchin them..he asks since when did you start bothering about people??he says a girl who is having an affair during her marriage is talking about her izzat??ved passes by and sees a crowd gathered and moves towards it..nitika says please we'll talk about this at home..rajan says no whatever we'll speak will be infront of all right here..he says if you wanted to go around with him then why this fake marriage with me??ved comes and sees nitika with rajan..
nitika says she didnt do anything and to believe her..he says ive lost belief in the belief..he says you people have an affair with one and take money from one..
rajan's mom asks how many other guys have been cheated like this before??nitika's mom breaks down and asks her to stop and that that there might be some misunderstanding..rajan's mom says there's no misunderstanding and that this photo is also not false..she says rajan saw them many times together but kept convincing himself that nothing like that is there..
nitika asks rajan to please stop all this and that today is their marriage and asks if he understood her her only this much...he says today i fully understood you and your cheap thinking..nitika asks if my thinking is cheap or yours??rajan slaps nitika and says that never point a finger at me..he says that this photo has you and your lover..ved gets angry and comes forward and tells rajan that he's doing wrong..rajan asks nitika if he needs any more proofs about them as whereever she is ved is also there and after what happened between them..ved says im sorry but i dont understand about what you are talking..he shows the photo..ved is shocked..ved tries to explain that her necklace broke and he was just fixing it and made her wear it but rajan doesnt believe and says that all is over..
he asks her never to show him her face and that the marriage is cancelled..
all are waiting for ved to come..tej says ill call..he's about to call when ved comes..chedi asks where were you and suddenly notices nitika at the back..all are shocked on seeing her..
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