Kuku and Daljeet turn away to leave when the new girl stops them and hands Kuku a letter to read. Kuku takes the letter and reads it. He is shocked to read the contents of the letter. He stares at the girl who continues to smirk while chewing a gum... ( Ufff phir gum... ). Kuku tells the inspector that he will give the bail for the girl. Daljeet is shocked to hear this. Kuku asks the inspector about where is he suppose to sign. Daljeets says papji why are you doing this ? You dont even know this girl. What does this letter say ? Show it to me. The girls suddenly sticks out her hand with a Rs. 50 note and tells Daljeet to give it to his factory's watchman. She says I had a bet with the watchman that Kuku Narang would come himslef and I have won the bet as always. Although I have won the bet but still you can give this to him. She then smriks at Daljeet. In between the inspector comes and Kuku signs the bail papers and the girl is released. Daljeet is still surprised. Kuku again looks at the girl with a stern expression and leaves.
Bebo is standing on a small ladder trying to get the bag from the top of the cupboard but it is high enough. Amrit comes in calling out Bebo (as usual...). Bebo turns to respond him and her foot slips. Amrit catches her in time. (lalalalala...) They both continue to stare each other. Then Amrit puts her down. Then Amrit says Bebo what is wrong with you, why dont you take some rest ? You are always busy in some work. Now comeon take some rest. During this Bebo continues to stare at Amrit. Amrit makes her sit in the bed and gives her the blanket. Bebo is smiling during this. Amrit looks at her quizzically and then sits down next to her. He asks what happened ? Bebo says nothing Amrit, you have scolded me lovingly after so many days. It felt so good. Amrit says no Bebo I didn't mean to... Bebo interrupts and says Amrit I am taking more rest than Saru parjiaiji although she is pregnant. Amrit says I have gained you back after losing you once and due to this fear I am forcing you to rest. Bebo hold Amrit's hand and says Amrit I dont like this force, and dont worry I wont be going anywhere now. How hard someone tries but now no one would be able to separate me from you. Amrit says alrite. I'll just come. He gets up but Bebo hold his hands. Bebo says Amrit please sit down. Amrit sits and hold her hands. Bebo moves forward and repeats the poetic lines " yeh jism yeh jaan, yeh jaan yeh jism... Amrit puts his hand on her cheek and says now we would never separate from each other.Bebo smiles and hugs Amrit closing her eyes.
Kuku and Daljeet walk into the house with new girl walking behind them She looks around the whole house. Kuku n Daljeet still have a worried expression. The girl says that wow you have made a big house. Did you make it with your own money or.... Daljeet interrupts her and tells her to talk with manners. Atleast respect the person who bailed you out from jail. The girl says whatever !!! Daljeet says Papji I donot get this. Why did you give a bail for this girl ? How did the letter made you so quiet suddenly ? All the family member start coming into the hall but they stop dead seeing the attire of this girl. Bebo also comes down smiling but is suprised to see this girl. Sardarni ji asks what happened ? Kuku tells her that this is Majeet and she wud live here with us. Amro says in our house ? Everyone's shocked. Kuku says yes she is a guest. Daljeet adds in a guest whom Papji brought from jail. Bebo is thinking hard and then come forward smiling. Why are all of you thinking ? When Papaji has said she is a guest so okay fine. Bebo asks the girl what is your name and she doesn't reply. Bebo says you are new so probably you are feeling shy. Gradually you'll feel good after meeting everyone. Saru also smiles and asks her what would she like to eat ? Manjeet says there is no need to welcome me like this, Im not a guest. Everyone is again surprised. Manjeet sees an earring and says that over here even gold is lying in the dust. Saru say oh this is mine, probably it was loose. Prabjot says come I'll show you your room.
Kuku says Sardarni ji I have something important to attend to, dont wait for me. I might come in the morning. Ashok asks if he shud accompany him but Kuku says no, Saru needs you here. And Daljeet, unitll I dont come, Manjeet's responsibility is yours.
Upstairs Prabjot and Manjeet are walking in the corridor. Prabjot asks her how do you know Papaji, are you his friend's daughter ? Manjeet says why dont you ask your papaji about it. She comes across a beautifully furnished bedroom, comes indside and says this is so nice, I'll live here. Prabjot says but this is Papaji's room. Manjeet says I am not asking but only telling you. She close the door from inside. Parbjot is like what and walks away.
Some women are gambling in a house. Gursheel and Goldie are sitting on the dining table eating greedily. Goldie is upset. Gursheel says destiny also plays around with us, we used to live in that haweli ( big house) like a lioness and then to stay there we racked out minds like a fox. And now see we have become like dogs. Come on eat. All the ladies start to leave and Goldie points this out to Gursheel. Gursheel says we have nowhere to go so just stick wherever we can. The host lady comes and asks if the food is good. GG say yes. Then the lady looks at the clock and says that it is quite late. GG look at each other with a worried expression.
Bebo is coming upstairs and Amrit sees her from his room. He quickly switches off the light and gets inside the room. However Bebo goes to some other room. And Manjeet comes out of her room. Amrit is hiding behind the door in his room. Manjeet sees the open door and walks in. Amrit holds her from behind placing his hands on her eyes ( thinking of her as Bebo). He hug her from behind and Manjeet suddenly switches on the light. Amrit is shocked to see her. Manjeet looks smilingly at him.
GG are sitting on the sofa and talking about the betting games they had just to pass some time. The host lady tells them that she has to go her son's school in the ealry morning for a parent teacher meeting. Gursheels says oh that is only a formality, there is no use going. Lets play another round of cards. The host lady says no not at this time, its so late and Im sleepy. Goldie say no no we usually sleep late. The lady says but you people also have to go your hosue, Gursheel makes an excuse that there is renovation going on at our place and it doesn't look okay to go to a hotel at this hour. You are our friend Parmeendar so we can stay here right ? Parmeendar unwillingly agrees and tells her maid to make the arrangements. GG are relieved and think that they will think about what to do next tomorrow.
There Amrit moves away from the girl and asks her who she is. Bebo comes in and tells Amrit that she is our guest and asks Manjeet where were u, I was finding you. Manjeet says I thought when I have to stay here, I should know everyone. Only this person was left. Bebo tells her this is Amrit, my husband. Manjeet says oh okay whatever. Amrit feeling awkwards leaves from there. Manjeet smiles to herslef.
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