Monday, April 11, 2011

Saas Bina Sasural 11th April 2011 Written Update

Dadajis Room

Gyan is giving Dadaji medications. Chedi walks in but is decides to leave. Dadaji stops him and tells him to come in. Chedi tells Gyan to leave. He goes on to tell Dadaji that he has given it a lot of thought and its everyones fault. However, he is the person that made the biggest mistake. Dadaji doesn't understand. Chedi says yes, I made the mistake of thinking to give Vimla( his wifes) place to someone else. I had tried it before and it didn't work. I thought that Toasty would be able to. I was wrong. Today my kids who never fight are fighting because of one girl. Dadaji says that I'm not blaming Toasty but I was always against bringing a daughter in law into this house. Chedi says he knows, but at that time he was thinking like a mom not a dad. He says that I have taught my kids one thing, always stick together. Then even if everyone is against you no one can bring you down. Today they are like this because of one girl. I think its time for me to re-teach them this lesson.

( I'm sorry I usually refrain from comments until the end. But come on!!! I thought Toasty was a part of this house too! it's annoying that a daughter-in law will always be an outsider)

He says that it;s time for him to takeover and run this house how he wants it to be.

In the Hallway.

Toasty is looking at the picture of Vilma. She says you must think what kind of daughter in law do I have. She couldn't even keep the house together. She says that she is thinking correctly. She hasn't been able to handle this house correctly. She should apologize. But if she apologizes that means she accepts defeat and she can't do that. I want you blessings. Blessings for strength, so I can make everything how it use to be, the peace and the happiness. I promise you it will come back.

In the Store Room of Dimples House

Dimple walks in with a blanket and pillows. She gives them to Prachin. Prachin sarcastically thanks her for the wonderful room with the wonderful view. He then gets mad and says are you crazy! Why would I stay here. Do you have a brain? Is this a place to live. A mouses hole is better than this.

Dimple says well why don't you live there. Even the mouse will say after so long my relative has come to meet me. Prachin tells her to shut up. Dimple tells him to shut up. If her mom and dad hear then he will be in trouble. Prachin is sad. Dimple says don't worry you have all night to comfort yourself. Prachin gets angry. He says besides us bungalow people feel suffocated in these flats. I thought maybe I'd get my own room or something. Dimple says if you have such a problem then why don't you just go back to your bungalow. Prachin says stop throwing salt on my wounds. She says sorry. He says its okay, but can you get my some water. If I go get it in the middle of the night and your mom sees me and starts screaming thief then what will I do. Dimple says she has already put the water there. Prachin says well who was going to tell him. She says he doesn't have eyes and there are some prantay too in case he gets hungry.

Dimple leaves. Prachin says wait, can you warm up the parntay in the middle of the night in case they get cold. Please. Dimple says omg, if someone gives you a finger to help you walk, you take their whole hand. First I go do all this for you and I don't even get a thank you and on top of that you are making requests! Prachin says wait, didn't you say you did all this cause you were feeling guilty. Dimple says oh god, it's so annoying to talk to you. I'm starting to lose my mind. She folds and her hands and says Good night!

Prachin says good night for her. What is this place. It looks more like a horror movie set.

Next Day

Dimple walks into the kitchen and asks her mom to quickly give her breakfast. She is really hungry. She sits on the table and she feels something. It's Prachin. She jumps her dad looks at her and she trys to laugh it off. Her mom gives her 2 sandwiches. She gives one to Prachin. ( oh god Prachin is a like a dog!). She takes a bite and says mmm so tasty, I think I will eat 2-3 today. Prachin hits her and says 4-5!. She says I mean I think I will eat 4-5 today!. Her mom laughs and says just leave it. I know you. You will eat one sandwich and your stomach will be full. You will start to eat the next one and then feel gulity and say mom why did you give me too. I'm starting to get fat. My jeans don't fit. Dimple says mom! She grabs 2 more Sandwichs from the plate. Her mom is shocked. She says how about the sauce.

Her mom goes to get it and realizes that her Dad hasn't touched his food. She asks why he hasn't eaten it yet. He says he will. Her mom says okay. He says he's reading the paper, the stock market is hot today. Her mom says it can be hot or cold but this tea won't be reheated, do you understand. She accidentally hits a notebook and it falls on the ground. She goes to pick it up but Dimple stops her. She says why is she bending down, her back hurts right. Dimple will do it. Her mom asks since when did her back start hurting. Dimple says it did, after Toastys marriage.

Her dad says yes but that was due to tiredness. Dimple says just leave it papa, you don't even care about mom these days. Her mom says that is very true. But I have never had back pains and I never will. okay! She walks off. Prachin starts pulling on her leg. She gives him the sandwiches. Her mom comes back with the sauce. She is shocked to find her plate empty. Dimple says I told you! Can I have two more? Her mom is shocked she says what is wrong with. Are you one some kind of diet. Her dad says I think there are bugs in her stomach or something. Go get her that medicine. He asks dimple if she ate that mud again. Dimple says oh god dad, I'm not a kid anymore. Her dad says wow, now she doesn't even like to be called a kid anymore.

