Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sangini 28th April 2011 Written Update

The episode starts with rudra stopping pihu in the room & closing the door in front of gauri.Gauri seing this gets very upset & in pats her hand in frustation on a glass kept on a side table outside rudra's room and gets her hand badly hurt.Meanwhile rudra aks pihu why she is upset & tries to get really close to her seing which pihu gets a bit worried & pushes him and goes out of his room.As pihu comes out the room she sees gauri standing outside but as soon as she sees blood coming out of her hand immediately brings a first aid box & puts a bandage on her hand.While putting the bandage pihu says gauri that she will not be able to do as both of them are getting hurt because of all this.Gauri asks pihu that she must be remembering her past moments spent with rudra to which pihu tells her that she is a widow and past doesn't matter to her anymore.Gauri explains pihu that rudra will never cross his limits he will only expect love good behaviour from her and runs from their seing which pihu gets upset & says to herself that if she would have been on her place then she would have never been able to do all this.Gauri goes in her & starts crying badly laying herself on the bed.Suddenly she gets up from the bed seing a child pic of shiv ji.She immediately goes near the pic & keeping her one hand gently on her stomach starts talking to the pic.She tells the shiv ji as if talking to her own baby that it should worry about his father at all as his father is completely unwell & doesn't know about his baby.She promises her baby that from today onwards she will only think positive in life & because she knows that their is nothing to worry at all & being positive will make everything right.Rajrani comes their with a plate of food & tells gauri to eat which she refuses,Rajrani explains her that her baby will make everything fine in her life & tells her to eat the food as she has become very weak.Gauri eats a bite of chapati & hugs rajrani tightly crying badly to which rajrani also holds her tightly & gently rubs her hair just like a mother.

Everybody takes their breakfast sitting together in the dining table in the morning when gauri also come their. Seing gauri rudra asks dadaji about the keys of his car.Dadaji tells him that its kept on the table.Rudra taking the keys in his hand tells gauri that he will leave her at her own place to which everybody gets shocked.Rajrani tries to interrupt but gauri says that she is ready to go just needs to take her purse kept in the table.Gauri takes her purse & leaves with rudra.Seing them gone dadaji gets worried about gauri's accomodation to which pihu says that its better that rudra has gone to leave gauri as it will atleast help him to know the truth which will be better for both of them & also for her as its getting difficult for her to act as rudra's lover.Rudra is shown driving the car & gauri is sitting besides him thinking about about the sweet moments spent with rudra.She thinks a past moment in which she alongwith rudra ate golgappas & rudra gave a special key to her.Rudra seing a shop says that here very good reseonable things are kept for the customers.

Rudra stops the car & gauri comes out of it.She thinks that if somebody from the colony will see rudra then they will start talking to him which will make him definitely doubt and tells that she will go on her own as her house is nearby.Rudra insists to come along with her but she refuses.As gauri starts walking she suddenly gets a bit fainted seing which rudra comes running & holds her in his arms tightly.Gauri tells rudra to go pointing towards her house.Rudra seing a lock in the door of her house tells her to go alongwith him & come when her husband will call her.Seing which gauri says that her family went to nearby market & will come soon.Rudra gets worried &continuously insist her saying that if pihu was their on her behalf then also he would have done the same.Seing rudra insisting so much gauri gets angry & shouts at him & tells him to go from their as pihu must be waiting for him.Seing this rudra gets a bit shocked & surprised and thanks her for her help.Rudra while moving gets upset & turns around to see gauri to which gauri also responds in the same way.Rudra goes from their & gauri cries standing their all alone.Suddenly it starts raining heavily & gauri is shown sitting outside her closed house crying & shivering badly in the dark night all alone.

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