Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Saas Bina Sasural 13th April 2011 Written Update

at chaturvedi house, prachin is in pashu's room crying..toasty comes there with tea for him..prachin tells toasty sorry and that i understand that u are also angry with me as ive done such a big mistake but i was so angry at that time..toasty is about to leave..prachin says but promise bhabhi my mind told me to go back home but i couldnt gather the courage at all..toasty asks why because u didnt have faith in your brothers??prachin says no bhabhi its not like that but..toasty says prachin u dont know but everyone in this house loves u, and how worried was everyone for u..there was not a single day when everyone didnt miss u or remember u especially pashu..more than u he was sad that he hit u and that he didnt have food for some days..

she says that when someone gets angry on u means that he loves u and is yours..she says prachin promise me that u will never do anything which will hurt your family..she extends her hand and asks promise..prachin keeps his hand and says promise and that ill never do anything because of which anyone will get hurt..toasty is smiling..she says good, gives him tea and says welcome back and leaves from there..prachin is still and then turns back and looks at pashu's photo on the wall..

at saree store, nitika comes with her mom..tej welcomes them..nitika's mom asks tej to show her good sarees for rajan's relatives..tej says ok but he gets a call..its bunty, tej asks him if tempo arrived??he says yes..tej says its come ok u wait outside ill come with the register, and he asks ved to show them sarees and leaves..ved comes to show them sarees..ved is showing them some fresh stock, when nitika asks if they found prachin??ved doesnt reply and continues to show her mom some more new models of sarees..

nitika's mom asks ved that if this saree came in your wedding for your mom then would u like it??ved's face reduces..nitika understands and controls her mom and tells ved that u understand how difficuilt it is to please rajan's mom, that's why mom is a bit nervous and asked this..nitika's mom still asks ved that if his wife brought this saree as dowry then would he like it??ved folds his hands and says that im happy the way i am and that ive decided that ill never marry..nitika gets upset..nitika's mom says that im sorry if u felt bad..ok show me some more and asks ved to show another saree..


at chaturvedi house, gyan is studying while toasty is making a list of what all is required..she calls out to gyan and asks him to go to the store and give them the list and ask them to send things home immediately as some food items are completely put of stock..she is about to hand over the list to him when chedi comes and takes the list from her and asks her what it is?? she says its monthy ration list..chedi asks why for a month??why to give them so much money at once??whatever is required buy that much at that time..she says ok and goes to take the list but he says u dont worry ill handle it..toasty says pitaji ill do it u take rest..chedi says i was taking rest that is why the house is in such a condition..

he asks her where is godown keys??toasty gives it to him..he takes it and says that from today it will be with me..he says that house keys arent just keys, its responsibilities and from today it will be with me and if someone wants something ask them to ask me..he is about to leave when toasty calls pitaji and asks if he's angry with her??he says what difference does it make??she says it does to me..u tell me if in running this house, i made a mistake or did i miss out on something??chedi says u didnt miss out on anything, u didnt leave any stone unturned..toasty is and tells pitaji that ill try my best to sort out everything and to give me one last chance..

chedi says that by giving you one more chance i cant put the unity and peace of this house at stake and that the amount of chances you got no one else got in this house, but u let me down in my own eyes..toasty says please but says says enough..from today ill hande the responsibilities of this house like before..i had never given this to anyone, but dont know y u..anyways its decided from now onwards whatever i decide will happen, what to buy and what not to buy ill decide..he asks gyan to get back to his studies..gyan goes back..chedi says that he'll ask ved to get the ration from market and asks toasty to pass his pouch..he tells toasty that before u came this house used to run but there was atleast peace of mind but now its lost somewhere but ive decided ill get it back and i will..he leaves..toasty is in tears while gyan is terribly upset..

at the store, ved tells nitika's mom that they have taken 5 sarees..she asks them to do false and beeding properly as they need to go to her sasuraal..ved says u dont worry as its our daily work..he calls out to mohan and asks him to carefully do all the work and ask them to get it ready by 2moro..mohan takes the sarees..tej comes back with the register and asks nitika's mom if she liked any of the sarees..she says yes and that they are done..ved aaks tej to make the bill..tej makes the bill..nitika's mom invites all of them to the marriage and specially ved as he has done a lot for them..she asks nitika to pay and come to the jewellery shop where she is waiting..she leaves..

tej gives the bill to ved..ved gives it to pashu..pashu sees it and asks ved who made the bill??ved says tej..pashu looks at tej who is busy talking to nitika and in a loud voice asks 20%discount??both of them look at pashu..he says that so much discount we dont give even our regular customers..ved tells pashu that last time u had given discount to smita and nitika..pashu says that was then and cuts the discount rate to 10% and says that im giving 10% that too at my risk..he gives the bill to ved and asks to tell her to make advance payment of 5000 and the rest upon delivery and that i dont have any personal hatred towards anyone..

