Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pratigya 12th April 2011 Written Update

A twist in the Tale !!!

Kesmma is already to drink the Poison ** I am willing to bet that the Poison will not have any impact on her already Poisoned Heart ** .The Weak willed Kesar can not bear this sight, stops her mother , throws out the poison from her Mother’s grasp ,AGREES TO CO_HABIT WITH SHAKTHI…Pratigya is shocked and is bent on escalating the prevailing tension when Kesar states quite emphatically that she is willing to give a second chance to her marriage..Sajjan Singh tells everybody to zip up their lips and orders them to go to their respective room..Kesmma envelops Kesar in her arms and gives a triumphant smile ..Pratigya walks away slowly .. ** P. It’s Kesar’s decision..Accept it and Move on **

Insomnia At Mumfordganj

A happy Komal and a Gloomy Adarsh are lying side by side on the bed..Komal is saying that she feels happy that she finally got to have her own kitchen ..She feels as if she got her own home, She wants to know whether Adarsh is happy with this move..Adarsh plays the Party Popper,replies that Division of Kitchen should not have happened ..Komal gets irked , tells him heatedly that she has tried a lots to fit in with this crowd with spectacular failure , moreover she can’t see her husband insulted every day, she warns Adarsh never to think of Uniting the Kitchen..On this glorious thought Both go to sleep.


Nainaji is preparing Breakfast, when a fully dressed Shyamu Saxena walks in with his arm extension , The bag and the helmet.. Shyamu comes to take leave of Nainaji * He is going on a war..War against Unprincipled, unsanskaari ppl ** …Nainaji being a conscientious wife offers him breakfast to sustain him in the battle, The virtuous Saxena declines it , fully confident that he will win it on his oratory powers alone..Nainaji offers him his packed Lunch..Shyamu Looks at it and takes it reluctantly ** Don’t worry, She has not poisoned it **..A few seconds later Adarsh walks in, checks his side of the Kitchen ..discovers the empty vessels..knits his brows and stands deep in thought…Nainaji notes him in that attitude, configures that Laadla wants his breakfast, offers him one..Adarsh is on the verge of breaking bread when A freshly showered Komal ** Looking Pretty BTW** comes in apologizing for not waking early..Komal offers him Apple in lieu of Breakfast ** Ah!! Eve tempting Adam with the Apple ** Adarsh accepts it ..and walks away from Momma’s apron …Nainaji watches this interplay scandalized..


Pratigya is stirring the boiling pot …Kesar comes in offers to help Pratigya , Pratigya refuses politely.Kesar then seeks apology from Pratigya for betraying her..Kesar acknowledges that Pratigya has stood by her like a rock, in fact Pratigya is the sole reason why Kesar is still alive today …But At the Same time Kesar says that she could not bear to see her Mother in distress, Kesar says that she knows that Kesmma was play acting but still she Kesar felt that she has to be the dutiful daughter and also the fact that Kesmma does not a have a good life and she, Kesar cannot provide for the child growing in her womb compelled her to arrive at this decision..Pratigya quietly and softly rejoins that She is fully behind Kesar and has full faith in Kesar’s judgment but she,Pratigya does not have an ounce of faith on the rest of the members..Pratigya reminds Kesar that anytime she needs help , Pratigya will be there ..Kesmma who was passing by overhears this , saunters into the kitchen, Tells Pratigya not to fill rubbish in Kesar’s head, tells her to stay away from Kesar cos Kesar’s mother is there to take care of Kesar’s well being and also orders Pratigya not to meddle in other People’s affair ** You might as well tell her to stop breathing ** ..Pratigya goes slack jawed and watches Kesmma dragging Kesar away from Pratigya .


Krishna is at his Adda with his two disciples conducting an interview for the high pressure job of Cook..Lined up in front of him are few Martyrs who have come willingly to face Baba’s wrath ..in case they fail..First to face the firing Squad is a Guy named Ram Something who grandiloquently declares that he was a cook in an hospital and can prep a dish for 10 people out of a single Potato and promises huge profit for the Dhaba ** What should be the size of Potato**..Krishna takes a look at him, says that he looks like a waif who will get blown by a strong wind and calls for another Candidate to step forward..Another one, A Non-veg Specialist steps forward and lists out the dishes he cook..Krishna asks whether he can cook Choley Bature..The Cook replies that he will learn ..Krishna gets exasperated and takes it out on the hapless Chandu ..the interview goes on and on with Krishna rejecting everyone…just when the interview is getting over ..A huge man with a pot belly vouching for his love of food waddles in with a strainer resting on his shoulders like a Mace ..This Guy comes in enquires whether this is the place where Cook’s interview is being held ..Tunna sarcastically says that no, this is the place where they have congregated to play games..then confirms the Big Guys query… The Big Guy says that he has lots of experience in cooking and has even gone abroad..Krishna is not interested in his resume..gets up and goes closer to the Cook.. enquires whether the cook knows how to cook Chole bature cos if he fails to do he, Krishna will be doing a Leonardo DA vinci on the Cooks’ mountanous stomach ** Hmmm..Might take months **..the Cook hastily assures him that his Chole bature’s are so tasty that the patrons will bite off their fingers licking them , he even offers to provide demonstration ..A Happy Krishna makes him the Head Cook….

Machiavelli SAJJAN SINGH

Amma is stunned and puzzled by Kesar’s u-turn vis Shakthi ..and is pondering over it..A overconfident Shakthi simply asserts that Kesar being a dutiful wife could not withstand for long and she succumbed to the Society and to his charm..Shakthi looks at Sajjan Singh for his support regarding His views..Sajjan Singh looks at him in disgust ..when just then Kesmma comes in ..Sajjan Singh welcomes her warmly and is eloquently praising her..Seeing the quizzical looks of Shakthi and demanding looks of Amma ..Sajjan Singh explains that all the things that happened downstairs was part of his scheme..he had explained to Kesmma at her native place .Sajjan singh along with Kesmma had enacted this drama to get Kesar to stay on in Haveli voluntarily and Kesar fell for the trap..Sajjan Singh is happy and relieved that his Grand Son will be born in his manor… Amma is stunned and squeaks out that you did all THIS !! Sajjan Singh smugly acknowledges.. Sajjan Singh looks at Kesmma , tells her that you have made me happy .. and he says that Kesmma is free to ask whatever she wants..Kesmma replies she does not want anything now ..but will ask when time comes and Sajjan Singh must Give..Sajjan Singh nods his head happily while Amma is looking as if this promise is a recipe for disaster


Komal is frying 3 fish on her stove , Dadi comes in is shocked by Komal’s desecration of Her Kitchen..tells Komal to stop frying the fish inside the house..A reasonable Komal replies that she is frying the fish on her stove and she is not even touching their stove or their vessels..She sweetly tells Dadi not to over do her acting.. Nainji and Aarushi look on..

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