Dushyant is going through accounts at the place where the school is being built. Two men are doing manual labor and Dushyant asks them to bring two more men so the work will be done faster. Kesar asks the men to go finish other work with other laborers, that work is more important. He looks at Dushyant defiantly. One guy comes and asks Dushyant where to unload the truck with bricks, Dushyant asks him to unload it there. Kesar says no, unload it someplace else. The guy looks at Dushyant who nods his head in agreement. Dushyant asks Kesar why he is mad at him, if anything is bothering him he should say it instead of behaving it in this manner in front of laborers. Kesar says that he said what he wanted to, if Dushyant doesn't like it he will leave. Dushyant says that he did not mean it that way. Villagers come there asking for Mota Bha and say that the government wants to name the school after a politician but the villagers want the name to be after Mota Bha's name since he has done a lot for the village and he gave the idea for the school. Dushyant is about to talk when Kesar cuts him and says that Mota Bha will not come today and Kesar will give him their message. Dushyant stops them and says that he has another name in his mind, why not name it after someone who first dreamed about the school and did so much for the village. Kesar makes faces. Dushyant recommends the name Vasant and Kesar is shocked. Dushyant says that Vasant did so much for the village, he dreamed of the school and wanted that they should have Talsagra's water and by marrying Gulaal removed the enmity between the two villages. Kesar continues to look shocked and flashbacks to the conversation about Dushyant's killing Vasant. The villagers agree and say that they will send a letter to the government informing them of the name.
Mota Bha is sitting with Paan Baa and says that he is getting old and doesn't feel like going to the factory. He asks Paan Baa why she is lost in thoughts. Paan Baa expresses her worry about Gulaal and says that she doesn't like Kesar's behavior with Gulaal, and tells Mota Bha about Jamna's words about bringing Gulaal and Kesar together. She expresses agreement with Jamna's words and says that she sees Gulaal's future as dark.
Kesar is riding his bike and flashbacks to the conversation about Vasant's death and Dushyant's words about naming the school Vasant. He goes to the police station and asks for Vasant's case file. He reads it and tells the cop that he wants to reopen the case. The cop says that there is no need, it is a simple accident. Kesar says that he doesn't think that was an accident at all, the file says that the truck hit the jeep three times, if this was an accident, why would the truck driver hit the jeep three times, that also a standing jeep? The cop says that it is worth exploring, but... Kesar says there are a lot of things in this case that he wants to bring to light. The cop says that there will be a lot of formalities and complications to go through. Kesar says that it is not easy to get justice but that doesn't mean that they should not pursue it, Vasant did a lot for the village and the cop has to help him out. The cop says that he will study the case and call Kesar and asks him to leave his phone number. The camera pans to the cop's subordinate (looks like this guy is with Durgesh).
Gulaal looks for something and finds imli in her drawer that Kesar brought for Talli who did not eat it. Mota Bha knocks on her door and the imli drops to the floor, she runs to open her door. He asks her what she has thought about her future and Kesar's future. She says she doesn't understand. He asks her if she doesn't understand or doesn't want to understand. He reminds her that she did deeyarvattu with Kesar, and he was unhappy with her decision and said so many times that her decision was wrong, but she did not listen, now she should deal with the repercussions. Society thinks of Kesar and Gulaal as husband and wife, what is she going to do now. She says that she knows what society thinks but for her the word "deeyarvattu" is just a word, and she has already planned for Kesar's future, he just needs to show that he is capable to taking household responsibilities. She says that she wants to get Kesar and Talli married, and she had this thought for many years, now when she sees them together both seem to like each other and are of the same age, they understand each other and she knows that Talli will take a lot of care of Kesar. Mota Bha asks her who will take care of her, she asks what has happened to her that she needs taking care of. Mota Bha asks her if she has even thought of herself at all. She says that she will think of herself after Kesar gets married, and Mota Bha and the family is there to think of her, she doesn't need to worry. Mota Bha is full of emotion and pets Gulaal's head and leaves. Gulaal has tears in her eyes and picks up the scattered imli.
Precap: A women runs into Talli and photos from the woman's hand fall down. Talli collects the photos and asks her who she has come to meet. Jamna Kaki snatches the photos from Talli's hand and glares at her.
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