Friday, April 15, 2011

Gulaal 15th April 2011 Written Update

Not much happen in the sense of Gul-Kes - but still scenes wise for other characters was good and what it gets across (like i said before i did like this show as a whole show before - coz of the story, acting, setting etc)

Dushyant and Gulaal on if Kesar ever finds out, i think they both cant ever imagine what that will do to Kesar, but we all know what it has done for the last 10 yrs and how he left the house and not even seeing Gulaal for 10 yrs, if you think about it, its like a punishment he gave Gulaal for knowing keeping her away from him from 10 yrs, knowing full well that Gulaal wouldnt be pleased with it and she wasnt, she wrote to him (which we all know he wrote back byt never sent the letters) even visited him over the years but he never once met her but looked to her from afar, and not only that it seems that Kesar himself gave himself a punishment by keeping Gulaal away from him as well....... both away from each other. And even now whatever and however he behaves with Gulaal, you see that the same Kesar who looks to her and seeked her is still there, he hasnt got so cold, or stone-hearted... Kesar is there, his emotions are there... and its all due to Gulaal and how she effects him

Gulaal did the most hardest thing any human being can ever do, and that was forgive to soem extent Dushyant for taking away her husband, her first love....... like Dushyant said he has a massive heart and such strength.... and Dushyant saying if ever Kesar find out - will he ever have that strength that Gul has to somewhat forgive him - Kesar knowing would be a storm raging on all of them and will think they are the enemy.

Ppl who wanted to know why Gul had forgiven Dushyant well you all know why, she says coz it was one of Vasant's dream to keep this family together, if Gulaal can do it then Kesar can as well due to Vasant's dream........... i think the only one who can ever get to Kesar and make him realise has to be Gulaal, only she can calm and see from her pov in time.

Kes-Talli scene on the bike, i have to say it was actually nice to see little Talli (Sparsh) reliving her childhood with her father and the moments she spent in her old house. Kesar was sweet to her, and i can say that how a friend behaves with another friend - a best friend is how Kesar is to Talli (thats how i am seeing it, and thas vibe i get). Pain of losing and not being able to stop them going is what Talli and Kes talk and think about well mainly Talli asks that question and Kesar thinks of Vasant

Seems like Motabha is stuck in his room after the incident last week, hasnt if even mingled with the family at all. Gulaal tells him to come out of the room. Well we know where little Kesar used to get his somewhat stubborness from and its Motabha looking at him right now.. saying no to anything until Gul says atleast for me do this etc. and talk turns to Kesar - Motabah knows he isnt listening to Gulaal anymore and Gulaal always sticks up for him evern since he was little and looks like he is going to come out the room so Kesar doesnt lose his way and also for Gulaal.

PRECAP - Jamna Kaki and her taunts are back lol, and she tells Gul - Kesar use to eat with you and from your hands and now he eats with Talli, and Gul answer well that good, less work for me and they are both good friends, and JK says if Talli takes away all the things you do and in the house, then there is nothing left for Gulaal to do basically saying what is the point of Gulaal in the house. Thats hurtful - such a dig that wasOuch

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