Monday, April 4, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 4th April 2011 Written Update

Deshmukh House
Manav saves Savita from fire and he asks her how it happened .Savita blames Archana and says that Archu tried to burn her .
Savita tells the whole episode of how Archu also made Gulab Jamuns despite of Savita too making it and how Archu pushed savita and she got hurt ....
Damodar immediatley speaks up and tells Savita to stop talking this way for Archana and even Sulochna says that Archu can never do something like this ...
Manav asks Archana to speak up if Savita is telling the truth or not but Archana stays quiet letting Manav believe that whatever Savita is saying is the truth ...
Manav is besides himself with anger .....
Manav : You could have killed Aie because of your stupidity and stubborness. What is it that you want ? I am with my mother today because I want to make her happy , not to give her pain.. Why did yo udo this ? He screams .
Savita ( crying ) : She did this because she knows that you still love me and she is jealous of our love ...She knows that yo u want to live with me and she cannot digest this and is trying to put me down but if she does it again then I too will burn her ...
Savita is crying a lot and Manav hugs his mother and she hugs him back .Both mother and son and standing there hugging each other ......and looking at them Archana who was quiet all along , smiles .
Archana thinking to herself : This is what I always wanted .... Now on one can ever seperate the two of you again ....

Manav's room
Manav is terribly disturbed and he is sitting all alone ...
Archana comes in the room and she tries to tell him her side of the story .He is too angry to listen to her ...
he tells her that she did not say anything when he asked her in front of everyone and by doing this she proved that she is wrong and even his trust in her is wrong ....
He says that she has broken his trust and behaved in a way that he could never imagine ....She tries telling him but he tells her that he is too angry to talk to right now and walks out of the room .....
When he leaves Archu says to herself that she has hurt Manav so much even if it was not deiberate on her part and she feels terribly guilty about it ...

The Family Room
Archana's family is sitting quietly with Damodar .Manohar tells his family that maybe they should leave now as the party is over ....
Sulochna excuses herself for a moment as she has wants to talk to a few people and Varsha and Vaishu say that they will come with Satish ....
Suddenly Manav comes out of his room and he is about to go out of the house .
Savita comes out of her room and she stops him .
Savita : wait Manav , I want to talk to you.
Manav : Not now Aie , later .He is too upset to talk and walks out ....
Savita goes back to her room ...
Sulochna goes in savita's room .
Savita is sitting on her bed with sachu .
Sulochna : What is all this Savita tai ? Why are you doing this to yourself ? It is so hard to recognise you any more ..I don't know what you will achieve with doing all this but this is all very wrong ...I am afraid that when yo uwill finally realize your mistake , it might be too late .
Why are you not answering me ?
Savita : I do not wish to talk to you ....she tells Sulochna with a flat face .

On the rooftop .
Manav is sitting alone in the dark .He is looking extremely depressed .
Satish comes and sits next to him ....
Satish : Why are you bent upon hurting yourself so much ?
Manav : My own people are hurting me . If anyone else had tried to hurt me then I would have accepted it , but Archana ...She has really hurt me so bad .
Satish : I can understand that yo u are depressed and confused but I will ask you to stop being so depressed right now . You have two options ...either keep it all inside yo uand just stay depressed this way or the other option is to go to Archana and talk to her and ask her why this happened ...It is your decision to do what you want ...
But I will have to say one thing here ....Archana can never hurt anyone knowingly . It may look as if she is doing wrong but there could be a very good reason that she is doing all this because of something good . Please talk to her ...and even after all this yo uthink she is wrong then forgive her ...please .I am talkign from experience .I forgave varsha after her mistakes and now we are so much happier and we understand each other much better ....I want yo uand Archana also to be happy together please talk to her ..

In Manav's room
Sulochna and Archu are sitting down and Sulochna is talking to her daughter ...
She is telling her daughter that the way she is going could be very risky and eevrything can go wrong for her and a glimpse of that she saw today .....
Sulochna : Why are you doing this Archana .This is driving everyone so unhappy .I wish yo uhad stayed in your life with manav and savita tai was happy in her life here ...
Archana : No , no one was happy . Aie had left her will to live , she would not eat , cry , laugh or even fight ....She was dying inside .I wan tthe old Savita back who used to live , laugh and even fight .
Sulochna: Have you gone crazy ? Savita will make your life hell and will create so many problems for yo u.
Archu : No , I don't have a problem with that ... all I know is that the day Manav gets his old Aie back , he will be very happy . And to me nothing in this world means more than Manav being happy .
Sulochna : Bu tthis cn effect your relationship with manav .He was so angry with you .
Archu : I should have taken him in confidence ....Don't worry I will never let anything spoil our relarionship .I have Manav back after so many prayers and I will never let anything take him away from me ..please trust me ...

The Rooftop
Manav is sitting alone and Archu comes to talk to him ....
he is very upset and is not even looking at her .
Archana : I know yo uare angry with me , please don't be ...I hate it when yo uare angry with me ..I will tell you the truth ....
I was deliberately making Aie angry because that was the aim of my mission ...When I came back to this house and she threw my stuff out , then only I decided to exactly what she would hate .....When yo utold me about sachin's birthday I opposed yo uto have a party because then I had seen Aie standing and listenign to us and I knew that as soon as I say somethign she will do the opposite .So this is why she decided to do the birthday and it made her happy and she was planning the party . Then again I deliberately said that I will make all your favourite things because I knew that she too would do the same and she did ...
The only place where I went wrong was that accidently her saree pallu caught fore .I had no idea that could happen must trust me please ....
Manav : you should have told me ..You invited your parents without asking me ..
Archana : No Manav , it was your mother who invited them , not me .... She invited them but forgot about this ....
Manav : Then when I asked yo uwhy did yo unot say it then ..
Archana: because I ddin't wanted to make Aie unhappy then ....She was so happy and then had she found out that she was at fault , she would have become irritated and her good mood could have turned bad .....This would have embarassed her so much , that is why I took the blame on myself ..
Manav is speechless now and he just doesn't know what to say .....

Manav : Please forgive me Archana .You were doing all this for me and my mother and look at me ....I am sorry .
Archana : Please don't say sorry to me .You were being a good son was your responsibility to do what you did .... I had to hide this because otherwise we would never have achived what happened today ..
Manav : What do you mean ?
Archana ; Did yo unot see that your Aie trusted you again .She talked bad about me to you .....She was complaining about me .She was saying all this to you with so much right ....She was her old self again , isn't this what you always wanted , she smiles .
Manav is feeling so bad now that he closes his eyes and he sits down .....he looks truly touched and moved after hearing what his wife had to say to him ...
Manav : I am so sorry Archana .I am a wretched human being ...I love you so much .I will never mistrust you again ...Never ..he is feelign terribly guilty for mistrusting his wife and is about to cry .Archu hugs him and tries to make him feel better ..
Archana : Even when yo u get angry with me , I can see your love .That is why I love you so much .....

Precap :
Savita has packed all of Archana's stuff in a suitcase .Manav comes to her and asks her what all this is about .
Savita : Beta , it is dangerous for us if this girl lives in this house .that is why she has to be thrown out right now .I have packed all her stuff because of this .

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