Bharli finish their praying at the mandir and her departure starts by throwing rice behind ….. bharti is full of tears …neelam comes and says murli has accepted her with his true heart ,from here on there will be only happiness in her life and asks her to call whenever she needs her and they hug…. Next she goes to amit and says without his help she wouldn't have seen this day and asks whether he will be her friend always he replies that she is his loving friend and says she got back her family and they hug ..murli not looking happy at this…. Now its bhushan's turn he kneels down and says now he understands the role of a girl's father and feels sad at her departure bharti then says now his house is her maayka ,both hug with tears rolling down ….bhushan then stands up and asks bansi and his family to take care of bharti and says something like now he is the guardian of bharti so not to forget to share their problems with him in future….bharti then leaves with full of tears….
bharti finishes her ghirhaparvesh …kamla leaves with her aarti ki thali and bharti starts getting memories of how kamla applied oil on her head ,veena telling her she is her best friend ,dumroo saying something and how murli said he will be her good life partner….kamla comes back and takes everybody to mandir at their house …kamla says to bharli that today is the start of their new leaf of life so asks them to pray…..kamla prays today she got her lakshmi back and let this happiness of her family be forever…then asks bharti to lit diya and gives some explanation on why it should glow for all ten days and gives that responsibility to bharti….bharti then assures her of taking care of the happiness of this family ..murli smiles….
Everybody leaves from mandir and bharti slips while walking..murli catches her , some romance is going on with "lala" sound music at background ….all have noticed it and starts teasing them…..gau starts asking for muthikai ki rasam … murli chimes in and says have all these rasams later , today so much has happened so he wants to meet bhushan chacha now to see the damage caused by fire ..and he leaves,kamla & bansi are somewhat shocked…bharti is completely crestfallen ..dhara also not happy by noticing bharti…
Now sudha,veena ,dumroo all three take bharti to her decorated SR room…bharti starts admirimg at it….. then some fun talk between veena and dumroo goes on….as they leave bharti stops sudha alone …. Sudha understands what must be going on her mind,she asks bharti to forget whatever she said about murli & says now murli is only yours and yours….bharti with tears says she is so good twice….sudha turns and walks off and starts crying once she is out of room..epi ends at her tearful face….
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