Uttara feeding SSP and helping him cleanup and Devyani frustrated. She calls out Uttara's name and tells her to go, and she says she'll take care of SSP, and he simply looks annoyed. She goes to feed him, and he tells her that he's full now and he'll take some rest. And Devyani is disappointed as she leaves.Angry
AdiYa return home and go to meet SSP. SSP is inside talking on the phone with his Chamcha, walking around the room, as he thanks him for everything. And praises him for the accident, telling him that now Priya's plan was disturbed and he got his son back. He sees AdiYa coming and hurries back into bed. Aditya and Priya come running into the room and SSP overacts some more, and apologizes for ruining the honeymoon. Aditya is obviously frantic and tells him not to worry. [uff wah wah SSP! such wonderful actingClapClapDead]
SSP then apologizes to Priya, who tells him not to, that they're happy he's alright. SSP begins coughing and Aditya runs to the kitchen to bring some water, leaving Priya and SSP alone in the room. As soon as Aditya leaves, SSP relaxes and stops pretending to be sick, and asks Priya if she really thought he wouldn't be able to stop her? Priya surprised, but says that she knew that this was a game of his, that he would stoop so low to get what he wanted. A man who can put his own son in jail can do anything. [so true...go Priya! I really liked tihs little sarcastic comeback rant on her part. Although I didn't really appreciate her telling SSP that her and Aditya have consummated their marriage, I guess it was something that had to be done so that she could get her little one over SSPStar]
SSP laughs as he tells her that this is why she shouldn't have tried to take revenge from him. And Priya has tears in her eyes, all completely sorry as she says that she should stop everything, she should agree she'll never win against SSP. And he looks really pleased until she suddenly turns around and says she wouldn't be able to give this happiness to him no matter what, because what he was afraid would happen, did happen. The night before, Aditya and her became one forever. And she has this confident smile as SSP gets up angrily, and accuses her of lying. Priya tells him that he has FAILED, that he called them from their honeymoon uselessly, for these little hruts and pains. ClapClapClap
Right then Aditya comes into the room and Priya doesn't see but SSP does, so he acts all sorry, apologizing for the honeymoon being over, and asks for forgiveness, and puts his hand together in front of him. Aditya comes and quickly tells SSP not to apologize and tells Priya they'll talk about this later. Devyani comes right then and tells AdiYa to go get refreshed and Aditya angrily tells Priya to go, he'll come later, and she of course, is devastated once again as she leaves. [man, these AdiYa tiffs are getting to be a bit tiresome. Honestly, Aditya needs to grow up, his father has way too much of an influence on his life. And although I understand his perspective in a way, he needs to think rationally because I hate how he always finds fault with Priya somehow and just gets mad at her, hurting her feelingsAngryAngry]
Gaurav talking on the phone with Arti, telling her that he can't go to the office, that his dad isn't feeling well and if she doesn't believe him, she can just go to hell. LOLLOLImli overhearing all this happily. Right then, Vidya comes and Imli happily explains everything, saying that their plan was successful!
Priya pacing around her room nervously when Aditya comes angrily, and Priya tries to explain but Aditya tells her not to try, he doesn't want to hear anything. Aditya says that after he heard and saw everything he doesn't need anything else, and she should actually go and apologize to SSP because his feelings were hurt. [ROFLROFL That's funny. Everyone already knew that SSP has no feelings, no heart]
Gaurav pacing around and Vidya goes to talk to him. She tells him that if he wants, he can go to the office, she'll take care of everything here. [Imli's facial expressions are SO funny here! ROFLROFL] Right then, Devyani comes and tells Imli to go call Aditya, the doctor is here. [Uff see, I don't understand why Gaurav wouldn't be called as well. ] And after seeing this, Gaurav says he's going to go to the office, that Vidya was right. [well see, that's obvious. even the poor guy realizes how his family essentially does not want him, how everyone turns to Aditya for anything and everything. Poor guyCryCry]
Imli comes to AdiYa's room and tells him about how the doctor is here, and Aditya begins to leave. Priya tries to talk to him, but he stops her and tells her that he knows she doesn't think that SSP is hurt, and angrily leaves.
The doctor checking out SSP and he's all oh why did you have to call the doctor, I'm fine. Devyani explains how his health was really really bad the night before, and the doctor says that he's fine now, that his injuries aren't that bad. Right then, Priya comes inside the room and the doctor and Devyani leave. Priya apologizes to SSP, who's overacting all over again, and Priya apologize again, saying that nothing is more important to her than this family, and him especially. SSP surprised, and Aditya smiles at him so he immediately does the entire, oh everything's fine, it's just that the antibiotics might have had an effect on me like the doctor said. [ROFLROFL yes of course, the doctor who agrees with the patient and doesn't actually make his own diagnosis -__-]
Priya then suggests that SSP stop taking the antibiotics, and that she'll make something for him and he'll be perfectly ok. SSP nervous and says it's ok, and Aditya convinces him that it's fine, that Priya is doing this with so much love. Priya says that if he doesn't take what she makes then she'll believe that he hasn't forgiven her, and so SSP has no choice but to agree reluctantly. ROFL
Priya in the kitchen making khada for SSP, and adds some extra ingredient [which I have no idea what it is]. SSP laughing talking with everyone in his room when Priya comes in with the khada. SSP tells Priya it isn't necessary, and Priya promises him that he definitely needs it, and she'll be better. SSP still tries to protest[ he has the most queasy look on his face ROFL] but everyone convinces him that he has to drink it.
And so he slowly takes a sip of this disgusting stuff, and smiles queasily. Priya tells him to drink some more and he finishes it in one gulp, and has the most disgusted look ever. And every leaves right afterwards. He gets up out of the bed, only to see Priya standing there, and she tells him that he's the one that created all these situations, and he'll be the one to handle all of the negative effects.
Precap: Devyani sitting next to SSP when he says that he feels like eating halwa. And Devyani leaves, and Uttara begins to leave the room but SSP stops her, telling her he's been waiting for a long time to talk to her.
Well, an 8/10 for me. We saw Priya get back at her darling father in law, not once but twice today! Go Priya! ClapClap I hated the entire Aditya getting mad at Priya part, because I've come to hate Aditya's attitude with regards to trusting Priya. I feel like he's been way too influenced by his father, and honestly doesn't really ever seem to listen to Priya's side of anything. For some reason, I feel like she's always the one that's giving in for everything.
We can see that that CVs are definitely moving the SSP-Uttara track forwards. ShockedShocked The precap. SSP found a way to corner Devyani, because no matter what he would have gotten a chance to praise Uttara for making the halwa or spending actual time with her, hurting his wife in the process. I hate SSP, did I ever mention that?AngryLOL But the guy sure knows how to get what he wants. Although I think this track is absolutely grossDead I'm keen on seeing how the CVs come up with a way out of this mess.
Wow, and although we saw Gaurav-Vidya for a whole of twenty seconds today, I have to say, I absolutely loved it! We're seeing the opening of so many different cans of worms in Gaurav's life, whether it's the entire Arti not trusting him anymore issue, the insecurity issues when it comes to his family, whether he might actually be jealous of Aditya, and if he even has a girlfriend, why everyone hates him so much. SO many different possibiilities. I just hope the CVs do justice to this track. It has a ton of potential
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