Short update
(1) naksh have a cute scene where akshara says she wont wear the suit anymore natik says that i should took photographs as memory
(2) varsha thinks shaurya has forgotton valentines day but see's a suprise in her room
(3) rashmi asks akshara what did natik gift you when akshara signals to nandani who walks away she trys calling mohit but her mil picks up she disconnects
(4) in office natik is looking at akshara's pick he rings her they have a cute convo when rajbana interupts he disconnests
(5) varhsa is in pain as she has backache and her feet has swolen up rajshri is worried
(6) nash in there room having cute talk when rajbana interupts again natik gives him the laptop to see the presentation
(7) he clicks on akshara's pics by mistake and complimemnts her gyatri as usual makes a fuss
(8) in naksh room akshara is worried natik says he will bring his laptop dont worry
Detailed update
The epi starts of with naksh hugging and natik says to akshara that i have already gifted you the red suit akshara says thank you but you made that a gift i cant wear it now he says you should wear it as you look 10 yrs smaller in this akshara says we escaped yesterday if ma seen then it will be problem natik says you get scared easily, she says i wasnt this scared in exams but not from now onwards, natik says oh she says what he said i missed it i should took some photographs of you in this as memory's akshara says varsha took some natik says oh then i will ask her for one and put it really big in the room (aww munna is so cute) akshara says what to tell everyone now come on dont you have to go office arnt u getting late i will hide this somewhere if ma sees it (gyatri is a dracola in front of akshi) natik says i will hide the photographs somewhere he lies back in bed akshara says get up dont you need to go office, akshara's phone rings its aparna she says that we really enjoyed having you at the party akshara says our plesure she says that i have mailed some pictures look at them akshara says natik was saying he wanted to see the photographs she says tell jeju now he can see his pretty wife they disconnect akshara says wake up your morning wish came true aparna has mailed the pictures he says really lets see them now she says you have to go office he says that can be done later, akshara says the photographs arnt running away you get ready for office dadaji and buaji must have come and you havnt eaten breakfast yet natik says ok as you wish and leaves akshara smiles (aww cute naksh scene ) @meshwari's varsha wakes up and looks at th calender and says before marriage he used to remember everything after marriage he has forgotton she gets out of bed and sees roses and bouquet everywhere she sees a card opens it and smiles then opens the present its a photo of her and shaurya she runs her hands over it and smiles (cute scene for shava fans)
Part II
shaurya comes running from behind saying suprise he hugs her and says how did you like it she says its nice he says bring my gift she says actually he says you forgot it go i am not talking to you i bought you a gift with love and you forgot she holds her ears to say sorry (why was varsha complaining in the morning shaurya forgot she forgot herself ) she puts his hand on her stomach and says can there be a better gift then this shaurya says there cant be any better gift then this varsha says happy valentines day shaurya says you too my sweetheart, @singhaniya's rashmi comes and asks akshara what gift you got akshara says what gift she goes for valentines you must have done something special for dada akshara signals to nandani who excuses herself to her room (thank god nandu didnt speak) rashmi says how was your party she says good we played a lot of intresting games and had fun, akshara says on your wedding i will organise intresting stuff rashmi changes the subject she says you must got a lot of compliments in the suit, akshara says what complimets now i wont wear that suit if you like it you can wear it somtimes yesterday i was in a lot of tension i am alright in a saree and by hiding from ma no rashmi says then you wont be able to wear it at ours in functions you wear sarees, akshara says i told natik also rashmi says there must be photographs akhara says yes aparna mailed them but i was busy as natik had to go office she says lets se them now askshara says after i finish the kitchen work she says ok hurry up and come @meshwari's all the ladys are putting tika on the mens varsha feels a bit uneasy shaurya makes her sit down and do the job shaurya says why are we going to office early kaka says jindal has canceled the contract we have a meeting with mr mehra dadi says dont take tension vishmabar says no there isnt any tension if work is done with mehra its a good thing and he is dadaji old friend he was saying there business is doing well i am happy rajshri says why wont you be as your daughter is there vishambar says you said right now in that house lies akshara's hapiness @singhaniya's nandani is looking through the card and teddy bear she rings up and her mil picks up she disconnects
Part III
