episode start with akshara and varsha go to the restorant in garden . akshi say that thanks varsha to bring ananaya because i want to see her too.they start talking about things. varsha said badhai ho and said you were worried for no reason and ask if natik is happy . akshi said yes and said i was wrong. here shawrya is talking to naitik . he ask that are you happy ? naitik said he is happy but he is narves while he have big responcibilty being dady. shaurya said that its the same felling every one have but you cant say that in front of the ladies. with them you always have to give them sapport and said this is not like the business deal where everything is clear. here you learn new things every day.he said he have one book he referd when varsha was pregnenet so naitik said give me that book. he said yes but no book will give you the prectical that you have to learn by your own. naitik says how? shaurya said its eacy boss is always correct never say noLOL. at night 1 they will say icecream than you will ;have t o take tham and middel of the night and never say no othervise they start cryingLOL. and he said this is great feeling being dady. after baby born you dont need alaram to wakeup the baby cry and you will be up but this is with the pleasure. there is so good feel about that . he said that now he cant imagine life without ananaya. he said the child bring new meaning to your life. and akshara and naitik they will adjust to everything acordingly. he said when baby come when you come from work the wife whant ask for water for you but they will start about baby and what we need and all.
here varsha said that life will change after baby , aksahra ask why she dont feel anything yet. varsha said it will after some time. and she said now you just take care of your self and eat well. akshar ask if she become fatLOLvarsha said she can easily gain15kg. and akshara said what? she said after baby come then she want have time table for anything everything will be as per baby. and she will feel like eating thing s everynow. and craving for diffrent food too.
here G3 and bma are talking about rashamis wedding. g3 said she dont want to send rashmi to canada. and she come to rashmis room and her phone ring and rashmis friend ask why she is not come yet. and g3 said she will ask. and see misscall from nikil. and come out and see rashmi is comeing she ask her where she coming from? rashmi said she is coming from friends house and g3 get angry and said she know that she whent with nikil. and said why she is ling to her?
outside the house akshara and naitik come. and akshara ask him how was his meeting and said good he come home now they can eat togathere. naitik said he ate with dadu . and akshar said she went to see varsha . and they both smileTongue. and naitk said if he know they can go togather . akshara said no she want to see varsha for seprate qwestion and naitik said he have some question to ask to ddadu too. then they both come in the house and see g3 is mad at rashami and naitik is trying to cool down g3 and akshara whent to talk to rashmi and said her that g3 is worried while nekil is going to cananda. and said rashami to say sorry to g3.
rashmi come and said sorry to g3 and they hug . and aksahar was not feeling good so she left to the room. naitik notice that.
at maheshwari varsha is brinignig the books and talking to shaurya that she have few classes if she is done with it she can graduat. shaurya said who will take care of ananaya? and rajishri said she will.
in naksh room . akshara said to naitik that she was not feeling well so she come in the room. and said there are so many responcibilty for baby and if she able to be a good morther. naitik said she will be and he said baby will here first then naitik. and he said togather they will do all responciblity of baby verywell and no need to worry. and he said they will sapport of each other.Embarrassed.
next mornign bma is making halwa and akshi come in the kichan and said it smell so good and she want to eat. and bma give her in plate and g3 add some badam in it. and they were talking about there pregnance at the time of naitik and nandini. and rajashri call and said to g3 that she want s to call akshar for some time at there house. Angry. so they can spend some time togathere. g3 is sock.
precap-akshara at her moms house. and rajeshree come from temple and askhi is going out to hug her and fallOuch.
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