Friday, April 15, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 15th April 2011 Written Update

Karanjkar House
It’s night and everyone is sleeping .Manohar gets up he quietly puts hisshoes on and puts some pillows and cushions where he was sleeping , covers them up to make it look like as if he is still sleeping there .After doing this , he leaves ..
Sulochna wakes up, she looks towards Manohar’s bed and assumes that he is still sleeping there …

Deshmukh House .
Archana wakes up in the middle of the night to have some water .She goes in the kitchen and hears baby Sachu crying in his room.She goes in Savita’s room. Savita is fast asleep .Sachu is up and is crying a lot..He looks at Archana and starts doing gestures with his hand to make her come to him ….
For some time Archana just stands there but then she is unable to control herself and she picks him up .She doesn’t want savita to wake up from her sleep..
She takes a happy baby Sachu in the kitchen and heats his milk .Then she brings him to her bed .While her husband is sleeping on one side , both Archana and baby Sachu cuddle up together and are playing …
They both fall asleep there ..
Savita wakes up and she panics when doesn’t finds sachu there .She tries to wake up damodar but he is too sound asleep to listen to her .Then she also peeps in Manav’s room but all she sees is Manav and Archu sleeping ( Sachu is hidden in the blanket .) .Savita goes down the chawl , she is cryign and askign every one where the baby is …She is also cursing herself for not taking good care of him ..Then she comes back to her house and is crying a lot .
Suddenly she hears Sachu ‘s crying ..She goes in Manav’s room and finds Sachu in their bed .
Savita immediately picks him up .She is very angry with Archana …
Archana tries to explain that Sachu got up last night and instead of waking her , she just took care of him and did not return him back to her because he slept there only …
Savita doesn’t wants to know all this ..She strictly tells Archana that as long as Sachu has his grandmother , she need not worry about him .In fact she tells Archana never to even touch him or else ……
Manav wakes up too , he is very surprised with all this going on ..
When his mother leaves he asks Archana what happened ..
Archu smiles and tels him that as usual Savita was just telling her off .She is very sure that by getting angry at her , Savita is slowly becoming her normal self and soon she will be totally cured ….

Kaarnjkar House
It is early morning .Sulochna brings tea for Manohar and is surprised that he is still sleeping .She wakes him up and igives him hsi tea ..He doses off again and Sulochna again wakes him up .She doesn’t understands why he keeps sleeping like this as it is not like him to do so ..
When she goes in the kitchen manohar thinks to himself that he must control himself and behave normal like every day or else Sulochna will know the truth that he is working in night shifts ….

Office of Home Registration .
Vinod goes to a friend who is working in this office .He wants to know about the new rule of getting homes registered again …
His friend tells him that no such rule has been implemented .Vinod is now confused as to why his father told him tha tthe house papers are not at home as they have gone for reregistration ..

Deshmukh House
Archana is working in the kitchen .She hears Savita who is about to take Sachin for his bath ..Savita goes in the room to get soap , meanwhile Archu picks up Sachin and takes in the bathroom to give him a bath .
Savita gets furious when she sees this ….
She yells at Archana for touching sachu again ..Then Savita sits down and starts giving him a bath …Archu sits there quietly and watches ..Savita keeps yelling at her not to touch Sachu but Archu keeps annoying her by smiling at the baby and keeps asking if she can give him the bath …..
Babay Sachu is given a bath by his grandmother while he keeps looking back at his Kaki and crying …

Varsha and Satish give an official application for adopting a child .The manager of the orphanage tells them the procedure and tells them that rules are very strict about adoption ..They will have to be thoughrouly checked .Their social status , finances, the atmosphere i ntheir house …every thign will be checked and if all that is correct then someoen , who is outside the family will have to give a statement o n their behalf that they are good people and will make responsible parents …
Satish and Varsha are so very happy that this procedure has started now ..

Karanjkar House
Sulochna and Vaishu are sorting out their wardrobe .Archu walks in with Madhuri .She asks Vaishu why she is now suddenly questioning Madhuri when Madhuri has always been the one helping them …
Vaishali says that Madhuri is no friend and she is playing games with them …
Vaishu : I made a mistake trusting her , but now I know her reality ….
Archana explains to her mother that Vaishu saw someone who looked liek Dharmesh and she also saw madhuri in that place and so nowvaishu is not trusting Madhuri ..
Archana : Why should I believe you ?
Vaishu : Why are you not asking this question from her …You trust her and not me .
Archana : It is not like this ..
Vaishali : yes it is ….I know everything and I know am right …
I don’t have proof and the day I have it , I will not leave this woman ..
Archana : You are mistaken , pelase believe me ..
Vaishu : Why are you siding with this woman .
Archana : For humanity .She is pregnant again and she has no one ..You have everyone here , me , your mother eevryone …but she has no one and her baby can get effected with all this …
Vaishali starts cryign on hearing all this …
She asks Archana that madhuri got all that she wanted , but what about her ? How come Archu is not concerned about her baby and how that baby is gettign effected with all this .
Archana tries telling vaishu that Madhuri only wanted this baby and nothing else and now she just wishes to help her and wants nothing else from her ….
Vaishali is too hurt and angry to listen to any of this and goes inside her room .Madhuri starts crying on Archu’s shoulder …
Sulochna tells Archu that she will try and talk to Vaishu …

Precap :
Vaishu is crying in her room .Her mother is trying to talk to her but she is not listening .Archu comes in the room and takes vaishali out to show her something that would make her trust Madhuri again …

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