Monday, April 11, 2011

Hamari Devrani 11th April 2011 Written Update

As usual the ladies of the house discuss on their plans, and how they manged to foil Ashta and her insistence to get her father married.

All except Manjula think, that the jewelry was taken by Vrinda, and even though I thought that Ashta might have known that it could not be Vrinda, she too is believing her Great Aunt Manjula, but complains to Laddoo Gopal, and asks him, why she allows such things.

Dev goes to the market and brings some bales of stuff for the work in their factory, and takes a coolie from there and they put the stuff in the taxi and come home.

The coolie, happens to be the same guy who brought back the jewelry, in the night. When he sees Manjula, he is afraid, and even though he had to take some money from Dev, he hides and moves to another part of the house. There Ashta spots him, and then she recollects that it was the same person she saw the previous night, but the man runs away. Dev goes after him, and then catches him, and gives him a thrashing. Just then, Manjula too rushes to the same spot, but no one questions Manjula, how she found him and came after him. She too looks sternly at him and he is at a loss as to what he should do.

Manjula does not want him to say the deal he made with her. She wants her reputation at home intact.

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