Monday, April 4, 2011

Pratigya 4th April 2011 Written Update

A repentant Krishna comes and sits near a unconscious Pratigya, He watches the light of his world lying there without any response, without any moment is overcome by anguish, Holds on to her hand and pours his heart out to the oblivious Pratigya ..Krishna implores Pratigya to open her eyes,blames himself for Pratigya’s condition .Krishna says that it would be acceptable even if Pratigya just stayed alive, she did not have to talk to him, she did not have to laugh with him All he wants is to see her , even from a distance..that will suffice and he can go on that strength alone.Krishna says that he feels incomplete without her, he is unable to take a step without her..continuing his outpouring, Krishna pleads with Pratigya to trust him one last time, Krishna accepts that Pratigya has always believed whatever she has said, He just asks her to trust him one last time…Krishna promises to get work, earn honestly ..he is even willing to do laborer’s work return all he wants is for his Pratigya to open her eyes.. ** Pratigya lies there , sound asleep unheeding of the voice emanating from Krishna **.


Sajjan Singh is all ready to retire to bed, when The angry middle aged man , the fiery Inspector stomps up to sajjan Singh, demanding his audience..the ever obliging Sajja Singh** particularly if it is Police **politely covers the yawn the spring out , looks benignly at the inspector.comes closer to the inspector and enquires whether there is any special reason for such late night .The Inspector thunders that he did not come to play cricket at night ** I made this up** He came bec there was a strong reason , The Inspector says that it had come to the knowledge of the law that Krishna singh tried to murder his wife Pratigya and that instead of informing the police like good Law abiding citizens, The family were actively suppressing it..The inspector taunts that They think themselves very clever, but the arms of law are very long< he orders Sajjan Singh to call Krishna, caustically tells him whether he has hidden Krishna anywhere…A sajjan singh , A Polite Sajja Singh , whose eyes holding enuiring look changes hue to hold a cold,implacable angry glint..keeps a check on his temper , tells the Inspector ingratiatingly that what happened was an incident arising out of the action’s of young blood…Sajjan Singh invites the Inspector to have a seat and partake some nourishment** Makkan, eh ..Hummi’s dept **..but the Inspector refuses to be mollified , Sajjan Singh then changes his tactics, praises the Inspector’s abilities , informs the Inspector that he, Sajjan Singh is quite influential right from commissioner to the minister level..and in future the Inspector will be needing his help to further his career..Sajjan Singh extends his one hand as in friendship, makes money moments out fo the other …wanting to know whether the Inspector wants his help on the career front or the Money as a gift..the Inspector opts for his friendship and progression in his career..tells Sajjan Singh , he call upon this words..Sajjan Singh smiles and replies that he will surely help him out..The Inspector leaves adn Sajjan Singh’s smile turns to smirk as he contemptuously waves his hands in dismissal…


** They started with silent prayer, then shloka recitation and today a full blown Bhajan, Aakhir hamari Guna kya hai **..Morning finds the Saxena’s deep in singing, Dadi is singing for the well being of Pratigya ** The voice of a young lady comes out of the throat a 70 year old Grandma ** ..
After a few seconds Nainaji takes over with same unchanged voice ** Psst, nainaji ..u r supposed to sing for the early recovery of ur daughter, y r u singing so happily **..The camera cuts to Thakur house where we see the Thakur’s engaged in the similar exercise.. Both the houses complete the prayer without any mishap …


An exhausted Krishna has fallen asleep, a healthy looking Pratigya opens her eyes , rotates her eyes all over the room { The ventilator is gone},her throat is parched and she runs her tongue over the dry lips ..she turns left and spots the head of her Krishna resting on the bed, A soft smile plays around her lips briefly ..Pratigya tries to lift her hand to caress his hair..but is unable to do so, she tries it with another hand..that hand also refuses to obey her….Just at the precise moment, in walks a vision in white , The Nurse wishes Pratigya pleasantly…Krishna wakes up on hearing the voice, jerks wide awake, notes that Pratigya has opened her eyes..reproaches himself for nodding of enquires whether Pratigya is allright, ..Pratigya is unable to speak, assures him that she is alright ..The Nurse tells Krishna that she needs to inject Pratigya at a special spot and cannot do it in front of him, requests him to leave the room.. A mulish Krishna refuses to go , but one look from Pratigya, Krishna melts and leaves….As soon as Krishna leaves , The nurse starts prepping and at the same time recites the dialogues she had learnt from dialogue sheet..The nurse begins her recitation ** 3,….2,…1…** ” You are lucky to have loving husband like him, cannot find such person’s anywhere , He stayed up the whole night without even taking one single wink “..Pratigya listens to this silently …The nurse injects Pratigya , comes out and tells a caged Krishna that he is free to go inside..

