Monday, April 11, 2011

Bhaagon Waali 11th April 2011 Written Update

Runjhun is riding on Guddu's bike in the back and she smiles. Guddu asks her why she is smiling. Runjhun asks him why he wants to know. She tells him he can do anything but she has to ask him before smiling. Guddu speeds up the bike, and Runjhun asks him why he sped up. She says he got scared again. She calls him Darpok Ji. She tells him when he can't figure out what to do he runs scared. She tells him to slow the bike. He brings the bike to a stop on the side of the road.

He asks her what she said. She says she asked him to slow down not stop like he did. He asks her before she told him to stop. She says she called him a scaredy cat. He says he will give her slap if she calls him a coward. She says slapping her proves how much he's not scared. She says that she doesn't say anything when he keeps calling her unfortunate and "panauti", so why is he so mad. He tells her because she is a "panauti" and he's not "darpok". He says it's pointless to argue with him. She says he's running scared again. Guddu tells Runjhun to get off the bike.

He tells her he has a solution, and tells her to get off the bike. Runjhun says he's planning on leaving her again. Guddu says if he had his say he would do more than leave her. He tells her she came uncalled to the hospital she can go back uncalled back home. Runjhun says she didn't go to the hospital uncalled for. She was called there by his parents. She says she will wait there, she's not going to move till he comes back.

Guddu tells her to wait a lifetime, for ages and generations because he will only come back when he's lost his memory and forgets that she is his enemy. He drives off and Runjhun stays back. Halfway down the road, he stops and looks back. He remembers how she waited in the rain and her stubborn nature. He goes back for Runjhun.

He parks his bike next to her and revs his engine indicating for her to get on. Runjhun ignores him for a while then gets on the bike, hiding her smile with her pallo.

They reach home and Runjhun looks at Guddu indignantly because he's so rough while driving the bike. He tells her to get off his bike and from his life. Runjhun gets off and says she knew he would react like this, after all he is a coward. Guddu tells Runjhun that he is explaining things to her very nicely. He says when there is a tree without fruit, you can't throw a stone at it. He says the rock will come back and hit her and break her mouth and she won't be able to speak. Runjhun retorts that even if the tree bears fruit, she won't throw a rock at it, and the rock won't come back to hurt her. She says no matter how hard Guddu tries to shut her up, he's not going to succeed.

Guddu asks her she must have read a lot of fairytales as a young kid. He asks her if she has a magic stick that she's planning on using. Runjhun says she's not living in a fairy tale. She tells him to do a favor and ask Kukkan to bring a pen and paper. Guddu calls Kukkan and Kukkan and Jabbo along with others come but they steal the pen and paper from a nearby teacher.

Runjhun asks Kukkan whether he was there when she challenged Guddu. Kukkan says yes. She takes the paper and pen and holds it out for Guddu, and tells him to give it in writing that he won't change at all. That there is no way he will change. Guddu says he's not interested in playing her games. He knows she is trying to anger him by challenging him. He tells Kukkan to take the pen and paper from Runjhun. Runjhun smirks and says he's scared. He doesn't have any faith in himself that he won't change. She calls him "Darpok Ji" and leaves.

Guddu tells Kukkan that Runjhun is definitely playing head games with him. Kukkan says that it was Guddu didn't write anything on the paper because he was sure that Guddu would lose. Guddu asks Kukkan on whose side he is. Kukkan says that he is definitely on Guddu's side but there have been changes in Guddu's personality already. He says that he no longer puts his cell phone in his sleeves. He's stopped wearing his shawl around the neck. His clothes are cleaner and ironed. He looks more and more like a gentleman. He tells Guddu, that he is worried that he would have changed even more if he'd done what Runjhun would have said. Guddu is surprised and worried.

Inside Runjhun goes to Amma and informs her that Guddu's mom is doing well. She says that Guddu's mom no longer requires operation and has been moved to Kanpur for the treatment. She shows Amma the kangan given to her, and Amma is happy. Kalsanwali comes and tells Runjhun not to pretend, and keep lying. She tells her that Guddu is left and the sooner she accpets that it is better instead of telling lies. Amma tells her to keep quiet but Kalsanwali goes on and asks Runjhun why he didn't come back. Runjhun opens her mouth to speak, when Guddu comes back. He says that he's back to shut her up. He comes and takes a chair and tells Kalsanwali to leave and take her black tongue elsewhere. She murmurs as she leaves and he tells her not to speak ill under her breath.

Amma tells Guddu to ignore Kalsanwali as she is bag of chillies, and always on fire. She tells Runjhun and Guddu to rest. After Amma leaves, Guddu takes a folded paper and gives it to Runjhun. She opens it up and reads it.

The letter says:
Let's see...I accept your challenge. I will stay for a month in your house. You try to make me good.
I, Guddu Shukla will not change
Signed, Guddu Shukla

[CRYPT]Runjhun tells him so he accepted her challenge, and she won't call him "Darpok Ji" (dragging it out) again. It makes Guddu angry and he gets up and kicks his chair asking her why she insists of putting up a show. He says he's going to prove that he won't change, and he will watch happily as she tries with all her might. He leaves, and Runjhun stops him. She says that if one heads to the west he won't see the east, but if someone stops and calls out to them, then when they turn they can atleast have knowledge of the east. She tells him that by challenging him, she is calling out to him. So atleast he will know which direction is the right direction. Guddu tells her she can try, and if she gets tired of trying she can let him know.[/CRYPT]

Guddu goes to his room and notices how clean it is and is happy to see his room. He jumps on the bed and says he will stay in this clean room for a month and enjoy the service for a month. He rests against the clean sheets smiling and happy at his living arrangement till he realizes that he's falling further into the trap. He says Runjhun is playing mind games with him. He says the clean room is just a ploy. He rubs his shoe on the sheet and blows out the candle and throws the blanket on the floor. He says now it's more like his room. He is dirtying his room when Runjhun walks in and asks him what he's doing. He says that he's making his room more to his liking. He tells her not to force her habits on him, and he's not here to make her happy.

Runjhun realizes that he's doing it mostly to make her unhappy. She thinks that whatever she doesn't like he will do full heartedly, so she has to make him do things making sure that she's not happy.

She goes to Guddu and apologizes to him, and says that she didn't decorate the room to his liking. Guddu's smile disappears quickly as he is confused. She takes the bowl of fruits and dumps it on his bed, and takes the flowers and throws them. Next she goes to closet, and takes out his clothes and spreads it out. He asks her what she is doing and she tells him she's personalizing his room to his tastes. She empties his clothe bag, then notices the bottle of alcohol. He tells her to give it to him. She tells him she doesn't like the bottle of alcohol. He says he doesn't want to hear her lecture and tells her he will drink whether she likes it or not. Runjhun says that she didn't say anything. She tells him she will go bring a trash can so he can dirty the room even more. Guddu angrily tells her not to worry.

Runjhun says that she is sorry for spoiling his mood. She tells him he can drink his alcohol if it makes him improve his mood. She says she will get a glass and something to eat too. She says she will do everything to his liking. Guddu is troubled and wonders why Runjhun is telling him to drink otherwise she's always lecturing him not to do something.

Precap: Amma suggests Runjhun and Guddu moving into a room together and Runjhun protests about staying in someone else's room. Guddu seeing how much it disturbs Runjhun tells Amma that she is right and and only when a couple stays together will they able to be fulfill their duties as husband and wife. Amma says that it is then agreed that they will stay together. Guddu says he agrees and looks at Runjhun challenging her to disagree.

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