Monday, February 14, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 14th February 2011 Written Update

Karanjkar house

Dharmesh walks in with his mother .She sees that Sulochna is sleeping but Manohar comes in to greet her .Vaishali is trying to hide after she sees them walking in .
Dharmesh’s mum incquires about Sulochna’s health .Sulochna wakes up and is surprised to see Dharmesh .She asks him how come he is here as he was out of town .Dharmesh makes up a story to cover himself . His mother tells Sulochan that some one has put some sort of evil eye o n this hosue and that could be the reason why so much is going wrong.
She tells her that she plans to go to holy sites and will pray for thsi house and also for her grand child .
Dharmesh leaves with his mother making an excuse of being busy .
While they are leaving Manju spots Vaishali hiding from them …She questions Vaishali why she is hiding from Dharmesh ….

I am sorry I could not see anything , the video went blank and there was no sound for some time ….

In a little tea shop in the market .
Manav and Ajit are drinking tea .Ajit is praising Manav for coming up with such a brilliant idea .he is so happy that all they have to do is to give money in the morning and collect it in the evening and all day they can just sit and relax .
Manav tells him that he doesn’t wants to relax as he has many dreams and wants to see they come true .He tells him that instead of just sitting and doing nothing , they have to think of other ways of making money …
Sibu is frustrated because his lottery ticket was not a winning one ..He tells Manav that he has a habit of buying lottery tickets …Manav and Ajit tell him to stop doing this .Manav says that whatever he earns will be due to hard work and his abilities and not due to lottery tickets ….

In his car.
Dharmesh is driving his mother back .He cannot stop thinking about the narrow escape he had at his in laws and gets nervous thinking about what could have happened if his mother had seen Vaishali there .
Madhuri calls him on his cell and tells him of the entire episode of Varun getting lost due to that riksahw driver and how Archana helped her .Dharmesh gets angry after he hears this and he tells Madhuri off for being so careless.
When his mother asks him who he is shouting at , he lies that it is vaishli and puts the phone off….

On the roadside .
There is a scene of Manav and Archana trying to promote Choti bahu for Zee TV.Manav says that after watching the show he too will learn how to admit love to his wife but Archu tells him that she loves him the way he is …
She tells him not to change as his way of not saying anything can also tell her everything

Market place
Damodar and Savita have come for vegetable shopping .Savita is telling Damodar how expensive vegetables have become these days …She goes to buy vegetables from an old guy and when this old man is told that she is Manav’s Aie , he immediately tells her to treat this stall as her own and take whatever she wants ..
Savita is overjoyed when she hears this and goes crazy picking up loads of vegetables .
The old man gets worried because he was not expecting her to take this much but he doesn’t say anything …
Damodar tries to stop Savita but she doesn’t listen to him .After that she starts fighting with a boy standing next to the stall .
The vegetable vendors are surprised that she is Manav’s mother as they all have seen what kind of a person Manav is …
Archana is also shopping in the same market .She comes and greets Damodar and Savita .
Archana : Aie and Baba , yo uare also doign grocery shopping here .
Savita : No, we are playing bhangra …Our place is so small so we decided to come and play bhangra in this market …
Archu picks up some vegetables and asks the old guy how much she owes him .
The old man : vahini , you are Manav’s wife and you don’t need to pay .
Archana : You don’t need to do this .Manav’s dealings are different from this .If I buy something from you then you have to charge me because you also have to earn .Only if you earn well then my husband too will do well in his work .So please tell me how much I owe you …
The vegetable vendor tells her the amount and she pays ..
She leaves after saying good bye to her in laws .
Savita : This is what you call an unlucky woman …God wants to give her so much now but she doesn’t know how to take it .
Damodar : That is the difference between you and her .You are very wrong in the way you want to use your son but she tries to give him respect and his name respect by her goodness.
Savita : How can I do any good for my son , He doesn’t live with me , she took him away from me .Now you just keep quiet …

Karanjkar home ….
Sulochna , Manohar are sitting in the lounge .Manjusha is doing soem work when Manav comes in to see Sulochna .
Manav : How are you now Aie .
Sulochna: Beta nothign is wrong with me .I am just a little tense about Varsha and of course I am getting old maybe that’s why …
Manav : I was very worried . From now on you have to take care of yourself .You have no idea how important you are to us , espcailly to me . I can never forget when no one was with me , you were the one who supported me , you trusted me when no one else did . If today I have a garhasti and I have a home it is all because of you ….You have to take care of yourself .
Sulochna is very moved to hear him say all this .
Manohar too is extreemly happy .Manju serves tea and goodies for Manav quietly .
Vinod comes from outside .Manohar asks him to give the medicines as it is time for Sulochna to have her medication .Vinod makes up a stroy that his pocket got picked in the market .Manohar asks for the prescription and says that he will go and get the medicines .Manav takes the prescription from Vinod and says that he will go right now and get the medicines …Manohar tells him not to ..but he says that since he calls him a beta , then let him act like a beta as well…..

Market place
Manav, Shibu and Ajit are doing the collection .The old vegetable guy gives less money , when questioned by Ajit , he telsl them how Savita had come and taken vegetables worth almost 200 rupees so he could not pay them their full amount .
Ajit tells Manav the whole thing .
Ajit : Your mother came and she took so mach free vegetable on your name , now what do we do .
Manav smiles : I know what Aie did was wrong but I am loving it .One way or the other her son has helped her today .
I also don’t like to see loss in my business , but this loss is giving me so much satisfaction and peace ..he looks so happy that even Ajit starts smiling looking at his happy face .
Ajit : What a man you are Manav .You can win anyone with your goodness.If you can do so much then please can you try to bring together your mother and Archana as well.
A sad look comes on Manav’s face : I also keep praying to Bappa for that Ajit .I also want that .
He tells the vegetable vendor that whenever his mother comes and whatever she takes , he shoudl just give her and Manav will take care of the payment .
Manav tells Ajit that this business will have to take this loss as part of bad debts ….Ajit smiles and tells him that this is not loss , in fact if anything it will be taken as a bonus …Manav hugs Ajit when he hears this as he is now a very happy man ….

Precap : Manav and Dharmesh are talking .Dharmesh is threatening Manav that if he tells the world and in particular Satish about his truth then he will immediately go and tell Sulochna the truth about himself …..

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