nitika makes the payment and says bye and asks pashu also to come..he asks where??she says for my marriage..he says im not happy seeing people loose their life's..nitika laugs sarcastically and says u have a nice sense of homour and leaves..ved gives the money to pashu..tej comes and asks why he couldnt give 20%discount??pashu says give the whole shop to her what do i loose??tej says last time u gave so it was ok but this time i gave so its a problem??pashu says i gave it was over but that doesnt mean u repeat the mistake again instead u can try to fix it also..chedi comes there..he gives tej some bill books and asks him to keep them..

he gives ved the list that he made and asks ved to get all the things written in the list and to give them to toasty..he gives ved the money..ved is about to leave when chedi calls him and says that from today its your responsibility to get the ration and reach it home on time as before..tej looks on at chedi..

at home, toasty tells herself that dal and chawal are ready but what to do about sabzi??she looks at the time on her cell and says its already 6.30 and pitaji hasnt sent abzi till now what to do??she takes out some onions and is wondering whether to cut them or not and decides to wait but still wonders what pitaji is sending as if he is sending some simple one then it will be ready in half an hour but if its green vegetables then half an hour will go in cleaning them and then to make them..she decides to call tej and rings him and asks him if pitaji has sent sabzi or not??tej says that ved had left long back and asks her to hold and tells chedi about it..he says so??ved used to go at the same time earlier also but still used to finish cooking on time before we reach then why does she have a problem??tej is about to speak when toasty asks tej not to argue with chedi and that she'll wait..he says ok and cuts the line..

chedi asks tej what happened??he replies that she said that she'll wait..chedi asks tej why do u repeat everything that ur wife says like a parrot and when will u apply ur brains??tej says that she was taking tension as we will not get food on time..chedi says tej explain to wife that its better that she doesnt try to change the rules of this house..tej says that toasty is also a part of our house and that she knows all the rules..chedi says wrong..earlier even i thought the same but i was wrong she doesnt know..he asks tej to explain it to her that from now onwards everything will go in the same manner as it used to be before she came..tej is hurt..

ved comes home and gives the sabzi to toasty..he gives her methi and asks her to clean it properly and see that its only leaves as chedi doesnt like even one strand and also to cut potatoes finely as that's how chedi likes it and also to make it in sarson ka oil as chedi doesnt like it being made in any other oil..he says that till today we never asked but from today everything will be as before so make sure its like that..he leaves..toasty is in a dilemma seeing methi aloo..


at sharma house, smita and dimple are at the table..sudha asks smita if dimple shouldnt have informed them about prachin or atleast toasty..dimple asks can i speak..she says prachin warned me that if i told then..sudha says he would leave the city then let him leave..dimple says mamma..sudha says i mean let him say but will we do everything that he says??smita consoles sudha and asks her not to take tension and not to take it in negative manner and that they would be thankful to dimple that she atleast found him..sudha says that those people can never think like that..she says that toasty's dad called up and told her what hungama happened there..she wonders what all toasty will have to go through now..

smita says nothing like that and that tej is there with her to support her..sudha says forget it and that all men change after marriage and so did tej...all sit upset at the table..

toasty is cooking fast aloo methi..she tastes it and gets to know that there is no salt..the salt bottle is empty..she checks all the covers but doesnt find salt packet in it..she is worried as ved forgot to get salt..she says to herself that since morning nothing is going proper..she decides to call tej but then drops the plan as if chedi gets to know and gets angry then it will be a problem..she wonders what to do..gyan is studying in the hall..toasty comes there and calls him but finds him studying seriously so decides not to disturb him..dadaji is in his room watchin tv..she tells dadaji that she is going to the nearby shop and she will be back in 10 minutes..she leaves and dadaji then notices her and asks what happened and if dinner is ready but toasty has already left..

gyan gets water for all..tej asks gyan where toasty is??he says he doesnt know..tej asks dadaji..dadaji says she told me she is going somewhere but i dont remember..pashu says we are back from shop and she went to shop now??tej asks dadaji when she left..dadaji says its around 25 minutes..tej decides to call her..he rings her cell but its at home..chedi asks ved to serve dinner..tej says lets wait she'll be back soon..chedi says god knows when she'll be back as its already 25 mins and that if she was responsible then she would be here..she knows what time we have dinner..gyan says maybe she went to get something important..chedi asks them not to cover up for her mistakes..


all are at the dining table..toasty comes running and asks them not to have food..tej asks where she went..she says to get salt..dadaji says that salt is available at a local store near the house..toasty says that its simple salt and not the one which we use..pashu says she's changed the salt also god knows what else will happen..chedi also taunts her by saying that they have been using that salt for a long time and that no has died till now..

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