Monday, April 11, 2011

Pyaar Kii Yeh Ek Kahaani 11th April 2011 Written Update

Episode 146 starts with Abhay thinking, 'I need to hide the truth from Piya. She would soon understand why we are having to hide the relationship. I don't know if I should tell her the truth. Piya I just want to keep you safe from Siddharth and other vampire Powers. Once the trouble ends I also will leave you alone and go. And will never return back to your life. And then you can lead a normal life' Abahy gets up. Piya who was walking comes in front of Abhay. Abhay smiles and Pia is happy to see him

Piya: Abhay!

Abhay: So men are losers? (Piya laughs) That's a good thing...I am no human!

Piya: You are my inhuman loser.

Abhay: So what are you doing with this loser? (Piya and Abhay walks towards each other. They come close by.)

Piya: I like losers! How cute they are...I feel so much pity on them. I want to tell you something Abhay! (Piya brings her face close to Abhay's ear and keeps a hand on his shoulder) I want to tell you that...nothing! it's just a nice whisper... (Abhay smiles. Abhay lifts his head and fondly touches the side of her face and hairs. He then places his hand on her shoulder)

Abhay: Piya, You have no idea that how close I want to come to you. (Piya moves her face towards Abhay. She then sees T's friend coming that way)

Piya: Oh God Abhay, someone is coming. Go... Go... (Piya walks and bumps into the girl who screams)

Pia: I am sorry! Did I hurt you? (The girl looks at Pia angrily and shakes her hand)

T's friend: Of course you did...Ms Jaiswal! You just broke my nail...and look it's bleeding (The girl shows of her finger which is bleeding. Piya stares at the blood without blinking an eye. Abhay who is hiding behind the bushes say in mind, 'No Piya No! This is the third stage to becoming a Vampire. Blood is calling for you' (The girl shakes her hand in pain and blows air with her mouth on her finger)

T's friend: Now why are you looking at me like that? Weird Girl! (Piya stares at the blood)

Pia: Nothing, I am thirsty... (Abhay stands where he is looking helpless and worried look. T's friend again shows of her bleeding finger in front of Piya who stares at it)

T's friend: What? My finger is bleeding. You just broke my nail and you are feeling thirsty? Loser!

Piya: I think you are hurt too much (Piya catches the girls hand and brings near her mouth) I need to help you. (The girl pulls her hand off)

T's friend: What the hell! What are you doing? You broke my is bleeds and now will you drink my blood...Loser! (The girl goes away from there. Piya touches her lower lip which has a drop of blood on it with her finger and put the finger into her mouth unable to control the urge for blood. She then comes to her senses and wipes the blood on lips. She thinks, 'What had happened to me? (Pia wipes her lips) What is happening? What is wrong with me?' Abhay who is behind her has a worried look on his face.

Scene moves to next day at Mount College. Piya is walking through the corridor. She thinks, 'What is happening with me? What have I become this moody? I am not able to sleep and this strange thirst...what is happening?' She recalls herself pulling the bleeding finger of the girl towards her the previous day. She remembers the girl shouting at her asking if she would drink her blood. Piya thinks, 'Seeing blood I lost control. I was so attracted to that Blood...Don't be stupid Pia. Stop this craziness and control yourself' Pia resumes walking.

Scene moves to Abhay walking on the College Corridor talking on his cell phone with his Dad Chand. Abhay says, 'I am trying my best to keep an eye on Piya...She is showing symptoms very fast Dad. Yesterday night she became very restless seeing blood. I don't understand when and how this all will end' Abhay listens to what Chand is telling him, 'Pia's symptoms have to be hidden from everybody. If someone gets any doubt everything would end. After all, Piya should not become a Vampire. To become a Vampire the 2nd and 3rd Full Moon night's bites are very important Abhay. Just this Full moon night pass...everything will become alright on its own. You have to protect Piya from yourself and Siddharth' Abhay tells Chand, 'I know Dad! Siddharth has started coming to College these days. He is playing the game from his side. But I won't let him succeed' Abhay cuts the phone.

Pia is walking in the College Campus. Misha calls her name and comes running to her.

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