Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Maryada 13th April 2011 Written Update

Gaurav pulls Arti close to himself and yells at Vidya, asking her why she can't see what's right in front of her. And he tells her that he's always loved Arti and will continue to love her forever and hugs her. Vidya standing speechless and breaks completely in tears as she runs out of the office. [uff, he's being so mean to Vidya. Doesn't he realize how cruel he is, and how Vidya is not at fault at all?Angry And that Arti, you would think she would let him go now that he's married, but apparently not. Vidya running out of the room crying honestly brought tears to my eyes. That is an unimaginable situation for anyone and I honestly would not wish that upon any woman, to see her own husband telling her he doesn't like her at allCryCry]

At the Jhaakar house, Priya in her room fixing the bed and smiling as she thinks of Aditya. Aditya elsewhere, talking to the Panchayat and village head as he tries to make them understand how important love is and how they shouldn't break them apart. The village head [VH] starts talking and Aditya receives a text from Priya saying "Come home early, I can't wait for tonight" and he smiles reading it. The VH thinks Aditya is laughing at him and threatens to leave, but Aditya calms him down and sends a sweet reply back to Priya. [Wow, I mean this all was cute actually....we see the anticipation between our cute little AdiYa...more like HOT AdiyaEmbarrassedLOL and let's hope this wait actually proves to be fruitful this time ROFL]

Tara coloring in her room, Uttara comes in and starts enthusiastically talking to her and holds her hand. Tara yells at her for trying to touch her, how many times does she need to tell Uttara that she doesn't want to talk to her anymore, that she'll never forgive her?! Uttara begins to yell back, asking what she has done, she's Tara's mother and so'Tara cuts her off and says that Uttara is the one that separated her from her father forever. Uttara begins to tell the truth about Rishabh, but right then, Devyani cuts in and tells Tara that her admission is over! And Tara smiles and leaves. [and this is the situation where you can honestly see both sides, where I have no idea who to fault because I don't think either female is wrong in her assumptions. Tara who obviously believes that her mom tried to separate her from her father cannot be expected to accept uttara quickly because she doesn't know the truth, and Uttara would obviously want her daughter back. Such a sad story, but I sure hope it goes somewhere. I have to say I am glad that Devyani interefered at the right time because tara would end up hating Uttara even more if she told her Rishabh's truthConfusedOuch]

Devyani turns towards Uttara and begins asking Uttara what she was going to say and Uttara says she would tell her the truth. Devyani asks her if this would be the right time for Tara to learn of the truth?! And Uttara says she doesn't want to deal with Tara's hatred anymore, that she wants her daughter back and Devyani tells her that it's important to be patient, not to disturb Tara just as she is settling in.Right then, Devyani sees Vidya walking towards her room completely dull and decides to go see to her.

Vidya falls on her bed crying and Devyani slowly comes inside and calls her name, asking what's wrong. Vidya tries to console herself and tries to deny anything, but Devyani becomes thoughtful.

Gaurav and Arti talking and Gaurav realizes that what he is doing is very wrong to Vidya, and that day by day, he is falling in his own eyes. Arti tells him that it's not his fault at all and it's actually his mom's fault for forcing this marriage. [wow, so Gaurav acttually realizes this truth. I'm actually glad about this, and even more glad that he tells Arti that she's wrong that he's the one completely at fault, because he is. He has no right to treat Vidya this cruelly, disregarding her feeling like she's some trashAngry]

Devyani apologizes to Vidya, telling her that she was the one that made the mistake, and Vidya denies it. She says that it's all her own fault, she's the one who doesn't know anything, who isn't modern, is an uneducated person from the village and starts to cry again.

Gaurav telling Arti that the mistake is only his, that he didn't think of Vidya and just agreed to his mother.

Devyani telling Vidya, convincing her that it isn't her fault at all. That Gaurav will realize the truth, that Vidya is beautiful and perfect for him, very soon, and all Vidya has to do is stay strong for a bit longer. And Vidya breaks down in Devyani's arms.

Uttara walking by and seeing the two women, asks Devyani to show her some love as well, and Uttara runs into Devyani's arms. Priya then walking by, and asks if she can get a magical hug as well, but Uttara teases her, saying that Aditya is there later that night to give her all the hugs she needs. And Priya goes to hug Devyani as well, and all four women share a really sweet/sad moment. [Aww yeeah! I absolutely loved this scene SO much....I love to see these four women bonding through their pain and their happinessEmbarrassedBig smileBig smile]

Arti hugs Gaurav and tells him that everything will be fine soon, that Vidya will probably be coming soon with his lunch, and gaurav disagrees, saying that he doesn't think she'll come after all this. Arti then leaves and Gaurav gets to work. He keeps looking outside his cabin, glancing at the clock, and gets really restless. A while later, Arti comes inside again and tells Gaurav that it's past three and she'll order lunch now, Vidya probably won't come. [Yes! Go Gaurav! Realize how important Vidya is proving to be in your lifeBig smileClap]

Gaurav decides to call home and asks for Vidya, and the servant says that Vidya isn't anywhere nearby. He gives the phone to Devyani who says that she hasn't seen Vidya since the morning! Vidya comes by right then, but Devyani urges her to stay quiet. Gaurav wondering where she is, and as soon as Devyani asks another question, he hangs up. Vidya asking her why she did this and Devyani says that Gaurav needs to worry some and she shouldn't give in so quickly. PartyYayy is this really Gaurav?! He's worrying about Vidya! I actully firmly agree with Devyani right here. Let's hope this plan worksEmbarrassed

At the office, Arti comes and asks Gaurav what she should order, and Gaurav tells her that she can order for herself because he has to go find Vidya, she's not home yet, and he leaves.

Priya in her bedroom and calls Aditya and they share this epicly cute romantic sweet talk. He tells her he's going to be the one to trouble her later that night, and Priya says she cannot wait at all EmbarrassedWinkROFL

Vidya and Imli sitting in her room and Imli wondering why Devyani said that Vidya wasn't home when she actually was. Vidya stops Imli and says that she knows that Devyani is doing this so that Vidya herself sees that whatever she is doing is actually making a difference to Gaurav, that he's becoming worried for her. Imli smiles and says that her plan is now working, and she gets really really excited.

Vidya left in her room alone, thinking back to everything Gaurav said earlier that morning, about her appearance and everything and she looks at herself, her own clothing and outfit and begins to feel bad.

The bathroom is filled with candles and rose petals and Priya steps in, all blushing and thinking about what Aditya[and what he's going to do to her that night WinkROFL]. And she gets all dolled up, freshened and dressed. [So yeah, now I suspect Vidya will do something to change her appearance and try to fit more with Gaurav's "taste" in women, and how they should appearConfused]

Everyone downstairs when Aditya returns home and everyone begins to trouble him. SSP tells everyone to leave Aditya alone, and he asks Aditya about how the meeting went. Devyani comes over and tells SSP to leave Aditya alone, just for today, and Aditya smilingly agrees. He turns over to Priya, who's sitting like a blushing bride, and says that he came home on time today, and asks her for her gift. And she just sits there and blushes. SSP watching intently. EmbarrassedLOLWink

Priya walks over to Aditya and tells him that he'll get it soon, and she leaves, smiling at SSP on her way out of the room, and he just gets mad. Priya reenters her room and decorates it with candles and throws rose petals on the bed, when she hears someone knocking. She rushes over to open it, thinking it's Aditya but is shocked to see SSP standing in front of her.Angry

Precap: Uttara talking to SSP who says that she needs to talk to him alone. And SSP tells her to go inside the room and wait and he'll come in a little bit and they can talk in peace.

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