Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 28th April 2011 Written Update

Outside at the orphanage Manav, Satish, Archana and Varsha are all outside at the orphanage. Manav is telling Varsha everything is not over yet, I did wrong here but there are more orphanages in the city. Varsha says to Manav, jeeju this is very easy for you to say because you are going to become a father very soon, but you will never feel the sadness of Varsha not being able to have a child. Varsha says to Archana that whenever I cried I always shared my problems with you, but now I will never do this again, because the person who I tried to share my dreams with was the one who broke all my dreams. Archana tries to say something but Varsha says I can never trust you again, Tai. I don't want to hear anything now. Manav tries to calm Varsha down but she says she does not want to hear anything. Satish tells Manav that this is not the right time to talk about all of this, we will talk later. He sounds a bit angry with Manav. He takes Varsha with him. Bhavna also leaves them and all 3 of them leave in their car. Now it is just Manav, Archana and Sulochana in the orphanage. Archana is very sad and emotional and goes to hug Manav. Outside on the streets at nighttime Manav and Archana are on the streets at night, and Manav is showing Archana something but Archana is looking very sad. Manav asks Archana not to be so worried and to forget everything. Archana tells Manav I am very worried, and even if I try to not think about it, I will still have lots of tension, because whatever happened earlier today was my all of my fault. Varsha would have been so today by adopting a baby but I snatched all of her happiness today. And this thought is just staying in my mind. Manav tells Archana that she will need to forget all of this, if you keep staying sad like this, it will have an impact on our baby. Archana is very sad and tells Manav that when I snatched Varsha's happiness I don't have a right to become a mother. She is very sad. Manav tells Archana that whatever happened is not your fault at all. In fact, this is Varsha's fault. Archana is confused. Manav tells her that what was the need for her to not tell this to the committee, maybe they would have considered it. And even if she wanted to hide this from everyone, she could have discussed that with me. She tells me everything. Varsha thought that you would have told me this but she could have also reminded me. He reassures her by saying this is not your fault at all. Whatever happened was a misunderstanding, we should just forget this. We will talk to everyone about this, Varsha and Satish. Archana nods. Varsha and Satish's house Varsha is in her bedroom looking very sad. Satish comes in the room and consoles her, he tells her not to cry anymore, you have been crying for a long time. Varsha is very sad and hugs Satish, she cries while hugging him. Satish tells her nicely to control herself; he jokingly tells her that if crying was a solution I would not stop you from crying. But unfortunately crying will not be able to help the situation. Satish tells Varsha that we will try again. Bhavna enters the room and consoles Varsha too, she tells her not to cry. Have trust in Bhagwan, everything will be alright. She tells her to freshen up and eat something. Bhavna and Satish both go and console Varsha. Karanjkar House Vaishu and Sulochana are in the main room talking. Vinod, Manju and Manohar are also there. Vaishu tells Sulochana that you may accept it or not but Archu Tai has changed. She has started to trust others more than us. It has happened with me and now with Varsha. Sulochana tells Vaishu that is not like this, what has happened to you? Sulochana tells Vaishu that she is still thinking about the Madhuri matter. Archana did not do this on purpose. Vinod backs up Sulochana and tells Vaishu that Sulochana is right, everyone makes mistakes and Archu did today. She has accepted her mistake. Shouldn't we forgive her? Vaishu says we should not forgive everytime. What you are saying is that we should forgive Dharmesh too. Because Dharmesh has accepted his mistake and regretting, should we forgive him too? Manohar strictly tells everyone to be quiet. He says we should not be talking about all of this, right now we should only think about Varsha. She is heartbroken now. We need to take her out of this; we need to encourage her to live. Manju thinks in her head that for the first time people are starting to go against Archana and Manav. We just need a little more misunderstandings between us and them, and then the relation between this house and them will break. Manju says to herself ok let's go. Satish's office Satish is in his office when Manav enters his office. Satish welcomes him in. He also asks if he came late. Manav says to Satish I came here to ask for forgiveness. Whatever happened yesterday was a misunderstanding; I never did this on purpose. Satish says I know in fact it was our fault; we should not have hidden the abortion matter from the management. And even if we did, we should have told you. I guess we were so excited about the baby that we forgot to tell you. Anyway, whatever happened has happened, you do not need to feel guilty at all, if we had told you in advance maybe this would not have happened. Manav tells Satish that he needed to tell him 1more thing. He tells Satish that since Archana and me were going through tough times that even Archana forgot to tell me, she was about to tell me, but the way Varsha talked to Archana yesterday made Archana feel really bad. If you would mind telling Varsha that she could talk to Archana. Satish says I will try, you know Varshs has still not forgotten what has happened yesterday. She is very sad, and why should she not be sad? She could not become a mother. But I will talk to her about it. At the mandir Archana is sadly stting down at the mandir when Savita is walking in the mandir and she sees Archana sitting there very sad and depressed. Savita is walking around the place where Archana is stting. Archana can not see her yet. Savita meets somebody and tells her that we have not met for a long time; it's nice to see you. Savita walks away and thinks to herself that what has happened to Archana, what is she thinking about. I have passed her so many times, is she really thinking about something or is this a natak? And why is she alone by herself, where is Manav? She has an evil, angry face as if about to do something. She bumps into a man and starts shouting at him for dropping all of her things. She says who will pay for this? The man angrily tells her that this is your stuff, and you made the mistake. Why should I give you money? He walks away, but Savita grabs his collar really tight, and says you will have to give me money. The man tells her to let go of her collar, and that I will not give you any money. Savita tells him to give him the money. (She is also glancing at Archana every now and then to see if she is paying attention) The man tells