He says see Sudha, now we need to keep an eye on her too. Dimple get's mad. He says he was just joking and gives Dimple a hug. Meanwhile Prachin takes the sandwich from his plate. ( this guy is crazy!). Her dad notices that is plate his empty. He questions Dimples mom and says you keep telling me to eat but the plate is empty. Her mom says but I put food there. He says but its empty. She says okay so I'm lying. Dimple says why are you guys fighting. She says I saw you papa eating the sandwich yourself. He says when. She says you are losing your memory. Her mom says yes I think its cause of old age. He says but I never ate it. Her mom says if you want another one, then why don;t you just ask. Her dad says but I didn't. Dimple says papa you will never appreciate moms food. If you liked it then why don't you just ask her. Her dad is so confused. He says but I can I appreciate it if I never ate it. Her mom says its fine, here's another one. Dimple kicks Prachin. But he is too busy eating. He gives her an under the table five.

At the Chaturs

Toasty is busy in the Kitchen, she gets a call. She is annoyed and tells Nikki how many time has she told her not to call her in the mornings. She has 100 things to do. Nikki says she knows but it's important. Her marriage date is fixed! Toasty is happy and says but why is it so soon. Nikki says I don't know, as usual its Rajans mom decision. She says next Tuesday is the mendhi and sangeet. Toasty says well at least now you will be Rajans problem not ours. Nikki says say what you want but after marriage who knows if you will see me. You know about Rajans mom. Toasty says I think we all know about her.

Dadaji yells and asks when the tea will be made, otherwise he will go to sleep. ( oh God not this again!.) Toasty tells him its coming. She tells Nikki she's call her later she is busy. Nikki says wait can you come with me to the parlour. She says she can't, ask Smita. She's to busy and there is so much stress cause of Prachin and Pitaji just came back after a month. Nikki says he just came back. Toasty notices that the milk has spoilt. She tells Nikki she will call her later. She calls Gyan and gives him 100 rupees to but more milk as it has spoiled. Meanwhile she will get the tea ready again.

Back to the Sharmas

Toasty's dad is talking to Nikki. He is excited about the marriage. After he hangs up Toastys mom asks why he didn't give her the phone. He says that Nikki was busy and she will call later. Toastys mom says okay but why did your expression change. He says Pitaji is back. Toastys mom says so, I'm not afraid of him. She starts angrily dusting. Toastys dad tells her to calm down. He says I think Pitaji has come back after so long, we should go meet him. Her mom says you are crazy, after all that has happened you still want to go back to that house. Toastys dad says just leave it, this kind of stuff happens. He says it takes years to make a relationship and one second to break it. ( so true!). We need to take care of our relationships. Be ready by the evening and we will go. She says I will not go. He says if God can't win against women, how can I. She says what. He says nothing and goes to take a bath.

Back to the Chaturs

Gyan is reading the paper to Dadaji. He says Libya has a lot of problems. Dadaji says why do they have toilet problems too. . Chedi asks why the tea isn't made. Pashu says who knows, it's already 8 and the tea isn't ready. Dadaji says is there some special tea being made today? Toasty says it's coming.

Pashu says how can we open the store if nothing is ready, cause that's all that someone cares about. Toasty comes with the tea. Chedi tells her to watch the time. She says sorry, the milk was spoiled. Dadaji says you didn't put it in the fridge? She says she did but I think it's broken. Even the dal was ruined. As the temperature increases, so do the problems. She says why don't we get a new one. Chedi says there is no need. We'll repair the old one. Tej says we have many times. And least time even the mechanic said its compressor is in its last days. There is no use to repair it anymore. Chedi says he works for the company. He just wants a sale. Peoples fridges last for so long. Ours only lasted for 8-10 years.

Toasty says I think its life is seriously over. A few times before the left over food got ruined. Chedi says why is there left over food. All this stuff is getting wasted. Pashus mom use to run the house without a fridge. Then nothing got spoiled!. ( this guy is nuts!). She use to make food 3 times a day. She use to boil milk 3 times a day. Remember Dadaji. It's not about the fridge, its about your working style. You should know how to do work.


Ved tells Pashu that Pitaji know realizes that Tej is whipped. It's true, God is great. Tej is telling Toasty that he knows that Pitaji is made but he needs to realize too that he is to stubborn. I don't get what Pashu said at the end. If anyone knows please let me know.

Pitaji is back to annoying me now. What's his problem! Why is he treating Toasty like an outsider and why is her comparing her to Vimla. I mean come on! I bet she made mistake too. It's easy to forget that stuff. No wonder Malti use to get so annoyed when she heard her name all the time. I'm glad Tej stood up for Toasty. Toasty needs to stop getting mad at Tej when he does that. Pitaji needs to hear it. This guy is nuts! That's where Pashu gets it from.

Loved the dimple and prachin comedy though.

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