Needing no second urging Krishna dashes in, goes quietly towards Pratigya, sits on the chair..holds her hand..tries to control his turbulent feelings..appears to have a semblance of control , Krishna says , why ?? why did you come in between? I know that you came to protect me from law ** Since you know, why do you ask ..Saxena hawa lag gayi kya ** .But did you ever stop to think about me, did you think what would have happened had something happened to you , I can put up with ur lecture, ur anger, ur indifference even ..But I cannot stay without you ..I am a bad Man, babu ..I committed a Sin , Please forgive me !!..Krishna begins to cry, while Pratigya looks on ..Just then ** like kabab mein haddi’s ** walks in Shyamu Saxena. Shyamu saxena comes in heartily enquiring how is his darling daughter Pratigya. The darling daughter finally unzips her mouth and replies that she is alright..Shaymu and Aarushi beam in delight ** Uh-Oh…danger in future days ** Shyamu tells Pratigya that you are one lucky girl to have a man ike Krishna in ur life…Amma and Kesar intrude into this happy family picture..Amma comes forward, sees a conscious Pratigya and immediately offers her prayer to Gods..Amma sits on the chair , conveys her happiness and also her taunts in the same breath..Amam says that Krishna went berserk y’day , am happy to see u conscious now but also tells her that all this happened bec of that single slap …

Amma has brought food for Pratigya , tells Pratigya that she will be needing all the nourishment to get her strength back ** A fact which escaped Shyamu’s reasoning power ** Amma is on the verge of unpacking it, when Amma discovers that she has left the jar containing milk in the jeep itself..Amma tells Krishna to fetch the jar, Krishna refuses to step away from Pratigya , Amma teases Krishna , Krishna still refuses to go..Aarushi volunteers to get the milk and walks out , Kesar eyes follow her moments with worried eyes ..

Aarushi comes out of the hospital ,walks towards the jeep..only to stop dead in her track..For there sitting jauntily in the jeep, drumming his fingers happily on the steering wheel is her former/ex-husband Shakthi Singh..Aarushi is nonplussed for a moment, then walks forward to get the milk from Shakthi’s stretched Hand, Shakthi is in a playful mood, As soon as Aarushi comes nearer, he places the milk on the other side,invites her to get it ..An irked Aarushi goes to the other side to get the milk, but is halted by Shakthi’s hands wrapped around the jar..Aarushi manages to get the jar and is moving to the ward, when Shakthi starts his teasing..Shakthi wants to know why she did not come to play Holi at the Haveli,Shakthi with whom did she play with..An incensed Aarushi turns and shoots him witha fiery glare..Shakthi immediately protests saying taht Aarushi is scaring him and that Shakthi is terrified of the look she gives, then gives a devilish smile, tells her that her glare is quite attractive….Shakthi then fires his next salvo, Shakthi wants to know with whom did Aarushi play Holi and where was she on the day of holi, instead of being at home..Aarushi comprehends that it was Shakthi who visited her and begins to walk away..An irepresible Shakthi callls out wanting to know what was unattractive about him…


Sajjan Singh and Krishna are having a heart to heart chat ..Krishna softly seeks permission to seek a favour from Sajjan Singh, A affectionate Sajjan Singh places his hands on Krishna’s shoulders and tells him to ask..Krishna hesitantly asks Sajjan Singh for some Money, Hastens to add that , Sajjan Singh may consider this to be a loan amount and that he krishna will repay every single penny..Krishna says that he needs some capital to start business ..Krishna requests Sajjan Singh to help him one last time….


Dear Friends, Sweet Ladies, wonderful girls, Silent Readers & all mkapians………

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