Friday, April 1, 2011

Pratigya 1st April 2011 Written Update

watchable for the dialogues of Kesmma and Sajjan Singh !!

Sajjan Singh hobbles up to a waiting shakthi who has put up tent outside the Hospital, Sajjan Singh gives a short Sharp whack on Shakthi’s head, Shakthi shies away like a recalcitrant lamb..Sajjan Singh reprimands Shakthi and scolds him him for his callous attitude , deriding him for not coming inside to check on a family member who was fighting for her life.Shakthi mumbles and behaves like a Naughty child caught with his hands in the cookie Jar.Krishna arrives after playing Holi with his younger brother ** Looks like it was one hell of a Holi** glances quietly at his elder brother, tells his father , that a man who tried to murder will never care for the life of another , walks off from the scene..leaving a guilty looking Sajjan Singh and his protege ,an unrepentant Shakthi.

Krishna goes inside the hospital, Amma sees the disheveled condition of Krishna and anxiously enquires the reason for the Mud bath appearance..A eager Chandu wants to know whether Krishna taught the cur Radhe a befitting Lesson..There is a moment of discomfort when everyone realizes the implication’s..Shyamu saxena steps forwards and Krishna is thanked solemnly , Shyamu praises Krishna saying that his timely act of installing Generator saved Pratigya’s life..A smile of relief shows itself through all the gloom on Krishna’s face…As if on cue …The Doctor comes out , announces that Pratigya is out of Danger and tells them one can stay with the patient and others have to leave cos it is the hospital policy ..Nainaji immediately pips up saying that she will stay with Pratigya but she had not reckoned on an ardent Krishna who declares that he will be the one to serve the Sleeping Beauty.Nainji tries to sweet talk him into submission , but Krishna remains a rock ** He only melts if it is Pratigya**,,Nainaji accepts her defeat gracefully.


The Saxena’s come into the house and each retire to their respective corner’s ..All get nostalgic at the same time and began to think about Pratigya’s pre marriage days ..Shyamu who had deceived us all this week fulfills his promise..He sits on his favorite corner of the bed and goes to full on vibration ** Yayyy !! Richter scale goes berserk **..The kind director gives us an uninterrupted 30 mins vibrations ** It seemed that way,Sachi main **..Nainaji is filling the buckets ..Adarsh has knit his eyebrows and is busy knitting sweaters for next year’s harsh winter


Sajjan Singh and Kesmma are having a Chai drinking session..Kesmma utilizes this opportunity to lather a few layers of Butter on Sajjan Singh..Kesmma Starts by saying that never in the whole world has she seen such a good people like the Thakur’s ..Sajjan Singh sardonically interposes a question wanting to know what sort of man did she think he was …Kesmma is like an unleashed tornado , words gush out like water rushing out of Niagara..Kesmma says that even though Amma does not like Pratigya, for Pratigya’s well being she prayed to god, has promised gifts to Gods ..Not even a morsel has passed the lips of Amma since Morning ..Kesmma stokes the fire saying that All this happened bec of the younger daughter in law Pratigya…what was the need to blow up a small matter into a big issue ..Let me tell You , Brother Sajjan Singh..This Pratigya is not a good Girl..she is lying on that bed..and has filled Krishna’s head and heart with nonsense and is making him dance to her tunes..Let me tell you , This Pratigya will divide the house …Sajjan Singh who had been listening to this glib talk with a ironical smile, breaks his silence, informs Kesmma that agreed Pratigya did not adopt to this house and become a good Daughter in law , but our Pratigya has been an exemplary wife, she loves my son Krishna very much and I love my Son Krishna very very much, that is why I got him his love , even though she was outside of our community..and look at her..she is keeping Krishna Happy ,Look at Thakurain and Pratigya ..they keep their men happy ..But How would you know that asks SS could not keep ur husband by your side,,Kesmma grimaces as the barbs hit home.

Sajjan Singh is in full flow..Look at my eldest son, your daughter’s Husband..daily evening he leaves the house and goes in search of happiness..I am getting tired and have given up hope of ever reforming him..and why does he does so..bec of your daughter..Your daughter neglects him , does not care for him , avoids him ..treats him like a stranger ..Kesmma gives a shame faced smile under this onslaughts assures Sajjan Singh that now that she has come, she will make everything right between Kesar and Shakthi, Kesmma admits that she too noticed the strained relationships between Shakthi and Kesar and blames that it is happening bec Pratigya is filling poor innocent Kesar’s ears with rebellious talks..Kesmma says that now that she has come..she will make sure that Kesar become the same old loyal, dutiful wife and daughter in law..


The saxnea’s are all set to retire for the night , when there is a knock on the door..Adarsh goes and opens the door..standing out side on the door is a posse of policemen..They come in, The inspector demands to know the identity of Professor Saxena..Professor steps forward and enquires the reason for the nocturnal visit..A tense Adarsh looks on ..Inspector wants to know whether it was his daughter Pratigya who was shot ..Saxena admits to the fact. The inspector wants to know who shot Pratigya.. Shyamu saxena fumbles, stumbles replies that it happened accidentally..The Inspector is not taken in by this fibbing and sternly demands to know the truth from Shyamu..A hesitant Shyamu blurts out that it was his Son In law Krishna who fired the shot..A petrified Nainaji tries to stop him….Shyamu is more terrified of the Inspector than the leaky faucet , Nainaji..Inspector thunders that it is wrong of them to hide the truth and charges them to do their duty and stand by law..Shyamu blurts out that it was his Son in law who shot his daughter and that it was not intentional and happened accidentally ** eeliyo, kardiya na sab kuch sathyanash **..the inspector is still clueless regarding the identity of Krishna, he enquires the whereabouts of Krishna..Shyamu stays silent , After glancing at his father, Adarsh replies that Krishna is the son of his father in law Thakur Sajjan Singh..The inspector finally realizes who Krishna is ..and proceeds towards Haveli to extract full information.

After the departure of Police, An annoyed Komal takes her father in law to task, she is astounded at the stupidity of her Father in law , who does not even understand the simple fact that one never tells the truth to the law enforcement agency….A sheepish and guilty Shyamu tries to justify his stance saying had it been his own son he would have not hesitated to state the truth ** we shall see ** and besides Shyamu points out that one day or the other the truth had to come out ..** Really, I very clearly remember u advicing ur daughter Pratigya to lie thru her teeth to Krishna regarding the Angad issue, where were u then , O torch bearer of Truth **.Komal is looking at Shyamu in deep annoyance..


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