Monday, April 11, 2011

Kitani Mohabbat Hai 11th April 2011 Written Update

The episode starts with Arohi's mom coming to her and trys to talk to her but Arohi says please mom i know that you'll make me understand your view point and all but i never expected that my family would lie to me. Then she says that she doesnt want to create a scene and that by tomorrow Arjun will come and pick me up. Then arohi asks her mom why is she crying and her mom tells her that you and arjun cant be together and Arohi says why does everyone think that cant you all see that we love each other. Then arohi asks why cant we be together and her mom is about to say something but she remembers back to when she meet Rudra and what he said. Arohi then says forget it and i know you'll say that he's a bad guy and all but it wont make a difference because he's going to leave everything. Her mom tells her that im your mom right so forget arjun for all of us he's not right for you. Then she says that you can scrafice atleast that much for been a daughter. Arohi tells her that all this scrafices happen in a story or in a movie but it doesnt happen in real life. Her mom tells her that it does happen and says that she scraficed her love for this family and arohi stares at her.

Rudra is sitting on a rocking chair drinking and Arjun comes ther and sits on the floor next to him. Arjun remembers what rajveer said about his dad lying to him too. Rudra is playing with the ice in his glass and Arjun says that we dont need to talk much because we both understand each other or well we use to. Rudra says that he was going to tell him and arjun says please dad dont try to explain anything. Then arjun says that i know why you send me to jail. Then he says that you didnt even tell me once that you dont want arohi to be part of my life and rudra says that if i told you then would you have listened and arjun says yes if you told me once then i would have. Then arjun says that i cant forget her but i would have tried to forget her the whole life. Rudra syas that you would do that for me and arjun says yes dad i would do anything for you but you didnt think for asking me and thought that it might be better to separate us. Rudra then says that i felt that you'll go away from our work and from me. Arjun says that it was nothing like that. Rudra says thats good then and arjun says no not at all and arjun gets up and says that you understood me wrong then and now also. He tells rudra im sorry but im going to leave your work now and tomorrow im going to get arohi from her house but i wont come back here, im going forever and he leaves.

Arohi's mom is sitting in the kitchen and arohi comes there tells her that there are 2 of everything but only one mom and its hard for a daughter to see her mom cry. Then arohi gets up and hugs her and says that i know your hurting within and you have something that you cant tell anyone but all im saying is that you can tell me anything. Arohi then says that i know its hard to choose from your love or family. Her mom tells her that its nothing like that and that your dad is the best he's a good husband and good father. Arohi asks her if he's her friend to and her mom makes arohi sit next to her and starts to tell her how her parent died at 16 and how she come into the house and all and how bauji didnt let her gett married to the person she loved becuase he was doing wrong things. After listening ot the story arohi says that i would do the same thing too but i trust arjun more than anything and i know he'll change then why are you against it. Her mom tells her that you cant be together because in this relationship its written that you guys will separate then why do you want to get hurt this badly.

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