Mangroo thinks to himself, he could not manage to give good foods to his children, but now giving them poison. He then mixes those leaves with the "kheer". Kulfiwala's mother, champa and kulfiwala are going when kulfiwala's mother recollects everything happened with them in phulwa's house, the intelligent old lady understands that something is wrong somewhere. she goes back to phulwa's home, seeing her kulfiwala and champa join her too
Mangroo and imarati are depressed, when Phulwa asks reasons to her father for behaving so rudely with chmpa's family.. Mangroo then somehow manages the situation and makes them ready to having the kheer . Mangroo has already distributed the kheer , whereas they are still in way back to phulwa's home.Mangroo says they all have the kheer together ..The children are justing going to have it , Mangroo stops them says first he will have it as he made it . He is going to have it when Kulfiwala's mother arrives and throws the bowl .Kulfiwala's mother says "Is it your responsibility towards kids" For these you have insulted us 'You wanted to kill Phulwa "Jis mein tumaheri jaan basti hain"Phulwa is shocked..Imarati is crying 'Cry
When Mangroo says"Hum kuch nahi kar sakhe" Disturbed Phuwla leaves the place ' She runs to neem But oh no! Someone had cut the neem 'Distressed phuwla becomes more disturbed .Phuwla starts crying hugging the ends of the tree .[watch out these scenes Jannat is superb, just outstandingClap]Just then Ramdai and sona(wicked witchesCensored)arrives .Sona says "See even the tree has left you alone"She then shows phulwa last leaves of neem .Ramadai says "You used sindoor and whole family is suffering" Phulwa thinks for her ,whole family is suffering ..
Precap: Chunni takes promise from phulwa that after panchayat , she will meet to chunni
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