Monday, April 11, 2011

Baba Aiso Var Dhoondo 11th April 2011 Written Update

Kamala begs mridang to do this favor for his parents if not for bharti. Mridang nods his head & signals gau to come with him. Mridala go upstairs while the Lal family watches them go up. They both enter their room. Gau tells them that has he gone mad & asks him why he said yes to give the money. Mridang says who'll stop him from doing this & challenges her to stop him. Gau tells him that they've saved this money for themselves & tells him not to be emotional about saving bharti. Mridang says whatever is happening is due to gau & her stupid plans. He says he's doing all this to save themselves. He says they should be thankful that their names didn't come out otherwise they too would have landed up in jail with the charge of fraud case along with prakash. He says he'll give the money & clear his image in front of the family so that tomorrow the sword doesn't hang on their heads. He says right now the lal family hasn't suspected them but after a few days they will definitely ask him how come he didn't recognize prakash's fake parents & then bansi would throw them in jail. He says then she can stay in jail & count the money. He shouts out at gau to bring the money. Gau unwillingly goes & takes out the money from the cupboard.

Dhara is sitting & worried while murli is walking to and fro restlessly. Bhushan arrives there in a hurry & puts down the suitcase on the table & says the money is ready. The lal family also arrives at bhushan's house & veena gives the jewels to murli. Kamala goes & sits down with dhara & says nothing will happen to bharti. Murli takes them & puts it in the suitcase. Murli then asks bansi whether he's arranged the 2 lakhs or not. Bansi doesn't reply. Mridala also arrive there. Mridang hands over a small bag to murli & smiles. Gau seems angry. Murli opens it & sees the money & looks at mridang in a shocked manner & seems pleased. Murli puts the money in the suitcase. Dhara tells murli to call prakash.

Prakash is watching the weather forcast on TV. The FF says no news about them which means they haven't informed the police. Prakash tells FF to switch off the TV. Bharti is wondering where they are. Prakash looks at her & says a man has to do a lot for his wife. He says murli loves her a lot & will do anything for her. Bharti looks disgusted. Prakash's mobile starts ringing. He sees the name & says it's murli calling. Bharti looks shocked. Prakash tells FF maybe murli has called to bargain with them to lower the ransom amount. FF tells prakash not to lower the amount. Prakash says they're ordinary band players how they will arrange the amount.

Prakash picks up the phone & the conversation can't take place as in the background there is a loud noise of a train passing by. Bharti realizes that they are somewhere near a railway station & wishes that murli will hear the sound of the train & will track them down. Murli tells him he has arranged the money & asks him where to bring the money. Prakash gets shocked & tells FF that how come murli has arranged the money so quickly & decides to increase the ransom amount. He tells murli now he wants 10 lakhs before tomorrow morning if he wants his wife back. Murli says he had never expected prakash would stick to his words. Murli says how he will arrange the money. Prakash cuts the phone.

Murli tells everyone that prakash has now increased the amount to 10 lakhs. All are shocked. Gau says if only prakash comes in front of her, she being ramji's bhanji will kill the other monster just like her ramji killed the monsters & winks at mridang. Dhara tells bhushan to arrange the money right now as she can't wait for tomorrow morning. Bhushan says by now the banks must be closed so where will he bring the money from. He says he's brought whatever was there in the house & factory. Dhara breaks down. Kamala & sudha place her on the sofa. Bhushan tells dhara not to worry as he'll arrange the money at any cost.

Murli says it's of no use. Bhushan then asks what they can do. Murli says what happened after arranging the money right now. Murli says prakash increased the amount & says there's no guarantee that he won't increase the amount once 10 lakhs is ready tomorrow. He says what if prakash does something wrong to bharti or amit. Dhara looks shocked at murli. Murli realizes this & stop his sentence. Murli goes down on his knees in front of dhara & tells her not to worry. He says he had broken their trust before & pleads her to trust him once. He says bharti knew about prakash & it was them who didn't believe her & that is why bharti is in trouble bcoz of their fault. He says it's his responsibility to bring amarti back & assures dhara that he'll bring them back at any cost. Bansi says nothing will happen to their daughter. Damroo also tells dhara that nothing can ever happen to his friend.

Murli asks dhara whether rupesh is arriving in the evening or not. Dhara nods her head. Murli says before he returns they have to track down prakash & then they'll bring amarti back in front of prakash. Mridang says how is it possible to find prakash in such a big city & that also without the help of police when they have no clue at all. Murli says they can't take the help of police as prakash has warned them not to inform the police. Murli suddenly remembers the sound of the train & says he has the clue. He tells bansi that when he was talking with prakash he had heard the sound of a train passing by which means they are somewhere near a railway station. He tells mridang that they'll start searching the railway stations first. Mridang seems happy. Bharti is showed tied up & murli ready to execute the search plan. The scene splits in two halves - bharti & murli. The episode ends on bharli's face.

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