Savita that I could have done a lot more but I am not. He calls her old. Savita says who is old; it is your mom that is old. The man says you have crossed your limits, do not go to my mother. Savita says I will yell at you from your mom and your dad, so give me my money. She still is looking at Archana. Archana now glances toward Savita. Savita is still telling the man to get his money out. Archana thinks to herself that I will need to talk to Varsha, until she does not forgive me I will not be relaxed. Archana leaves. Savita sees Archana leaving and gets really angry; she now tells the man that she does not need any money. The man angrily tells her then what was the need to put up this fight? Savita pushes the man away. Savita is left looking very confused at how Archana just walked away. Outside Manjusha is walking outside searching for someone. Dharmesh comes from behind. Manju sees Dharmesh and says oh good you have come. Dharmesh is a little upset and says why did you call me here, do you need to tell me something? Manju tells Dharmesh that I have talked to Vinod today. You gave him an offer, right? I have come to talk to you about that. Dharmesh is thinking. Manju asks him what he is thinking about. Is it that you gave the offer to Vinod, and I am here talking to you? Manju tells Dharmesh that Vinod is blind in his sister Vaishu's love. He will definitely not take this offer. Manju tells Dharmesh that Vinod will not wish him doing something and then Vaishu getting hurt. Dharmesh is about to say something, but Manju interrupts him saying not to worry. I am here, my husband may be silly but I am not as silly as him. Manju tells Dharmesh that she accepts his offer and that she will help him. Manju asks Dharmesh if he is still thinking. She asks him if he does not trust her and that she will send Vaishu going right back to Dharmesh. Dharmesh says ok, but what will you gain from doing this? Manju laughs and says what a childish question you just asked. Will I not be helping you by doing this? If Vaishu comes back to you, you will have to give Vinod the job back in return. And you will also have to solve the problem for our flat. Dharmesh says ok, if it's not Vinod then it's ok if it's you too. But do this carefully, if anyone has any doubt. Manju evilly smiles and ays no need for you to worry about that. I will do everything carefully. But one thing, you also do not tell this to anyone. Dharmesh says ok, you work for me and I will fulfill your needs. Manju says ok Dharmesh. Both of them are evilly smiling. Varsha and Satish's house Archana is knocking on Varsha's house door. She keeps knocking and Varsha opens it. She is shocked to see Archana there. Archana is sad and crying. Varsha is also sad and she just closes the door on Archana. Archana begs Varsha to open the door, she tells her that I know you are very mad at me, and this was my fault. She also begs Varsha to open the door and to forgive her. After Archana keeps pleading Varsha opens the door again. She tells Archana sadly to leave; there is no need for you to ask forgiveness, because when you apologize I still can not adopt a child. Archana says I understand, but Varsha cuts her off saying I do not need to here anything. And please do not do this sad natak. Because whatever I am going through, you are not and neither can you lessen my sadness. Varsha tells Archana that I had so many dreams, I made one mistake and I will not do this again. I got another chance to become a mother, and I would live a happy life, but you could stand that so you did all of this. She starts to cry very hard. Varsha angrily says this is what you wanted to happen right? Archana tells Varsha that she has misunderstood. She says I have always wished for your happiness. Whenever you are sad, then I am sad as well. Why would I want this to happen for you? And if you still think it is my fault, at least give me a chance to regret and make up for what I did. She begs her to forgive her. Archana then suggest Varsha that she takes her child. Varsha is shocked to hear this. Archana says yes, do take my kid. Varsha says very angrily to stop doing this mahaan talk. Varsha says you can not fell my sadness because you are about to become a mother soon. Archana says it is not like that. Varsha yells it is like that. She asks Archana to leave; I do not want to talk. Varsha says you used to have a sister named Varsha. But ever since we have kept relations, we have both been sad. And that's why I break our relation today, forever. Archana is sad and starts to cry. Varsha slams the door closed. Archana is left outside the house crying. Archana and Manav's chawl Archana is in her house and is sad. She is remembering Varsha's words about her not being able to become a mother again, and how she was about to live a happy life but you could not stand me to live happily. Manav enters the house and sees Archana sad and also sees something about to burn. He goes to take care of it. He tells Archana off for being so careless. Archana is crying and hugs Manav. Manav softens down toward her. Manav asks Archana what the matter is. Archana is still crying. She says in between her crying that she went to see Varsha today. She tells him everything that happened at Varsha's house especially about how Varsha said she would break relations with her forever. Manav tells Archana that he had warned her not to do this. Archana says but. Manav interrupts her and says how come you are not controlling yourself? Archana says I have tried really hard to control myself. She says whenever I see Varsha's face I get sad and realize that the reason for her sadness is myself. All of the problems are because of me. Archana says until Varsha forgives me, Manav angrily interrupts Archana and says why are you asking for forgiveness? You have done nothing wrong, if you have done nothing wrong, why are you asking for forgiveness? Archana says something but Manav tells her to listen to him. He says there is no one more important to me in my life than you. And the baby that will come soon means a lot to me. And if you keep staying sad then this will have an impact on our baby, and I will not be able to tolerate that. Archana says I'm sorry Manav, I will keep this in mind. She goes to him and hugs him. Manav reassures her and says everything will be alright. One day Varsha will realize that she is wrong, just do not take tension. Archana and Manav are both crying and Archana is on Manav's lap hugging him. Precap: Dharmesh and Vaishu are outside. Dharmesh is telling Vaishu that he can not change his condtion but I can expect that you will not ruin your life because of me. I want you to stay happy, and you are happy if you are away from me, right? I am leaving you. You may think this is a natak but Bhagwan and I know that I am right. I have been giving you sadness but today I am giving you happiness. Dharmesh smiles, and Vaishu is looking at him. (but not in a mad way) Enjoy the written update!

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