@meshwari's varsha comes in her room and sits when the bai comes and gives her something drink she says you have swelling in your feet due to yesterday varsha says yes you give me the juice and go she says madam you have a backache i will apply balm you should told me earlier i would bought milk varsha says give it me i will apply it you go, rajshri comes in calling for varhsa she looks at the flowers she says is it your birthday today varsha says no its valentines day rajshri says what day she says valentines (aww rajshri is cute ) rajshri says god knows what days you children have but the room looks nice the bai says you shoudnt decorate it because madam is pregnant and sometimes you get a cold from flowers what if you do they laugh at her, rajshri says since when did flowers effect get a duvet varhsa will do it rajshri asks varsha how the party was she says nice and akshara wore a suit yesterday savita says i will get some salted water madam shoudnt went to the party her feets have swolen up (annoying lady) rajshri says let me see she says no she dosnt know anything and tells savita to go rajshri says you must be tierd put your feet up @singhaniya's office natik is looking at the picture of him and akshara from the party he rings her up she says yes he says your hair is beautifull akshara says what and says you have came he says when you put them to a side you look more beautifull akshara says what are you saying i dont understand he says when you look into my eyes wow i feel like i am drunk ( natik's dilouges are mast yaar hai naksh)akshara says i am not looking into your eyes i am putting away a heavy dinner set what you are saying i dont understand he says behind your red dupaata your eyes she says your looking at my photographs he says yes she says so your doing this work in office looking at your wifes photographs he says thas really sweet work you have any problems she says no rajbana interupts saying munna our work hasnt been done he says i will phone later akshara says ok finish your work bye natik says so bauji you were saying he says this file ( naksh were so cute rajbana become gyatri and interupted ) @singhaniya house natik puts his bag away akshara comes and says your tea he says later and lies on the bed akshara sits next to him he says later she says what i was just picking a magazine up wanted to show you an intresting artical what happened to your hand he says nothing i got scared of you
natik says i thought you were going to put my finger in the tea she says what and laughs she says you also I only do that when you dont get up in the morning early she hits him with a magzine saying now you will wake up she keeps hitting him he says all this now stop it rajbana interupts calling munna they get up (rajbana looked but still he had to interupt )akshara says i have some work in the kitchen to see natik says come and sit he says no i have small work if the presentation is complete give it me i will see, natik takes his laptop and says i will show you he says i will see myself tell me where you saved the file he says on the desktop rajbana enters his room gyatri says some festivle is coming up we will celebrate it fully last time akshara wasnt here he says we will dont worry i will make the preps you do something get me tea and some snacks gyatri says i will bring them rajbana opens the laptop the pictures screen comes up he clicks on them he says what has opened gyatri says what he says munna said see some designs but hre pictures of akshara came up se she is looking so sweet, gyatri says akshara in a suit she went out in that last night i thought it was for rashmi akshara was meant to wear saree, she says they always do what they please if dadaji sees akshara in this then what rajbana says so they are kids she felt like it and wore it whats wrong (ok i will forgive rajbana for the interuptions he is cool gyatri is ) gyatri says what are you saying do you feel this is right dadaji gave her permission not to take scarg now she will wear clothes like this baisa is right not to give too much freedom rajbana says dont get angry dadaji hasnt seen her in this you ignore the fact too she only wore a suit see she is looking so pretty (gyatri is too much) @naksh room akshara is sitting with natik she says you seen my photographs show me i want to see he goes why not who dosnt want to hear there compliment she goes really i want to see them he says i havnt got my laptop she says where is it i cant see he says i gave it bauji he wants to see some jewelery design photo's akshara says what if bauji sees it he says no the files are seperate he says what if bauji by mistake opens your photo akshara says there are photos of me in suit now go and get it he says dont worry he must not opened the laptop he goes ends on akshara's face
Precap: natik says to akshara that we need money urgently and need to return it immediatly to someone.
10/10 epi for naksh scenes cv keep giving us scenes we will be happy, i didnt see dadaji and bhahima today woho and less of gyatri too and i wonder why singhaniya's need money hmm intresting gyatri will create a fuss silly woman
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